View Full Version : Looking for some advice on a pulled/torn muscle..........

12-27-2006, 08:03 AM
I was playing b-ball sunday and went to chase the ball down a hill and tried to stop suddenly to pick it up and a very painful sharp pain went through my quadricep (thigh). I waited until last nite to see if it would get better but it's still just as swollen and still just as painful. I went to the doctor and he just gave me crutches and some pain pills. I don't go back to work until the 2nd , im hoping it's healed by then. Just wondering if anyone has had experience with a pulled or torn quad. How long does it take to heal.

12-27-2006, 07:23 PM
I pulled the ligaments (guess its the same thing) in my ankle and my knee. With my ankle I was out of soccer for about 2 weeks then wore a brace for about 3 more months.

With my knee I just had a brace on it for about 1 week and then I was riding again. still hurt and sometimes my knee gives out today but it didn't take long to be able to do work again.

Ruby Soho
12-27-2006, 07:51 PM
i pulled a muscle or something in my lower left back, playing football i believe. xmas eve, so ive been taking it easy and its getting better, i advise you do the same

12-28-2006, 07:41 AM
i just pulled a groin muscle lastnight playing Water polo. Damn it hurts.