View Full Version : Global Warming?

12-17-2006, 04:49 PM
What are your guys opinions on this topic?? Of course with Al Gores recent movie there is more awareness but how many people saw the movie and decided to go trade their escalade for a hybrid. I know I watched it, thought to myself wow I wonder what the world is going to be like in 50 years, got into my gas guzzling V8 and drove home. Do you think its as bad as they say it is. I don't 100% see that human activity can really cause such a drastic change in CO2 levels. Pinatabu put out more CO2 into the atmosphere then human activity so is this Global Warming actually just natural and following the ongoing earth's cycle? And do you think CO2 thickening the ozone layer is actually a problem or is the real problem man-made chemicals such as CFC's or chlorine depleting the ozone layer?

I also think that even if we figured the problem was 100% real would we be able to get an industrializing country such as china to follow our trends?

I don't fully believe in global warming caused by humans but I guess you can't fully rule it out.

Give me some of your opinions.

12-17-2006, 06:03 PM
i used to think it was bull **** but now i belive it we usualy have about a foot of snow here by now but it 55 now and we havent got hardly any snow its pissen me off

12-17-2006, 06:06 PM
Yeah I used to think its all talk but when its the 17th of December and I can run around in shorts and a short sleeve shirt, somethin aint right:huh

12-17-2006, 06:07 PM
ya no snow here yet either, and im loving it. sucks driving to work or anywhere for that matter in the snow. guess if my punched out cat and gas-guzzling v8 are keeping it warmer, i'm going to keep on running it!

12-17-2006, 06:10 PM
Global Warming is NOT what is effecting the temperatures. That is weather patterns. From 2007-2012 we are going to experience very low snowfall amounts in the east coast. From 2012-2016 we are going to experience record highs following the trends in the chart. It has been warmer then this before in December.. many times. Global Warming can't come on as quickly as a few years because we had record snowfall in 2002 or 2003. El Nino also plays a role in the warmer then usual temperatures we are having now: all natural.

12-17-2006, 06:10 PM
dude i am watching this movie in science right now lol Al Gore is pretty damn smart

Mc. Muffin
12-17-2006, 06:11 PM
AHH............. I'M BURNING

Seriously where all going to die from heat one day :macho lol

12-17-2006, 06:15 PM
I'm not sure if you guys realize what I'm trying to get at here. Global Warming isn't saying its going to get so hot we are going to die of heat its basically saying that the icecaps are going to melt and the oceans are going to become less salt concentrated because of fresh water, make the oceans rise almost 50 feet and then freeze causing an ice age.

And I don't believe Al Gore is smart. He is a politician not a scientists. He just put out what scientists have been trying to say for quite some time and made lots of money off of it.

12-17-2006, 06:21 PM
same here in S.C. it was 72 high 68 low today. I was running around in my neighborhood on my four wheeler in nothing but shorts. :D I did go ride in our trails i had a helmet and shirt on at that point, but still it was 60 last we were drag racing down our road after all the adults got drunk. Mine was the fastest between a recon, rancher, eiger, and an eagle scooter.:D I still had a shirt and helmet on tho it be a t-shirt its was still a shirt. I actually kinda like it being warm. The earth ain't gonna flood in our lifetime nor my kids or there kor there kids ids or or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or theor or there kids there kids re kids or there kids or there kids or there or there kids kids or there kids or there kids or there kids... ect.

12-17-2006, 06:23 PM
Originally posted by blasterandy
The earth ain't gonna flood in our lifetime nor my kids or there kor there kids ids or or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or there kids or theor or there kids there kids re kids or there kids or there kids or there or there kids kids or there kids or there kids or there kids... ect.

They estimate by 2050 the arctic icecap will be completley gone. So you would be right if you posted this around 1000 years ago.

