View Full Version : Good offseason workouts

12-27-2006, 09:36 PM
Just wandering if anyone had any good off season workouts as well as in season workouts. I am not looking to gain a lot of muscle, I am just trying to improve stamina and strength for the whole moto. Any help will be greatly appreciated. By the way I'm knew to the site but I love it so far.

12-27-2006, 09:45 PM
Running is a really good idea. Anything that has to do with cardio is a big help. I run 3 miles every day at 8 mph on the treadmill and it has helped out alot. Do any excersize that works your forearms. Get an ice cream scooper with the little thing you have to push to get the ice cream out and push it about a million times a day with your thumb. Consistency is key. Make sure you make yourself excersize everyday. I try to work for about an hour and a half everyday.

12-31-2006, 08:30 PM
I dont work out, but my first outdoor race last season kicked my butt. Temps dipped in the twenties, the wind blew hard, and for the first time i got arm pump. I found it useful to curl a small dumbell with my wrist for my hour drive to and from school. And I was fine by the next race fatique wise. Temps were warmer, so I dont know if it worked or not, but im sure if you have a boring drive that it wouldnt hurt to try it.

01-07-2007, 06:01 PM
Running really isn't that great. Not saying its a waste of time! But sport specific training is very important and during riding you're using a lot more upper body(so you need upper body endurance) and running doesn't do that at all. The new Moto TST program is proof of how important sport specific training is. I don't know if you've heard about it, but check it out. The program has nothing to do with riding technique, ONLY you're body and training, and its I think about $3500!!!!

It's hard to describe but I do a "full body" cardio circuit thing about 3 days a week. It's not technically atv riding specific but i do work a lot of stuff that I would riding. I do each exercise for 1 minute, straight to the next for 1 minute and so on for 5 exercises, then do 5 rounds total of that with 1 minute rest in between each round, which makes 25 exercises total, taking about 30 minutes. I do several different things: Mountain Climbers, Sprawls (kinda like Up-Downs), 8 counts, a lot more but they are all MMA oriented drills. One thing I just added to it is body squats, I thing they would help if you think about how you ride, squating back and forth on either side of your seat in corners.

I also lift but not too often anymore and I usually keep in kinda light...

To test that cardio circuit I do, I ran my first ever harescramble just a few weeks ago after doing the cardio for about 3 weeks straight, it was a 2 hour race and I felt just as fresh at the end of 2 hours as I did at the very beginning, outside of the blisters on my hands :mad:

Anyway, there are SO many things you can do, just think about what parts of your body you use while riding and use them while training. Even if you're not doing the perfect workout, something is better than nothing.

Good luck!