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View Full Version : Help! Shock bearing retaing ring.

11-29-2006, 06:55 PM
Can anyone help me? I'm trying to replace the shock bearings in an 01 Raptor rear shock. I've purchased the PivotWorks kit. I can't figure out how to get the retaining ring out. It's the metal ring between the seal and the bearing. Anyonehave any tips?


Ronald Gosse
12-12-2006, 10:38 AM
Just Did an O1 Raptor Rear Shock. First thing I found out was that it is much easier with the shock removed. Next was to remove the seals. Once you get this area cleaned of grease and wear products you can see the space where the retainer ring is split. Check each side of the bearing to determine which side has the largest gap between the bearing and the retainer ring. Do this side first as you will be able pry the retainer ring out and down ( toward bearing)with a sharp flat blade screwdriver or knife edge. Once out of its groove you can work the ring inward to grip it with a pair of needlenose pliers or simply flip it up and out with your screwdriver. Next I removed the bearing to allow me better access to the remaining retainer ring. You shouldn't have any trouble with reassembling in reverse. Hint: Lube up your bearings first before installation and insert them squarely using a socket and vise or press if you have one. Don't Hammer them in. Seat them on or near the first retaining ring before installing the last retaining ring. More lube before installing the new seals. Make sure they are facing the right way. Your Kit probably has all of this info. Good Luck! Be patient! Work Safely!
Merry Christmas!