12-17-2006, 06:23 PM

12-17-2006, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by elementryder

12-17-2006, 06:28 PM
there are scienist that think this is a cycle of the earth thow... like the ice age..it just poped up and bang everthing is frozzen

12-17-2006, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider

WTF is that sposed to mean?:huh

12-17-2006, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by elementryder
WTF is that sposed to mean?:huh

It means I agree with you

12-17-2006, 06:47 PM
I guess we'll know for sure when we're all living in Antarctica, no matter where we are on the map.

12-17-2006, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by mx428
I guess we'll know for sure when we're all living in Antarctica, no matter where we are on the map.

yep and then EVERYONE is gonna drive a gas guzzling 4x4 so they can get around in the snow...seriously though this is something everyone should think about, now that thats said im gonna go cruise around in my diesel guzzling powerstroke...

12-17-2006, 07:42 PM
Im looking forward for that iceage:)

I hate heat:scary:

12-17-2006, 07:51 PM
:ermm: Well guess what us quad guys will be having the most fun :D 4uck yea snow racing everyday :) that would prolly get old quick :( , :huh i seriously doubt that the ice cap will be gone by 2050. They have also said that we were going to run out of oil and gas in 1985 but that seems not to have happened. It also if we were to run out of gasoline the aliens that landed in Roswell will help us find an alternate energy source,but really I was watching this thing on discovery last night and they were talking about Pangea Ultima where all the contenents come together to join one. And it said by 100,000,000 years the ice caps would both have almost melted away. then 250,000,000 years the contenents would be conjoined. Let me tell you, you couldn't melt all that ice in 50 years look at a picture on a map that place is massive. yea it maybe melting but its a long time in comming. I personally think atvs will be the first thing to use hydrogen fuel cells. They are pretty much perfect for the job. Small, stable, and useable and simple. Don't let the bum on the side of road turned scientist tell you this. Anyone can have their theorys. Like NASA faked the moon landing, Roswell, Chinese Roswell(i.e. disks), Noah's ark in Turkey. For Gods sake if you belived everything you saw. I guess everyone would think that the Titaninc was blew up by a nuke, hunters shot an angel, Sadam cloned himself, and a baby from the Titanic was found floting in a life jacket, my point being that there is so much conflicting info, that there is no way for us to really know.
Wow, What a pointless argument.:D

12-17-2006, 07:55 PM
:huh Like i don't think i wrote enough. :D :D

12-17-2006, 08:23 PM
Did he ever catch manbearpig?

12-17-2006, 08:27 PM
:eek2: I hate pigs. My World Cultures teacher has a fetish for them. Never heard of that one but it sounds awsome

12-18-2006, 12:05 AM
In all honesty, I think we as the people of the world will blow ourselves up by then. :scary:

Franky G
12-18-2006, 03:15 AM
I dont like to say this but you Americans are causing all those problems on the earth right now !!!! Hello ! WAKE UP :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

12-18-2006, 04:00 AM
Did he ever catch manbearpig?


i am by no means a scientist. but it seems to me that if in fact the earth cycles through warm time and cold times, (ice age) it would be a naturally occuring theme. the first ice age, if one believes in it, was obviously not caused by a-holes driving around in their polution causing cars, trucks, quads, etc.... seems like it must have been just a natural thing that happened

so why is it now thought that because of all the polution that "global warming" is going to cause the next ice age???

doesn't quite add up to me:confused: :blah:

12-18-2006, 04:03 AM
I dont like to say this but you Americans are causing all those problems on the earth right now !!!! Hello ! WAKE UP

EHHHHHH...... blow me!

:devil: lmfao...belittle our govt if you must, but leave me out of it:blah: :macho

12-18-2006, 07:22 AM
You, should also try checking out urs sometime, they do abosloutly nothing to help with international issues(ie iraq) i have yet to hear my buddy talking about an iraqi that says "aye," :blah:. Don't ('belittle') ours because yours decides to take no action to better other peoples nations. However, I do recognize the help yours does give. It may not be man power, but the monitary suport you offer is invaluable. ;) Aye:p

12-18-2006, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by Franky G
I dont like to say this but you Americans are causing all those problems on the earth right now !!!! Hello ! WAKE UP :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Yeah, well, I don't mind saying ....Canadia is full of ugly women.

