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View Full Version : Break in suggestions..

12-27-2006, 04:45 PM
I am getting my warrior motor back from being rebuild.. The only thing I have had done different is a 10.25:1 wiseco piston put in it.. Now what I need to know is how to break this motor in correctly..

12-27-2006, 06:24 PM
start it, bring it to temperature, vary the throttle some, turn it off. let it cool completely. Start it again, vary throttle somewhat higher, up to temperture, shut it off,let it cool completely. Drain oil and new filters, put new oil and filters in. Do the same break-in cycles(heat, let cool down 100%) 2 more times, give it some more gas. On the last cylce, ride it not hard, but not easy. change the oil again and filter and then let it rip. This is how I break-in my bikes, I have very good luck with them doing this. I also, start them up, bring to temp and shut it off, let it sit 10 minutes, bring it to temp and then ride it, everytime I ride. My top ends last along time doing this.

12-27-2006, 06:35 PM
There is 100 ways to do it but for stock engines and basically stock engines like yours this is what I do.

Just ride the trails. diffrent Vary the RPMS. Don't beat in it but don't lug it ether. Do that for a cou ple tanks and you will be good. Also make sure you let it warm up to tempature and cool down all the way.

northwest Texas
12-28-2006, 04:53 PM
Everyone has their reasons for what and why they do it their way.

Your rings won't seat until they've had a load on them. Babying it for an extended period won't allow that.

I'd take it easy for about 20 minutes and let it completely cool down but then after that, ride it like you want it.

I just rebuilt mine and had never messed with a new cam before so it was a "new" experience for me there. But any other engine, mostly 2 strokes, I've rebuilt, I did as described.