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View Full Version : Short Riding Video

12-04-2006, 04:28 PM
One of my buddies that I ride with put this together with some of the footage we have gathered over the past few years. Nothing extreme, mainly us just messing around. Around 9 minutes long.

Locations are Earlywines indoor mx track, Bucks Run mx, Petersburg KY, and a couple friends houses.

Enjoy, Oh and the title screen is a running joke amongst us.

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12-04-2006, 04:37 PM
An people say 400's can't hang with 450's.....

12-04-2006, 04:39 PM
i dont know about "short" but it was good

12-04-2006, 04:49 PM
great vid. that 400 ripped!

Ruby Soho
12-04-2006, 04:51 PM
cool video. haha i laughed when the guy on the kfx400 was ont he little hill:D

12-04-2006, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by gotwarrior
An people say 400's can't hang with 450's.....

Yeah, but that 400 is exactly stock :devil: 440 kit with a +4mm crank makes it a 460, 13.5:1 je piston with milled head, puts the static compression at around 14:1. Big cam, port, polish, +1 valves, hinson clutch, gibson lt a-arms, rpm +1 1/4 lt swinger, custom axis lt springers, hardcore hubs, axle, anti vibe stem, etc.... If you can get the thing to hook up, it will absolutely carry the mail.

Unless the 450 has motor work done, the 460 has out run every 450 we have put it against so far along with semi built banshees, 700cc+ raptors, etc... And before someone says that he should have bought a 450 in the first place, he has less money in this than it would cost to buy a brand new 450.

Glad you all liked the video, and yeah it isn't all that short, but that is just what we compiled from about 3 hrs of video. I still have a few more riding tapes that I have to rip to my computer.