So there.....


12-18-2006, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by garandman
Yeah, well, I don't mind saying ....Canadia is full of ugly women.

So there.....


Hahahahahha. Damn that was cold :p :D :p :D :p ;) :D :p :D :p

12-18-2006, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by blasterandy
Hahahahahha. Damn that was cold :p :D :p :D :p ;) :D :p :D :p

Techically.... it was not "cold" so much as it was "stupid" ....just like his comment. :)

America is to blame for everything? Please.....

12-18-2006, 10:33 AM
Wow ... the topic went from Global Warming , to fighting in Iraq , to ugly Canadian women . :eek2:

First I'll address the Global Warming issue . I haven't seen Al Gore's movie yet , so my opinions aren't based off of watching his flick . CFCs are killing our ozone layer . CFCs break down the Ozone which acts as a protective shield against UV rays ... like sunscreen on the skin ... it keeps us from burning . C02 in the atmosphere is not letting the heat escape . So basically we have more harmful UV rays comming in and being trapped in our atmosphere and not being able to escape ... the results ... The Greenhouse Effect .

Interesting fact . There is more water flowing out of the Arctic than ever before .... roughly 20 BILLION gallons of water is flowing down from the glaciers, a number never seen before .

Another interesting fact . It is believed that the Polar Bear will be extinct within the next 100 years because of global warming . Reason being , they have to venture out further for food and most have to swim hundreds of miles between seperated glaciers . Many of them end up drowning . Some are even venturing southward to areas they have never been before and are being killed by animals they have never had contact with before .

That's just a few little facts about the subject .

Now onto the War . If some of you guys think that only Americans are fighting these wars , then give your damn head a shake . Sorry we might not have tens of thousands of soldiers out there , but we do have a couple thousand .... remember we don't have the 300 million population you guys have !!!! We have soldiers fighting the front line in Afghanistan and guess what .... we have soldiers comming back in body bags also . So before assuming something , flip on another news channel than the all-american FOX News channel and you'll see what goes on around the world !!!!

Now onto Ugly "Canadia" women . First off , if you're going to try and insult , spell it correctly ... CANADIAN ... spell it out C A N A D I A N .

Secondly , I guess Playboy magazine has a different opinion than you , since a Canadian girl (Jayde Nicole ) is on the front cover of January's issue . But wait she's not the first to grace the cover . Who's the Playmate to be featured the most in the Magazine ?? Pamela Anderson ... 10 times .... Oh and wait , she's Canadian also .

Miss Universe 2005 ... Natalie Glebova .... another Canadian girl , born in Toronto Ontario .

But I guess Jayde and Pamela must be uglies since Playboy chose them . And the judges that chose Natalie must be blind since she was voted as Miss Universe . :rolleyes:

12-18-2006, 11:54 AM
here yall, my sister sent this to me this morning:



12-18-2006, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star

Now onto Ugly "Canadia" women . First off , if you're going to try and insult , spell it correctly ... CANADIAN ... spell it out C A N A D I A N .

Secondly , I guess Playboy magazine has a different opinion than you , since a Canadian girl (Jayde Nicole ) is on the front cover of January's issue . But wait she's not the first to grace the cover .

LOL.....Got one!!!!!!!! (reeling them in)

First, "Canadia" was intentional. :blah:

Second, my opinion was based on a drive thru "Canadia." I saw alot of battle axes.

But you miss the whole point. AS I said above, I was INTENTIONALLY using a broad, illegitimate generlization to highlight the broad illegitimate genralization that "America is the cause of all the worlds problems."

Who's the Playmate to be featured the most in the Magazine ?? Pamela Anderson ... 10 times .... Oh and wait , she's Canadian also .

Pamela Anderson (PSA) is a bowser who is mildly more palatable ONLY IF she has a bag over her head.

Even then, what isn't "bagged" is fake.

I have always suspected PSA was demonstrative of the ill effects of global warming.... I could be wrong.

