View Full Version : Impact on Your Life???

12-07-2006, 04:04 PM
How big of a part does riding play in your everyday life??? Do Schedules revolve around your riding time? Or are you a weekend rider who rides whenever you get a chance??

I would say I ride when I can...but I LOVE every minute of it!!

12-07-2006, 04:06 PM
if I could I would rideall the time. But I cant since I live in the philly suburbs so the only seat time I get is during a race for the most part.

12-07-2006, 04:08 PM
When i was younger, like 12-16 it pretty much ran my life. Everything I did revolved around the next ride with all my buddies. Now that I'm going to college and working full time it has changed a bit. I still ride whenever I have some free time but a lot of my friends quit riding so it can get boring. I still race every weekend in the summer and try to get two days to practice for a few hours, and ride and race sleds in the winter. It's still a huge part of my life though, i miss the old days when 10 of us would meet after school everyday and ride until dark then wake up early on the weekends to ride all day.

12-07-2006, 09:29 PM

12-07-2006, 10:45 PM
whenever i have a chance im out with my friends at the dunes or just in the dirt or at the track...

once i get my liscense though...

thats a diff. story

12-08-2006, 06:33 AM
I would say riding and ATV's in general, is a huge part of my life. My husband and I, ride whenever we can, and our son is now getting into racing. We spend a good couple of hours in the garage every night. Also, my work involves ATV's too. Couldn't imagine life without them really.

12-08-2006, 08:13 AM
It doesn't play as big of a part in my life as it did before . When I was a bit younger ... I ate , slept and lived for ATVs ... everything revolved around it .

Now , I still enjoy riding and wrenching , but it's not my top priority anymore . After I sold my YFZ , I lost complete interest in the sport quad / racing stuff . The Grizzly gets used once in a while , but it's usually just for scenic rides . :ermm:

Family Guy
12-08-2006, 10:19 AM
Not nearly as much time as it once did. Now I am grateful to just get out and ride with my son. Just wish I had more time to ride.

12-08-2006, 10:25 AM
I have bought quad parts before finnishing house repairs and I had a new quad before I had a dinning room table....Does that mean I have to go to meetings?

12-08-2006, 12:49 PM
school, racing, and my gf are my top priorities on life. I have to do good in school to race, so i guess racing is #2 in my life. No matter what is going on, i always ride 3 or 4 times a week.

12-08-2006, 01:02 PM
When I was 8 - 13 it was the only thing I wanted to do. After that I started getting more interested in girls and my social life and then when I got my license I didn't touch another quad for many years because I was living at the drag strip. Got back into it in my late teens or early twenties but I sold my last quad year's ago and the interest has sort of faded. Although, I am interested in either getting a King Quad or a Rhino for more utilitarian needs.

12-08-2006, 01:17 PM
During winter I definitelly don't get to do it as much, but I still think about it probably...say I'm away 16 hours a day, i probably think about it 15 hours a day lol. In high school its all i wanted to do, college keeps me busy though, don't get to ride as much

(BTW, two people use this account for those of you that know Hunter and know he's not in college lol. We're brothers and use the same account...)

12-08-2006, 02:25 PM
i dont ride much anymore to be honest, alot of my buddys went away to college and they sold their bikes and quads, i still ride sleds in the winter and i ride my R and banshee here and there...id say i only put about 15 hours total on my quads this past summer...:rolleyes: but i still check out this site often and love to ride

12-08-2006, 02:30 PM
i probly ride for 30 mins to an hour on week days and on the weekend i usualy go riding at my friends house.

12-08-2006, 02:41 PM
I ride whenever I can. Which is pretty much every day.

12-08-2006, 03:46 PM
I got into sport quads about 4 years ago and I can totaly say that i'm hooked for life, atv's run in my blood untill I die. I seriously don't know what I would do if I did'nt have my quad, it's the only thing that motivates me everyday.

12-08-2006, 04:01 PM
since age 8 done nothing but it, i work to support it, its all i wanna do, all my freinds quit i ride by myself for hours and love it as much as i did when i was 8, any and all decisions are made around racing and riding

its funny during the teen years that all any of my freinds did, there into cars, girls and drinking now, i work all day, ride, get some and sleep

12-08-2006, 04:32 PM
I was really into it when I was younger, rode everyday afterschool. Past few years I've hardly ridden my bike, usually I just dink around on my buddies utes and I can honestly say thats when I have the most fun, just out messin around. But now that I'm nearing the driving age and have a vehicle I'm gettin hooked on mods for that...:ermm:

Ruby Soho
12-08-2006, 04:40 PM
everyday afterschool its the first thing i do untill dark pretty much. even if im by myself, and im cruising around in 1st gear through the woods its a blast. i like exploring putting around, its not all about going fast you know:)

but yeah, it is a big part of my life, all school i cant wait to get home and hop on my ex and ride. its so much fun i cant get enough of it, some of my friends do drugs, my quad is my drug

12-08-2006, 04:46 PM
if i could ride my quad in my sleep i would:D riding is a huge part of my life...unfortunately there isn't any racing where i live...so i have to go to bellingham...so i don't get to ride very often...(or as much as i want to)..which really sucks!!!

