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12-23-2006, 11:12 PM
im sure all of you have seen the big yard snow globes, well my mom let our little dog out and about 2 mins later i heard a scared bark. So i go to the door and see some kid running up to our big globe, popped it and by the time he was running away i was out the door and off our porch chasing his a** down, well the driver was at the stop sign and he had the door open for him. so i was about 5 foot away when the guy jumped in the car and they took off. but the bad part is my adreneline was pumping so much that i didnt even think of getting the license plate. so we called the cops and we weren't the only ones but i guess i gotta wait and see if anyone at my school says anything.

my main reason is why do kids my age have to destroy peoples property?

sorry had to vent, cause im so mad

12-23-2006, 11:27 PM
Some poeple old or young are just plain idiots. I hope they catch the kids that destroyed you decorations.

12-23-2006, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by Doober
im sure all of you have seen the big yard snow globes, well my mom let our little dog out and about 2 mins later i heard a scared bark. So i go to the door and see some kid running up to our big globe, popped it and by the time he was running away i was out the door and off our porch chasing his a** down, well the driver was at the stop sign and he had the door open for him. so i was about 5 foot away when the guy jumped in the car and they took off. but the bad part is my adreneline was pumping so much that i didnt even think of getting the license plate. so we called the cops and we weren't the only ones but i guess i gotta wait and see if anyone at my school says anything.

my main reason is why do kids my age have to destroy peoples property?

sorry had to vent, cause im so mad

Did you see what type of car it was? I'm sure if you ever saw it again, you'd recognize it.

12-24-2006, 07:16 AM
yup if you live in a smaller town look around for the car....revenge is the sweetest joy next to gettin...well ya know ;)

12-24-2006, 09:31 AM
yea it was a grand prix 2 door dark colored i got that much, i just wanted to get my hands on that kid, but ill be on the lookout

12-24-2006, 10:02 AM
find the car then follow them somewhere like lunch and jack up their car and leave it on cinder blocks

12-24-2006, 10:13 AM
yea find that car and just say you popped my globe so im gona pop your tires :D

12-24-2006, 04:48 PM
Was he your size or could have of turnerd around and took care of you then and there?

12-24-2006, 05:22 PM
go hunting for the car and put a note on the windshield that your looking for them to scare them.. and get the license plate number ;)

12-24-2006, 05:46 PM
on one hand thats funny on other hand i would of ripped them out of the car and beat there asses