Anyway, I wouldn't use PSA as the high water mark of Canadian beauties.


12-18-2006, 12:09 PM
Warming and cooling trends happen in nature, we are in a warming trend, when it gets too warm, ice melts and the the level of fresh water in the ocean rises. once they level of fresh water gets so high, the oceanic current that carries warm water from the equator north is disrupted. when that happens, a cooling effect happens, i.e. ice age. during the cool period the ice freezes again and the oceanic current starts again and starts to bring warm water north and therefore warms the world. its just a huge cycle.

12-18-2006, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by garandman
LOL.....Got one!!!!!!!! (reeling them in)

First, "Canadia" was intentional. :blah:

Second, my opinion was based on a drive thru "Canadia." I saw alot of battle axes.

But you miss the whole point. AS I said above, I was INTENTIONALLY using a broad, illegitimate generlization to highlight the broad illegitimate genralization that "America is the cause of all the worlds problems."

Pamela Anderson (PSA) is a bowser who is mildly more palatable ONLY IF she has a bag over her head.

Even then, what isn't "bagged" is fake.

I have always suspected PSA was demonstrative of the ill effects of global warming.... I could be wrong.

Anyway, I wouldn't use PSA as the high water mark of Canadian beauties.


Canadia might have been intentional on your part , but if you look at how some of the people on here spell , you'll notice that a LOT of these folks honestly don't have a clue how to spell it . It's been spelt Candia , Candians , Canadans , etc ... so what may be intentional for you , is actually someone elses ignorance to anything beyond their little 20 foot circle around them . Your intentional grammatical error was in the right place at the wrong time !!!!

But if we're generalizing right now , I could say what some people in Canada believe right now ... and that is that all our Canadian troops should be pulled from the battle field in Afghanistan and Iraq . It's not our battle ... nothing happened on Canadian soil to provoke us to be there . But in reality , the majority of the Canadian population knows why we're there ... and that is to help out a neighbouring country ... help reduce some of the stress put on American soldiers that have not been home for countless months . Help strengthen relations between the 2 countries .... especially after some of the chit that's gone on over the last couple of years ( no beef exports to the USA from Canadian farmers , softwood lumber issue and now the whole Passport thing ) .

Pam may not be the best looking to you , but apprently she is to the majority of the people that buy Playboy Magazine .... the MILLIONS of people that buy the mag . If she wasn't "popular" with the majority , then she wouldn't be the women to be featured the most in the magazine ... 10 times and counting ... no Amrician( ;) ) woman has come close to that number yet . :cool:

12-18-2006, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Canadia might have been intentional on your part , but if you look at how some of the people on here spell , you'll notice that a LOT of these folks honestly don't have a clue how to spell it . It's been spelt Candia , Candians , Canadans , etc ... so what may be intentional for you , is actually someone elses ignorance to anything beyond their little 20 foot circle around them . Your intentional grammatical error was in the right place at the wrong time !!!!

OK, point taken. The hellacious spelling on the 'net kills me too. ;)

Help strengthen relations between the 2 countries ....

Right.... and a good way to KEEP tensions hot is for some Canuck goober to say "America is to blame for all the worlds problems."

Like some Canuck goober just said, in this thread.

Pam may not be the best looking to you , but apprently she is to the majority of the people that buy Playboy Magazine .... the MILLIONS of people that buy the mag [/B]

I've always been kinda elitist as it related to Playboy.... always figgered Playboy was fer guys that can't get real chicks. ;) (I'm an old married fart, and free from the burden of having to get chicks. Found one that wants to stay with me. :D )

12-18-2006, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Wow ... the topic went from Global Warming , to fighting in Iraq , to ugly Canadian women . :eek2:

First I'll address the Global Warming issue . I haven't seen Al Gore's movie yet , so my opinions aren't based off of watching his flick . CFCs are killing our ozone layer . CFCs break down the Ozone which acts as a protective shield against UV rays ... like sunscreen on the skin ... it keeps us from burning . C02 in the atmosphere is not letting the heat escape . So basically we have more harmful UV rays comming in and being trapped in our atmosphere and not being able to escape ... the results ... The Greenhouse Effect .

