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12-27-2006, 03:07 PM
what would cause a piston tp crack up the skirt towards the pin on both sides. its on the intake side where both cracks are goin up. will post a pic later.

12-27-2006, 03:17 PM
Being worn out, usually. The clearence gets to big and the piston rocks in the bore and the skirts sometimes will break off , but before they break off they crack, just like yours did.

12-27-2006, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by regg187
Being worn out, usually. The clearence gets to big and the piston rocks in the bore and the skirts sometimes will break off , but before they break off they crack, just like yours did.

Man, I couldnt have said that any better myself, you pegged that one.

Sometimes, not a lot though you run into the problem of piston speed, high rpm, exceeding what the piston can stand then the vibs take over. Like when a women sings in that high voice & can crack glass.

12-27-2006, 05:17 PM
Yeah, that one comes from experience , a 75 cr125 elsinore and about a mile push home... good thing I was 14 then!!

12-28-2006, 10:44 AM
That sure brings back some old memorys, 125s & 250s.
That 125 ever load up on you when you first crank it & have to lay it on its side & hold it wide open to clear it out, then it would rev up. The ol 250s never had that problem.
Was just something about that orange & chrome color skeem that caught your attention.
How about the 250 Elsinore street bike Honda offered for two years, that was sweet.

12-28-2006, 04:18 PM
I had the Al Baker up pipe on mine, the whole pipe was one part, no seperate silencer, it was part of the pipe. but yes it would load up so bad. another neat trick with that bike was you could put the carb slide in 180 deg out ,and the cap would go back on easy. wouldn't fire though so you had to bump start it... instant WFO. broke my parents garage door that day!!! lol

wasn't the street issue the MR Elsinore? I only saw a few of those , but they were cool!

12-29-2006, 10:12 AM
Your probably right on the MR, I dont remember that. I do remember them being black in color, a brownish type of black & matt finish not glossy.

If memory serves me right, I beleave along that time the Army was useing them or the Marines in services.