View Full Version : taking off

11-28-2006, 11:23 PM
so whem im taking off from a jump i feel like i am just along for the ride. everything feels fine when going into it but after i hit i feel like i have no control like i am just along for the ride. any suggestions on control? and taking off/hitting? im new to the whole freestyly/jumping scene and would like to really get into it. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. thank you, Nate

mic 902
11-28-2006, 11:50 PM
When I was learning to jump I used to hang around some smaller jumps and play around. Things like when I was in the air moving myself around over the quad and play with the rear brake and all that stuff to learn how the quad reacts in the air to different things. Doing this is good so that if you do get into a bit of an ugly situation on bigger jumps you dont panic.... unless it is really ugly.

11-29-2006, 02:27 AM
some one posted this same ? awhile back and the best thing i learned from all the replys the poster got was while in the air turn the wheels R or L this will help you to learn how to think while in the air and help you from freezing up.staurt with allitle tilt to either side then as you get more comfortable turn bars as far as you can this helps all your basic thinking skills and you should be able to focus more in the air as you staurt to hit bigger jumps.what also helped me was looking at the bars to this kept me from the blank stare.i used to just look strate foward tell i landed.while this is good to focus but i wasnt spotting my landing or anthing.somthing that is a must on doubles ect.im no pro just a noob also but have fun staurt small wear all the gear.and always be confident if not thats when bad things happen.stay confident and cautiouse.oh ya ripp it up!!!!!!!!!!!