The ozonosphere does help block some of the harmful UV rays. However UV rays hitting Oxygen splits the molecule, and the floating Oxygen atoms recombine with unbroken O^2 molecules creating O^3, which in turn replinishes the ozone layer.

The real reason for the ozone "hole" over the antartic? No direct sunlight (perpendicular to the atmosphere).. therefore less chance for sunlight to split the oxygen atoms, so less ozone is created, and/or needed.

Also UV light does not contribute to global warming. Infrared light being reflected back to the earth by carbondioxide does. However particulate emmisions counter this. UV-B & UV-C causes genetic damage not heat.

Also remember before 1958 there was no world wide network of ozone measurement. Infact anyone who compares the ozone layer today vs. previous centuries are using backdoor calculations to try to guess, because the ozonosphere wasn't even discovered until 1913.

In short, global warming and the ozone layer are not actually linked outside of the remote relation of changes in plant growth affecting carbon dioxide consumption.

Also our reduction in particulate emmissions since the industrial age infact is what has brought our temperatures back up. Our reduction in particulate polution in fact has promoted global warming.

Notice all comparisons are from turn of the century to now? ;) Remember all the particulate polution (smoke, sulfurdioxides, etc..) during that era?

Food for thought.Also.. if an Ice age happens every 100,000 years.. and the last one happened 4,000 years ago arent we only 4% of the way into the next cycle.. so we should be warming up, not cooling off, no?

12-18-2006, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by bwamos
Food for thought.Also.. if an Ice age happens every 100,000 years..

That is a theory. And I could have sworn I heard every 10,000 years from someone. But don't quote me on that.

12-18-2006, 03:05 PM
Ah hell if a ice age happens it just mean's we all get to ride the mx tracks with studded tires from now on :p

12-18-2006, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by bwamos
The ozonosphere does help block some of the harmful UV rays. However UV rays hitting Oxygen splits the molecule, and the floating Oxygen atoms recombine with unbroken O^2 molecules creating O^3, which in turn replinishes the ozone layer.

The real reason for the ozone "hole" over the antartic? No direct sunlight (perpendicular to the atmosphere).. therefore less chance for sunlight to split the oxygen atoms, so less ozone is created, and/or needed.

Also UV light does not contribute to global warming. Infrared light being reflected back to the earth by carbondioxide does. However particulate emmisions counter this. UV-B & UV-C causes genetic damage not heat.

Also remember before 1958 there was no world wide network of ozone measurement. Infact anyone who compares the ozone layer today vs. previous centuries are using backdoor calculations to try to guess, because the ozonosphere wasn't even discovered until 1913.

In short, global warming and the ozone layer are not actually linked outside of the remote relation of changes in plant growth affecting carbon dioxide consumption.

Also our reduction in particulate emmissions since the industrial age infact is what has brought our temperatures back up. Our reduction in particulate polution in fact has promoted global warming.

Notice all comparisons are from turn of the century to now? ;) Remember all the particulate polution (smoke, sulfurdioxides, etc..) during that era?

Food for thought.Also.. if an Ice age happens every 100,000 years.. and the last one happened 4,000 years ago arent we only 4% of the way into the next cycle.. so we should be warming up, not cooling off, no?

I haven't looked into the science of what helps replenish the ozone , so I'll take your word that what you said is true .

With that being said , when UV rays and CFCs interact , it causes the CFCs to break apart and form chlorine molecules . These molecules then attack the ozone . 1 molecule of chlorine can destroy 100 000 ozone molecules . SO basically the ozone has to replenish itself twice as fast as it's being destroyed to be 1 step ahead .

As far as calculating the ozone from years back , you're right , it's old calculations . But if a pattern shows that , with every year that they have been able to calculate correctly , there has been a decrease in the ozone , then it is safe to speculate that 100 years ago it was in a LOT better shape than it is today .

