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View Full Version : Tube under water pump!?

12-22-2006, 11:06 AM
hey guys i just was thinking about this the other day and the day i got my quad this tube under the engine on the right side under the water pump after a long ride i use to come back in the garage the next day and saw a drop of water/oil or something on the floor right under this tube... this is the day i got it... i have never saw this tube let anythign out and never lets anything out duiring riding only seems to happen when sitting... my coolant has never left the mark it is at now which is in between H and L.. but i touched the tip of the tube and i notice it was coolant very little.

any idea

has this ever happened to anyone.

i have heard its from the water pump, instead of it going into the tranny oil? it goes out threw there if anything gets by the seal.. now i have also heard that when the engine is warm the seals get tighter and work there best and sometimes when its cold and it sits some coolant might pass during sitting or the firs few minutes of run time unitl everything expans and when the qwuad is sitting cooling....

any truth this this, a good known mechanic told me this.. he also said the small amount of coolant coming out of the tube is nothing of a concern, unless alot is dripping and u have to fill the coolant tank.. also he said alot of people mistake this tube as a , "its there to tell u something is wrong" which is incorrect he said , its there to let excess coolant that goes threw the seal out instead of in ur engine which is a good design and he said that of course it can tell u that the seal is bad when it lets out alot of coolant but not the main prupose.


12-25-2006, 11:45 PM
I believe it is part of the weep hole. The weep hole allows coolant to drip out of the pump housing instead of into the impeller shaft bearing. There is a seal leaking for sure and instead of letting it settle into the shaft bearing and so on, it drips out of the hole.

It is not a normal thing, even just a little. There are two reasons it doesn't leak. *1- when the impeller is moving the coolant, it doesn't have time to seep past the seals. *2- the seals will expand and seal better.

However, neither of these reasons should be used to not fix the problem. Seals should not "just leak" because they are cold. The coolant is getting past a seal that obviously should be happening. It will slowly eat away at your impeller seal faster than normal and eventually ruin your impeller bearing. If you are not going to change anything than at least keep a very watchful eye on the amount coming from it. If not fixed, it will drip faster and faster, that is a promise. I have not worked on quad water pumps, however I have worked on a few truck pumps and seen what happens as time goes on.:D

12-26-2006, 07:20 PM
in the honda manual they call the black hose, a drain hose? can it be for the same reason.i drain it outta the bottom bolt on the waterpump. how can u drain coolant outta the hose??thanks for comments just been hearing that a little is normal.but i see what u mean and it makes sense any more info.

12-26-2006, 08:41 PM
I don't quite understand how the "drain" works. When I changed over to Engine Ice I tryied draining it from there, took the bolt out, and go nothing coming from there, but it did drain out the bolt hole go figure. I haven't had anything come out of that hose nor have I found anything on my garage floor.

I drained it through that lower bolt hole, or at least that's where it came out of lol. You can keep an eye on it, I don't mean to freak you out. Also, check the lower bolt to make sure it's not loose, kind of dumb but you never know.

12-27-2006, 08:23 AM
The hose is connected to a "tale-tell" hole or at least that is what I have always called it. It "tells" you that the water pump seal is bad. If it is coolant, than it is a simple fix, about $5 and 15 minutes. If it is oil that is a whole new monster because you have to remove the side cover. I know the 04' Yamaha's were real bad about this if they were left in cold weather (>32) and not warmed up some how before starting, how do you warm it up without starting :confused:. Bad thing about it is that if it is leaking it can go completely at any time. If you are WFO and loose all your coolant it's not going to be pretty.

12-27-2006, 07:22 PM
it seem like alot of people have this problem on the 06 i guess. i have seen a couple people i have asked on trx450r.org have the same thing leaking and my freind with a brand new quad like mine does it too.is it a known problem or something