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12-04-2006, 01:20 PM
I want to breed my pure breed golden retriever to keep the bood going. He is a good, friendly, and tough dog and knows how to survive. I know that mating him with another pure blood golden retriever is not very good for the pups so I was thinking of a lab. What qualities should I look for in mate for him, like how it acts or something. I've got mostly everything genetic covered.

12-04-2006, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by Rider-trx_250ex
I want to breed my pure breed golden retriever to keep the bood going. He is a good, friendly, and tough dog and knows how to survive. I know that mating him with another pure blood golden retriever is not very good for the pups so I was thinking of a lab. What qualities should I look for in mate for him, like how it acts or something. I've got mostly everything genetic covered.

you got it right.. when a dog is too purebred.. the start having health problems.. oh and try not to feed them the best food when they are younger.. sounds weird.. but if you dont let your dog grow to the biggest it can get.. you will have less health problem cause the organs and everything else can develop instead of grow bigger.. like hid displacia(sp)..

As long as the Mate is obedient and have no real problems then it should be good..


12-04-2006, 02:31 PM
Never heard of not breeding with another purebred of the same kind .

When you breed , you want to look at the pedigree of the dog you're breeding it with . You want to see a good background ( ie working dog , field dog , companion dog, etc. You want to see if there's a history of diseases in the dog's bloodline . A responsible breeder will have a list of all the problems with any dog in the pedigree ... which is why they suggest not breeding your dog if there's a certain health problem with that dog .

Also as stated , don't buy from breeders that run " puppy mills" . Breeding the dog too many times in a short period of time will only generate health problems.

12-05-2006, 07:14 AM
the problem isnt breeding a pure bred to too many pure breds, its breeding them with thier relatives. there is no problem with breeding a dog to another in its breed. its only good for it. not to mention, breeding out of its breed means the pups are muts, cnt be registered which makes them worth less. then what are you going to do with the extra puppies you dont want? leave breeding to the people that know the breed standards, have the bloodlines and history of each dog in it. its the best that way for the sake of the future puppies and the breed as a whole

12-05-2006, 07:20 AM
instead of haveing a purelab with your retriever maybe a lab/retriever mix already

12-05-2006, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by bradley300
the problem isnt breeding a pure bred to too many pure breds, its breeding them with thier relatives. there is no problem with breeding a dog to another in its breed. its only good for it. not to mention, breeding out of its breed means the pups are muts, cnt be registered which makes them worth less. then what are you going to do with the extra puppies you dont want? leave breeding to the people that know the breed standards, have the bloodlines and history of each dog in it. its the best that way for the sake of the future puppies and the breed as a whole

That's exactly what I was thinking . It would defeat the purpose of having a purebred , because you're just creating muts , that will be worth $50 cause you can't register them .

If I had a female dog , I wouldn't breed it unless I was a certified breeder and had a list of people that want a pup . It's a bit easier with a male dog , because you just charge a stud fee and usually the pick of the litter .

If your dog is a purebred , I would check the papers you received from the breeder you bought the dog from . There is usually a section that says if you can or can't breed the dog . Most breeders do not want just anyone breeding dogs , so it takes special permission to have it done . Remember , if your dog is registered , the person you bought the dog off of , has access to the pedigree .

12-05-2006, 01:11 PM
Heres my best advice.. DONT BREED YOUR DOG!

You clearly know nothing about breeding dogs... so untill you do.. Please do everyone a favor and leave it to people who know what they are doing.

Why would you want to purposely breed muts?

You kind of contradicted yourself too.. You said you have a good dog to breed, who is a purebred golden... Yet then you said you know its not good to breed dogs with the same breed. That makes no sense.

First, if you want to breed dogs.. You should know that the reason people breed dogs is not for money. If thats what you are going for, then you will surely be disappointed.

Second, if you are going to breed your dog, you should have him tested and examined for all sorts of hereditary diseases and conditions. You should also look into the health and history of both his parents.

Third, he may be a good dog, but he should be tested for his temperment as well.

A few more things to think about.. Its not cheap to breed dogs.. there are vet visits.. some times medications.. what about complications? who is going to deal with the pregnant *****? who is going to be there to deliver the pups? who is going to take care of the ***** and pups after birth? who or how are you going to pay for the vet visits? what about the puppy shots (the ones before they go to their permenant home)?? what about homes? do you have homes lined up? and deposites put down? so you know all your pups will be well taken care of? why would you want to breed muts? no one will pay for them... and then you have already spent all that money...

It doesn't sound to me like you put much thought into this... Which most people dont.. And thats how diseases end up being passed down... Diseases that may kill or reduce the life span or quality of the pups..

Please think this through, and if you are serious, go to the AKC website and find some REAL breeders to talk to before you go out and breed. It may not be human, but it is a life that should be treated humanely.

12-05-2006, 01:40 PM
There was a guy in the next county that was breeding his dog but they caught him!!!:devil:

12-05-2006, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by BSTURDIVANT
There was a guy in the next county that was breeding his dog but they caught him!!!:devil:

that is sick, but i don't doubt it...my wife works for an attorney and he was court appointed to a case where the police went into this home for drugs and found a tape with t women and a bull mstiff..her boss had to watch the video, the full hour and a half of it...he said he wanted to throw up...and almost made my wife watch it so she was familiar with it...but he spared her...

anyway, back to the topic...breeding dogs aren't easy...it is expensive and you don't make much money on purebreds. i have a female akc german shorthaired pointer that my uncles lab got into. he got loose and she had just started her heat. we didn't knwo she was in heat. my dog was ruined and i had a litter of mutts...luckily with mutts, most people take them without the necessary vet visits or any of that...they know they are buying a mutt and that is what they are getting...

12-05-2006, 02:21 PM
when breeding purebreds.. here is an exapmle.. say you have a pitbull.. you breed the pitbull with another pitbull.. then the pups you breed with another pitbull.. maybe about 4 generations of purebred.. then the 5th GEN.. you would breed with a breed that is VERY VERY close to the pitbulls.. Amstaff for example.. im not saying you dont breed the same breed.. but you need to swtich it up once ever so many GENs.. then say the 6th Gen you would go back to breeding the same dogs together..

This is what I have learned from the Animal hospital and alot of trainers..

12-05-2006, 02:39 PM
I know nothing about breeding dogs but here is a story about it.

My mom and dad breeded Akitas once. They knew the mom akita was going to have puppies soon. But sooner than they thougt, one day my mom went to go check on here and sure enough she gave birth to 8 I think it was. She said when she went down all of the puppies were perfectly cleaned and huddled around the mother.

I just thought it was cool.