There's many ways to help with global warming and ozone depletion . First off , stop cutting down the Rain Forest . The Rain Forests help filter the C02 and give us clean air to breathe ... plus it helps to absorb a lot of heat . The more C02 that's absorbed , the less pollution is being sent out to the atmosphere to destroy the ozone . Secondly , stop destroying marshlands ... they also help filter pollution . An acre of Rain Forest absorbs 59 times more pollution than an acre that is bare . A marshland absorbs 69 times as much as a bare acre .

Then theres always the cutting of emissions from vehicles , factories etc . Less use to products that are known to cause CFCs , like aerosols , styrophomes , insulations and all those things .

12-18-2006, 03:51 PM
i have come up with a solution to this! not the global warming thing, i really dont give a hoot about that:devil: the canadian saying how america is to blame for the worlds problems.

all we need to do is send bush up there for a few months, then canada will be the cause for all the worlds problems:blah: the two countries will balance out, and we will both be hated by much of the world:devil:

hey, gotta shift the blame somewhere. so bend over canada:eek2:



just playing around. don't want to start another war or anything:chinese: :macho

12-18-2006, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
Ah hell if a ice age happens it just mean's we all get to ride the mx tracks with studded tires from now on :p
Hallaleua:o, why don't we end this. It has got to be the most utterly pointless thread.

12-18-2006, 04:14 PM

12-18-2006, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by blasterandy
Hallaleua:o, why don't we end this. It has got to be the most utterly pointless thread.

Just because you are like 14 and would prefer to talk about lolipops and acne problems doesn't mean that the thread is pointless. Just don't reply in here anymore thank you. :huh :rolleyes:

And to mxjunkie.. yeah it would be nice riding the ice with those studded tires but what kind of fuel are you going to use???

What is going to happen to the economy if new york city and many other coastal cities flood?

12-18-2006, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by I-7

What is going to happen to the economy if new york city and many other coastal cities flood?

We'll adapt. Human nature.

12-18-2006, 07:54 PM
Do you think we will have technology to prevent all of this in the future?

12-18-2006, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by I-7
Do you think we will have technology to prevent all of this in the future?

Maybe not prevent..But work with what's happening and we'll soon learn to live with the changes.

12-19-2006, 06:56 AM
Originally posted by Quad18star
[B]With that being said , when UV rays and CFCs interact , it causes the CFCs to break apart and form chlorine molecules . These molecules then attack the ozone . 1 molecule of chlorine can destroy 100 000 ozone molecules . SO basically the ozone has to replenish itself twice as fast as it's being destroyed to be 1 step ahead .

Both true and untrue. CFC and other Halogens when reacting to UV light in the upper atmosphere will have either a Chlorine or Bromine free radical atom break off. Not an entire molecule, jsut a single free radical. This free radical can not react with 100,000 O^3 molecules. That would be a O100kCl. That's one massive molecule. ;) I'd like to see the science behind this claim. Point me in the right direction here.

As for the rest I agree on most.

There has been a measurable decrease in the ozonosphere denisty.. however what they can't measure is the manmade effect vs. the natural cycle.

Also, our CFC/Bromine emmissions are very very low these days. When was the last time someone used Freon in a car? Aresol's are rarely to never used in spray cans anymore. Styrofoam only emits CFC's if you burn it, so don't. Not sure how fiberglass insulation creates CFC's. There's scrubbers on all factories, etc. I garauntee our CFC/Bromine emmissions output is a thousand times lower than it was 50 years ago.

Ozone depletion does not mean global warming. It means higher UV radiation which does not create heat. The "greenhouse effect" is from the atmosphere absorbing radiant heat from the sun (infrared). The highest comtributor to the Greenhouse system is H2O. CO2 is infact only 12% of the greenhouse effect. ;)

Keeping rainforests, and marshlands is always a good thing.

There's nothing wrong with looking after the environment. But, I do have a problem with all the doomsday quacks that are spouting off rubbish pulled out of their butts.

