View Full Version : 300ex pipes...

11-28-2006, 07:48 PM
hey... ok i know this has probably been asked a million times here.. but i am new here so go easy on me...
What type of pipe would get me the most power out of a 2000 Honda 300ex?... im looking to pay around $400....also i have a KnN and the carb is rejetted

11-29-2006, 07:08 AM
get a dg RCM or a cutris sparks they r both good pipes and go 4 the full system

11-29-2006, 08:01 AM
hetrick racing pipe i love it

11-29-2006, 01:17 PM
All ot the top engine builders pipes are great, and you will see little power difference between them. The Curtis Sparks X-4 is my favorite.

Just stay away from the budget pipes for FMF, DG, WhiteBro, and never get a Cobra.

You need a full system. Header and Silencer. Don't get a slip-on.

Full Pipe & Filter (K&N or Uni style). You will need to rejet the carb to compensate for increased air flow.

11-29-2006, 01:33 PM
without a built motor i never noticed a difference between a fmf and tc pipe. i also never noticed a difference between the dg and fmf properly jetted with a stock motor there will be so small difference's in these motors its really not worth it to spend a bunch of money on an exhaust if you are not planning on going into the motor internally. But if you plan on going into the motor such as a cam then yes i would recommend a builders pipe but if your not planning on racing get the pipe that you think looks the best. besides the cobra, lol i had one for the first pipe and all it was was a noise racket, i think the stock exhaust made more power than the cobra also

11-29-2006, 02:32 PM
does anyone have a Yoshi or Big gun? Im looking for an exhaust for mine.

11-29-2006, 07:33 PM
thanks for answerin my questions... i have one more... im glad i saw that people like the curtis sparks x-4 becuz that is what i was really looking into... how much would a full system be?
after the sparks exhaust what shoudl be the next thing to get for poweraround $100-$150?

11-30-2006, 06:57 AM
Aftermarket Filter. Foam or Gause style. (Uni or K&N are the most popular) You will also need to rejet the carburetor. Just go by the pipe builders reccomendations and adjust from there.

Sparks has their jetting reccomendations on their site.

12-04-2006, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by bwamos

Just stay away from the budget pipes for FMF, DG, WhiteBro, and never get a Cobra.

Question. Why should you stay away from those pipes? Are they harmful in some way to the quad?

12-05-2006, 07:18 AM
they dont hurt your quad one bit besides cobra exhaust may actually decrease hp, like i stated above if you only are going to put an exhaust on your quad you will hardly tell the difference in power, at least this was my experience. with I've tried alot of exhauts and on a stock quad with the exhaust jetted proberly i dont think to many people can tell a .3 hp difference. Fmf, DG, tc, dmc, sparks i have all ridden and not one felt any better than the other imo. So if you are just out to get a exhaust and not into racing i'd recommend you just get the exhaust that you like the best whatever one it may be.

12-05-2006, 09:35 AM
Oh ok. Thanks. :)

12-05-2006, 11:16 AM
Cobra is crap. As stated above it's worse than the stock exhausts.

The others.. low end FMF, DG, etc.. don't have power issues. It's more Quality of craftsmanship.

FMF Megamax (Aparently not even availiable for the 300ex anyymore, now you only have the option of powercore 4 & Q2 both good pipes) I had a performax, the predecessor to the megamax the welded nuts used for the bolts holding on the disks will break loose.. and you have to either reweld them or be stuck with not changing out the disks. If they break loose (unless they changed the design) you're S.O.L. because you can't slide the canister off to access the nuts on the inside. You have to cut off the bolt, and replace it and damaged disks.

WB E-Series ($369.95) has a tendancy to bust at the welded on billet rear pipe mount. Other than that a great pipe.

DG Krome ($209)- packing is crap needs replaced immediatley. The seal at the header to exaust flange is obscenly leaky, and it tends to also have the same busted loose disk bolt nuts that the FMF Megamax has.

HMF's full system is great but waaay overpriced. ($450.95)

Sparks is $399 now I beleive, but best on worked motors.

The best deal IMHO is still the HMF Slip-on w/ FMF or WB Header on a stock or nearly stock motor.

12-06-2006, 01:35 PM
Side by side the cobra has a obviously bigger diameter headpipe compared to the stock choker systemso how can increased flow make less power?All of them would make less power if you dont rejet.I agree they are loud and not at the top of my list but they arent bad for the money.less power than stock,now thats funny:rolleyes:

12-06-2006, 02:08 PM
bigger does not always mean better at least in the cobra pipe, i dunno but i have ridden on these pipes from a stock motor to modified and i would pick the stock over the racket maker any day! heck i think i still got one out in the old barn somewhere rusting away if you want i will be more than happy to ship it to ya and you can run that and see for yourself....... this is imo... They are complete junk from the quality all around to the performance aspect of them.

12-06-2006, 08:31 PM
I always knew the Cobra was crap. One of my friends got one a few years ago. Only a week after he just threw it out.

12-07-2006, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by 2muchquad
Side by side the cobra has a obviously bigger diameter headpipe compared to the stock choker systemso how can increased flow make less power?All of them would make less power if you dont rejet.I agree they are loud and not at the top of my list but they arent bad for the money.less power than stock,now thats funny:rolleyes:

Yes the cobra has a larger headpipe.. and it "should" flow better than the stock pipe. I dunno how they could make a larger header, glass pack style silencer exhaust flow worse than the skinny stock header and a baffled cannister, but they did. How?? Lord only knows how. It's an engineering marvel/masacre lol.

I've seen dyno charts of it. About 0.5 hp less than stock and less torque to boot due to lower velocitys. I'm not going to say this is gospel because I couldn't find those charts again if I wanted too and I have never ran one on my 300. But I have ridden people 300ex's with cobras. They were jetted correctly. I checked a friends' 300ex with my wideband A/F sensor, (I cheat), and didn't feel any better up top than the stocker, and definatly was lacking down low, and loud as heck.

Only thing I can think of is that ugly welds, a nasty lip at the exhaust port, or something, is causing a lot of turbelence in the pipe up in the header slowing everything down. I dunno. Theoretically it should have more power, but something is causing a problem somewhere.

12-07-2006, 01:34 PM
Im sure its possible on certain models but a buddy of mine had one on his 200x 3 wheeler and it definately made it a lot more snappier,with only 200cc's he needed all the help he could get.:)