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12-02-2006, 11:08 AM
How does the 450R compare to the other 450's and what are the pros and cons on the 450R?

12-02-2006, 12:16 PM
It's a Honda...nothing else needs to be said! :D

12-02-2006, 01:15 PM
Personally, I love the 450rs! They are just all around great bikes, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

The thing about the 450r that I love is their simplicity compared to other 450s. Easy to get to and work with things, cheap to go aftermarket....well, for a 450. They handle decently for all around riding stock, though any quad will need a few things here or there to suit their owners riding style. Another great thing about the 450 is their power. IMO they surpass all other 450s in this department. The YFZs are snappy and have alot of low end, but I don't find they pull through like the Hondas. The LTRs just haven't impressed me to date. In the end it comes down to personal preference, but for me the 450r is just a step above!