Some good reading on CO2 and global warming. http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/articles/V2/N22/C1.jsp Seems like a good unbiased site that actualy performs experiments instead of just coming up with theorys that aren't tested.

What use is a scientiic theory if you don't use it for expermentation?

12-19-2006, 07:11 AM
Oh.. and if anyone is actually interested in "facts".. follow the temperature data from the United States Historical Climatology Network.

Missouri: http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/data/ushcn/mo/mo.jsp
Texas: http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/data/ushcn/tx/tx.jsp
New York: http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/data/ushcn/ny/ny.jsp
Mass: http://www.co2science.org/scripts/CO2ScienceB2C/data/ushcn/ms/ms.jsp

Just change mo/mo.jsp to your state. example tn/tn.jsp for Tennessee.

Not many "warming trends" going on there.. lol.

This is Factual Historical Data.

West coast states are warming, however. You know the "clean states".

12-19-2006, 08:17 AM
bwamos ....


"Strong UV light breaks apart the ODS molecule. CFCs, HCFCs, carbon tetrachloride, methyl chloroform, and other gases release chlorine atoms, and halons and methyl bromide release bromine atoms (3). It is these atoms that actually destroy ozone, not the intact ODS molecule. It is estimated that one chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules before it is removed from the stratosphere (4)."

12-19-2006, 11:58 AM
I know I've heard that before.. but I haven't seen the data.. or the chemical reaction. BTW the chlorine atom will never "dissapear". ;) Only recombine to make another chemical.

Their numbers show that O3 atom to O2 atom ratio is 3:2,000,000.

Now a free radical Cl atom breaks loose. It has a 1:1,500,000 chance of finding an O3 atom before it hits an O2 atom and recombines into a very stable ClO2 (chlorine dioxide) atom. Note: this is giving it too good of odds.. because it has to find a "split" O3 atom and hit the O and not the O2 portion.

Now.. lets say that 1:1.5million chance happens and it recombines into ClO. Then UV breaks it back into Cl + O. Odd's are it's either hitting another random molecule stealing or gaining an electron back and recombine into itself.. or they both have a 1.5 million times each greater chance to hit an O2 atom giving you ClO2 & O3.

100,000 cycles.. come on. That in the statistical world is called an impossibility. Hell my calculator only goes up to 1:9.99x10^499 and it's much much higher than that. You'd have better odds of finding a needle in a haystack the size of Texas.

I'm not saying that we arent contributing to these problems. Obviously we are. But, it get's blown waaaaay out of proportion.

Oh.. and from the same EPA site http://www.epa.gov/ozone/science/sc_fact.html

Based on measurements of total inorganic chlorine in the atmosphere, which stopped increasing in 1997 and 1998, stratospheric chlorine levels have peaked and are no longer increasing. The good news is that the natural ozone production process will heal the ozone layer in about 50 years.

12-19-2006, 12:51 PM
I watched that al gore movie last week, it was thought prevoking. I don't know much about global warming but I'm confused. So we fack up the ozone, the ice melts, then we go into an ice age and the ice returns for a thousand years? So what's the problem? Snowmobiles will sell like hot cakes. What the fack is a hotcake anyways....

12-19-2006, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by rbgnwa45
I watched that al gore movie last week, it was thought prevoking. I don't know much about global warming but I'm confused. So we fack up the ozone, the ice melts, then we go into an ice age and the ice returns for a thousand years? So what's the problem? Snowmobiles will sell like hot cakes. What the fack is a hotcake anyways....

Ozone depletion and global warming are not linked.

Ozone depletion allows more UV-B radiation in potentialy causing damage to organic life and genetic damage.

Global Warming is mostly due to increased water vapor and carbondioxide in the atmosphere.

A hotcake is a griddle cake/pancake. ;)

I think dihydrogen monoxide needs to be banned.

12-19-2006, 01:31 PM
just my opinion

the idea of global warming is based on computer models. so computers figure out what could happen in the next hundred years. they predict weather with computer models, and they only give you 5 to 10 days in advance and that changes alnost daily.