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12-12-2006, 09:03 AM
I was looking buying a new stator for my trx250R. I was just wondering is there any advantages to the the extra hundred watts besides brighter lights? Does this affect performance at all? I might hook up the stock headlight for a trail ride or dunes every now and then but other than I dont even run lights most of the time. So with that said would I be better off with 100w or 200w? thanks for your input

12-12-2006, 10:01 AM
I don't believe there is any advantage to the 200w stator vs. the 100w stator unless you are running lights. With the 200w stator you can run more or higher wattage lights and therefore have brighter lights (One side note: the lights with the 200w stator will actually be dimmer at low RPM but brighter at higher RPM)

Sorry for being long winded, but for your use (rare lights) I don't think there is an advantage.

12-12-2006, 10:07 AM
I don't believe there is any advantage to the 200w stator vs. the 100w stator unless you are running lights. With the 200w stator you can run more or higher wattage lights and therefore have brighter lights (One side note: the lights with the 200w stator will actually be dimmer at low RPM but brighter at higher RPM)

Sorry for being long winded, but for your use (rare lights) I don't think there is an advantage.

12-12-2006, 10:20 AM
First, you need to understand a little bit about electricity. A 200W stator CAN push more power, but that doesn't mean it ALWAYS pushes more power. That's not how electricity works.

Your stock light is 55 watts, and it will ALWAYS pull 55 watts, regardless if you have a 100W stator or a 200W stator, and be the exact same brighness. A 200W stator isn't going to push more power through your lights, it isn't going to make your lights any brighter.

In order to get more light from a high-output stator, you need to actually run brighter lights, like a pair of 75W lights (150W total). Think of it like a water valve. It doesn't matter if the water tank is 100 gallons or 5000 gallons, if the valve is really small, you only get a small amount of water flowing out. In order to get more water, you need a bigger valve, not a bigger tank. Your lights are the valve.

So unless you plan on getting a new set of aftermarket lights, a high-output stator won't do any good, but it WILL do harm (sort of). Right now, your lights are almost full brightness at idle with the stock 100W stator. That will change with a 200W stator. Due to their construction, they suffer low voltage at low RPM. It doesn't damage or hurt the lights, but they are almost completely dim at idle, and get to full brightness only when you rev the engine.

I have a 200W stator and I love it, but that's because I am often riding night missions at the dunes, I love the extra output. But they aren't for everybody.

12-12-2006, 10:38 AM
you guys have been very informative and helpful