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View Full Version : Rocky Hill Sunday ne goin?

12-16-2006, 01:19 AM
Any one here going to Rocky Hill tommorow the 17th? I had planned on going to mototown usa but oops it was TODAY the 16th! gotta work,so my backup plan is I'm gonna go to Rocky Hill and was wondering if anyone was gonna be there?:ermm:

12-18-2006, 05:53 PM
There web site says they are closing the quad track jan 1st.
Its going to be a bike track only.

12-19-2006, 01:44 AM
Yeah I know that. Still open for the week,but I went Sunday and it SUCKED!!! Can you say MUD. The bike track was perfectly groomed and in pristine condition. I lasted an hour and a half ,and left. I was the only quad for the whole time. As I was leaving a couple guys showed up,so I don't know how things worked out for them? I only went cause I screwed up on the day of mototowns practice.I thought mototown was sunday,but it was Saturday:ermm: Oh well.......