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View Full Version : Handling Sponsorship offers

11-28-2006, 01:33 PM
What is the best, most respectful way to turn down offers that either would cost you too much money for adding on their product or would conflict with another sponsor? Anyone have etiquette tips on this?

11-28-2006, 01:50 PM
If they send you an agreement just don't fill it out and send it back. But if you have already signed you can't go back, or you could but that may give you a bad reputation. But on most agreements if you don't send them back in an amount of time they will consider that you don't want to be sponsored by them. But see if there is a time limit on your agreement!

Is that what you are talking about?:D

11-28-2006, 01:55 PM
i think she would rather tell them other then just not send it back. they might mark it down that you applied and then didn't respond and that could hurt you in the future.

i would just write a simple short explaination.

Dear .... ,

I appreciate your offer for sponsorship but due to conflicting offers and the cost of switching over to your product I will not be able to accept your offer at this time. I will keep your company in my mind for future endevors because you do have a great quality product. Thanks for your consideration for my offer this year.

rider x

11-28-2006, 02:05 PM
That is kind of what I was feeling. If you don't respond at all then they might look poorly on that in the future. It is a little frustrating to put so much effort, time and mailing expense and get someone offering 10% off retail when my dealership will give me more than that. Some of them aren't interested in really helping you out...they are just trying to sell more product. You can quickly tell the ones that support racers and also the ones who are serious about getting their name out there if they are newer on the scene. This is a tough sport for racers but I feel it is getting tougher for the ones with the products because they are getting more and more competition. THANKS for the input!!!!!

11-28-2006, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by gbcap

i would just write a simple short explaination.

Dear .... ,

I appreciate your offer for sponsorship but due to conflicting offers and the cost of switching over to your product I will not be able to accept your offer at this time. I will keep your company in my mind for future endevors because you do have a great quality product. Thanks for your consideration for my offer this year.

rider x

This is what I do. I basically put I have met my budget, appreciate the offer, and will keep them in mind next year. Along with this, I will send their offer back. I try to do this in a timely fashion, that way, they may be able to give someone else an offer, instead of waiting to see what I will do.