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12-15-2006, 10:45 AM
The wife just looked over and started rambling about Christmas. She looked a bit confused when I had to ask when it was:p I know its the 25th, but did not realize it was basically next weekend.

So she goes on and on as women do and then says what she really wants for christmas one year is for me to do all the shopping:ermm: I gave her a smirk and pointed to the computer and mumbled something about ebay express:p

This lead to even more ramblings from her about how I can sit there christmas morning and not let anyone know that I had absolutley no idea what we gave them for christmas:devil: Its a trait I told her, kind of like having a good poker face only different:blah:

So, who else pays little to no attention to what YOU gave Uncle Bob when he rips open his present:D

12-15-2006, 10:47 AM

I can name a few gifts that i know where bought, i'm not a total gump:p Id post them but the boys and a few members might see;)

12-15-2006, 10:48 AM
haha thats how my parents do all the time. Like for my cousins and step sisters and brother. I just have to pull off the "yeah no problem, your welcome" :p

I'd agree w/ you that women usually do all the shopping. I thought thats how it allways was lol. My dad deff doesnt do any shopping except for me and his wife lol.

12-15-2006, 10:48 AM
i usually have no clue..we draw names for my mother side...limit the gift to $25 and no gift certificates...every year, someone thanks me for something and there were a couple of times when i said you are welcome, what did i get you?

12-15-2006, 10:50 AM
I detest the drawing of names thing, how in the heck can you buy something for someone if you see them 1 day a year:confused: thank god for gift certificates from Outback

12-15-2006, 10:52 AM
My sister takes care of what we give to my mom. On Christmas day when we show up at moms house, my sister tells me how much money I owe her. My mom still thinks I'm one hell of a shopper.

12-15-2006, 10:57 AM
Haha.....I think that's how it is for all men when it comes to shopping...

Short story.........

A couple of months ago was my daughters bday, my friend and his girlfriend brought some presents that were from "both" of them.

So afterwards, my friend asked, "How'd you like what we got her?" Me, not knowing who bought her what replaies, "Sorry man, what was that you bought her?"

He says back "I was hoping you could tell me!" :p

We both just laughed after that.

12-15-2006, 10:57 AM
That's funny because that used to be me until this year.

I get to do the shopping solo this year. Luckily my daughter is the only one I have to shop for.

I guess I should've waited till after the holidays to show my wife to the door. Oops!

12-15-2006, 10:58 AM
we actually get together a lot...it was just that when my genreation started having kids(i was the third to have a 5th generation child). it go to be too expensive so we decided to draw names every one over 18 drew a name. as long ias it wasn't a parent, child or brother, you bought for that person...i went from spending a few hundred on the family to just $50, plus what ever i spent for the young kids...

12-17-2006, 09:45 PM
My dads side of the family we draw names and buy something for that person from a list they wrote out. Well I gave the list to my mom + $$$$ (since she shops and I don't) then she gets it.

So when my uncle said "Thanks Josh" I just say smile and say "your welcome" without even knowing wht it is:devil:

Guess I got him a gift card to gander mtn.:ermm:

12-18-2006, 04:43 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
The wife just looked over and started rambling about Christmas. She looked a bit confused when I had to ask when it was:p I know its the 25th, but did not realize it was basically next weekend.

So she goes on and on as women do and then says what she really wants for christmas one year is for me to do all the shopping:ermm: I gave her a smirk and pointed to the computer and mumbled something about ebay express:p

This lead to even more ramblings from her about how I can sit there christmas morning and not let anyone know that I had absolutley no idea what we gave them for christmas:devil: Its a trait I told her, kind of like having a good poker face only different:blah:

So, who else pays little to no attention to what YOU gave Uncle Bob when he rips open his present:D

i really do have an uncle bob!!!! lol....i have no idea what my parents buy for my cousins and aunts and uncles...haha...im just as suprised as they are!!! haha

12-18-2006, 07:31 AM
Man same here i think its more of a man trait. Any women that just don't care?That was a great explanation of why we just don't care, especially the poker refference. :D.

12-18-2006, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I detest the drawing of names thing, how in the heck can you buy something for someone if you see them 1 day a year:confused: thank god for gift certificates from Outback
thank god for gift certificates from Outback ......mmmmmmmm,I love me some Outback,Ken,you really shouldn't have:blah:

12-18-2006, 11:22 AM
I'm single so I'm screwed.. I have to do ALL the christmas shopping.

I only shop for all the kids though, so it's kinda fun. 9 total.

I spend a LOT of time trying to find a good gift for each kid. Something unique.

12-18-2006, 05:30 PM
think of it this way. if you dont know what you go someone its more exciting for you to haha. because you dont know what it is they got

12-18-2006, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by trx450jason
think of it this way. if you dont know what you go someone its more exciting for you to haha. because you dont know what it is they got

haha my mom buys a gift and puts my name on it for my sister and my sister buys a gift and puts my name on it for my mom.
:p :devil:

12-18-2006, 06:19 PM
I didn't know what I got my own brother until he opened it and showed me (we did Christmas at Thanksgiving since we won't see each other this holiday season). Heck, I only know 1 of about 15 things we got our daughter:D

12-18-2006, 11:22 PM
My wife is totally my PR person. She buys the gifts, she wraps the gifts, she ships anything that needs it. She books the holiday schedule on where we will be and when, and even picks out my clothes for me.

And, it's even gotten to the point that she doesn't ***** about it. I don't even actually have to decorate the tree anymore, I just have to be in attendance. So I grab a six-pack, and watch her string the lights and hang the ornaments.

She's a keeper.

I only shop for two people around the holidays. Her, and myself.