12-08-2006, 05:38 PM
I used to ride alot more honestly when i had my old 300ex. Now that I have such a sick R I cant bring myself to ride it through the trails , and its to damn expensive and far away to go race anymore.... I also used to ride alot more , but one of my best friends is moving away to NC . ( SUCKS ) he used to trailor us everywhere to ride. Awsome guy that I met through riding and quads. It sucks growing up , a year or so ago I could of sat here all day and bs'd about quads , now though I'd honestly rather just go hangout with friends and hunt and fish in all my freetime. I know that sounds really stupid being as this is a quad sight and all but I guess everyone has to grow up and things change and right now riding quads just seems like one of the little kid habbits I went through .....

Ruby Soho
12-08-2006, 07:20 PM
i hope that never happens to me. i love quads, and hope i always will

12-08-2006, 07:46 PM
Riding used to be my life until all of these guys got parilyzed. At first I just blew it off and then in May of this year I hit a tree going around 60(4th pinned on a 450R whatever that is) and I am very very lucky to be walking around. For some reason right after that wreck I said out loud to myself while I was still on the ground stuned......"thats it, no more racing" I have not touched my quad since May. I used to ride at least once during the week and race or ride for a day on the weekend. On top of wrecking and everything else my wife and I had just had a little boy and I would like to start saving for his college and saving for a retirement myself one day. I used to spend every spare dime on my quad(very selfish) and not care what the wife had to say about the matter. So I basicaly would be more satisfied now riding a ute quad around with some buddies than having a $10,000.00 quad that I can race through the woods with and if I do good I get a peice of wood. I feel sorry for some of the people who race quads b/c they get so caught up in it and they are willing to nearly take food out of there kids mouths to feed there habits. I have talked to racers who have literaly put off paying there morgage payment to make a race. I am not dissing them at all b/c there is no telling how far I would have went to make a race a year or two ago. Riding can be an addiction esspecially with how good the marketing on some of the new products are nowa days. I know the feeling that new shock or tire comes out and some how you convince yourself you would be so much faster if you had it. So you buy the $1500.00 front shocks and make up some lame excuse to the wife like "they hold there value" or " I needed them for saftey" or blah blah blah...I know a lot of you have been there lol. Keep in mind I am not talking bad about anyone, I am just glad I snapped out of the trance I was in and came back to reality. I might race causually sometime later down the road but not for a while lol. Anywho, I still really really love to ride but just not the same way I used to ride:eek2: I just want a recon to putt around on, I can stand to sit and watch all the crazies do there wild things and sit back like the old man(27yrs old) I am becoming and smile and say that used to be me:) . I have alot of great memories from racing but I am glad all of the chaios is over.....no more living from pay check to pay check for me! Later, Josh

12-08-2006, 08:11 PM
up until my jr. year of high school, i was dedicated to riding, and racing, every chance i got (you know, still keeping school in priority thoug)

after that though, my interest really shifted more towards building them, i just love coming home from a stressful school day, and being able to wrench on one of my projects, or helping a buddy of mine with his mechanical or bolt-on projects.

once i got my license, i focused even more on my school work, and i just lost interest in riding, my trails got boring, and i got sick of the 15 minute ride, 45 minute clean up routine.

if an oppurtunity comes round, where some fun is involved, say a race, or atvriders group ride, im all for it! but casual riding is just to tedious for me.

id rather be wrenching than riding lol

12-08-2006, 08:25 PM
For me riding is a outlet to anger and stress that I get, its the only thing that works for me.. if I can't ride I'm one miserble sumbiech to be around.. I'll be miserble for the next couple years :ermm:

Working fulltime, school and not having transportation to work kinda ruined riding for me.. :(

12-08-2006, 09:50 PM
I used to ride all the time before I started racing. Now i can careless about trail riding so I only really ride at OP's and races. But the only reason I work everyday is to pay for parts. So even tho I dont ride everyday, my life still revolves around it.

12-08-2006, 10:55 PM
I sish riding impacted my life that much.

Right now all i do is work and go to school... riding comes third.

Oh well someday i hope it will be different...

12-10-2006, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by Moto49X
I cant begin to explain. My life revolves around it. I work an unbelievable amount for my age to support it. I come home at night and start listing stuff on ebay to pay for my race needs also. Then i stay up and look for deals on anything i can buy and resell to make a profit.

When we use to race nationals i would drive there, then fly home to make it back so i didnt miss more than 2 days of school per week and my dad would drive home. But I cant afford that anymore. I find myself training and trying to come up with money to build a practice bike in my free time. It is deff my number one priority in life to try and make something of myself in racing, but its hard coming up with money to get out and practice and maintain my quad and everything else.

I plan on living in a motorhome with my race trailer when i get older, and yes, i know some of you older folk will put me down for saying that., but its what i want...at least for a couple years, lol

im telling u if you got your own land, get a old 3 wheeler, like a r or x and ride it flat out on your mx track youll learn alot i think its better practice than riding my quad, it takes so much more finese and control to ride one fast there cheap too, hardly costs me anything to run my trike 3-4 times a week all summer and winter long

12-10-2006, 10:18 PM
Money runs my life now. Before I worked and could save all my money and ride all the time. Now I have to save like mad during the offseason too be able to race. If I ride too much I can not afford the gas/oil for my quads. My life

#1 Family
#2 Work
#3 Save money for bills
#4 left over money saved for quads.