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View Full Version : GNC or WPSA on same dates

12-31-2006, 08:15 AM
Ok guys & girls.I am putting in my calender all the dates for GNC & WPSA along with my district 6 racing to semi plan out my year. Any of you racers out there & pro's included, who are you going to choose?? Maybe why also. Iam a B racer moving upto A class after a couple of early month racing, & will be choosing District 6 1st, as long as the tracks at Sleepy & DMX are redone QUAD friendly. Hoping to race nearby by GNC & WPSA to get aliitle more exposure & riding time. However I knowthere are a lot of quad riders out here who ran GNC all over the country & now with the WPSA really going heavy, which one will it be?? Thanx &
Happy New Year Wade & Ken

12-31-2006, 08:34 AM
im a b racer probably racing wpsa and probably the last lorettas, only becuase i havent raced at any nationals yet

12-31-2006, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by quadracer707
Ok guys & girls.I am putting in my calender all the dates for GNC & WPSA along with my district 6 racing to semi plan out my year. Any of you racers out there & pro's included, who are you going to choose?? Maybe why also. Iam a B racer moving upto A class after a couple of early month racing, & will be choosing District 6 1st, as long as the tracks at Sleepy & DMX are redone QUAD friendly. Hoping to race nearby by GNC & WPSA to get aliitle more exposure & riding time. However I knowthere are a lot of quad riders out here who ran GNC all over the country & now with the WPSA really going heavy, which one will it be?? Thanx &
Happy New Year Wade & Ken

i would choose WPSA. I am starting off in C beginning next year, but will be in B after a few races. I am doing combined. Which ever is closer, is the one i will be doing. I will probably only do about 3-4 WPSA's and 5-6 GNC's

01-01-2007, 08:19 AM
only 2 guys racing ???

01-01-2007, 02:18 PM
You would be suprised how much money it takes to run 3-4 wpsa's and 6-7 nationals. ...

01-02-2007, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by FHKracingZ
You would be suprised how much money it takes to run 3-4 wpsa's and 6-7 nationals. ...
aint that the truth...

01-03-2007, 05:24 AM
i went through 800.00 bucks in two back to back weekends this summer doing the taylorville wpsa and the walnut national!!! and i stayed in a friends rv at the walnut national! they r fun events to race but the money u go through is crazy!!!

01-03-2007, 06:20 AM
travis is that including the strippers we got :eek2: :eek2: hahah i wish ! :D

01-03-2007, 09:11 AM

01-03-2007, 12:07 PM
WPSA for me!!! To hell with the GNC's!!!! All they care about is themselves and Doug Morris needs slapped upside the head!!! I'll say within the next 2 years....the ATVA GNC's will be like a ghost town!!!

01-03-2007, 02:03 PM
Im gonna do the WPSA and Nats. The WPSA mostly and try to get top 5 in points.

01-03-2007, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by laeger2fiddyr
i went through 800.00 bucks in two back to back weekends this summer doing the taylorville wpsa and the walnut national!!! and i stayed in a friends rv at the walnut national! they r fun events to race but the money u go through is crazy!!!

I am brand new to racing national type events, but I am racing the entire WPSA series in 2007. I am definitely prepared to shell out a whole lot of money, but I had a question....
I've heard from a few racers that you spend roughly $800 per event...is that an accurate amount and is that money mostly gas??? I plan on camping out each event, so I would not need hotel money.

01-03-2007, 07:13 PM
$300 to $800 per National is not out opf the realm of reality, if you account for gas, food, lodging, entry, etc.

Our budget for a national race is $500 minimum! and that doesnt take into account any thing we break :p

01-04-2007, 05:30 AM
yeah its atleast 400.00, but last summer fuel was outa control! but entry fees's, fuel, food are a big part of it, and that is counting on not breaking anything! at the taylorville wpsa i spent about 200.00 bux just getting into the gate and entry fees, and i ran one class!!!!

01-04-2007, 10:57 AM
travis clean out your inbox. so i can send you thos pics lol

01-04-2007, 12:22 PM
We spent on an average 800-1000 for each national event(if all went well and nothing broke). And that really depends on entries also, some nationals entering 3 classes can Really add up quick. That takes in consideration of fuel(for the RV) food, RV pump out, entry/gate fees, tolls, race fuel, tires, maintence items, and maybe some change for some strippers:devil: thats a given though:D . It all adds up qucik,esp on the longer trip nationals. We arent far from Budds, so of coarse that was alot less expensive for us. But the majority of others were in that range.


01-04-2007, 06:04 PM
Thanks for the info. guys! I was expecting it to be about that much. Now, I think it's about time to ask my boss for a raise! :p
Hope to see some of you at the WPSA's!