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View Full Version : What is a good laptop?

12-24-2006, 11:13 AM
Im getting a laptop in a couple months, but I was just wondering what a good brand and model is.

Ill be taking it to college so ill need something with a built in wireless internet thing (whatever you call them haha) that I can walk around campus and/or my house with internet access.

I used to game alot and id like to get back into it. So I need something with a big screen and one that has good speed and wont lag during my games.

Thanks for your help guys,
BTW this took 5mins to post because of whatever is going on to the site. Thats dedicated:D

12-24-2006, 11:35 AM
if i was you, i would wait as long as you can, because new technology is comming out all the time. If you get it now, next week your going to be out dated, and ready for a new one.

with that said, im pretty sure intel is working on a quad core processor. I would probably wait for that, i dont see it being to far in the future...
When buying a computer, especially a laptop, get the most you can afford, because its really hard to update a laptop besides getting ram and maybe a hard drive.
If your doing games, your going to need a graphics card, i would say 256mb would be good, just about any brand, and i recommend a 15.4 widescreen monitor for laptops. Not to large, you can still carry it around, but still pretty big.

Wireless wise, any new laptop will have a wireless card, its the norm now a days....

i would look at dell first, they usually have some sweet deals going on, and i know alot of people swear on newegg.com they have some sweet deals also. Check around, bestbuy, circuit city, whatever. Toshiba's are nice also

12-24-2006, 12:46 PM
if you dont mind mail in or electronic rebates check out tigerdirect.com

12-24-2006, 02:37 PM

macbook. :D

12-24-2006, 03:16 PM
wifi(wireless internet) is nice when it works. some places require you to pay for it, some airports, hotels, etc... i got the verizon wireless card, not all it's cracked up to be, but better than nothing and as a rule of thumb, if you can get cell phone reception you can get on the internet.

always double check with the manufacturer on specs as i've been told that the major retail stores order computers to their specs so they can offer them at discount prices. not sure thats true but do a little research on a particular model, won't take up much time, and then you know if it's the same.

12-24-2006, 03:21 PM
brother got a ACER laptop......works awesome, 3 yr warrenty.....seems damn good!

12-24-2006, 03:54 PM
go with an acer..best bang for the buck

12-24-2006, 05:31 PM
I just got my Dell InspironE1505 for christmas. I really like it. It has all the options that are available on it. I got it over the 1705 for portability. It has the Duo Core Processor which is pretty fast. I like the hi-def screen, DVD burner, everything. Everything wireless on this computer is bluetooth. I was going to wait untill the summer in case something new and exciting came out, but no matter how new and great a new computer is its gonna be obsilete in a few months, so i went ahead and got one.