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View Full Version : My trails

09-14-2002, 04:05 PM
I actually went for a walk..... well I was out on my trails checking them out, and damn they are getting pretty wicked with all the logging that has been going on, but talk about tree's and branches, luckily the logger is a friend of ours and is going to clean the trails up for me before they are done. It would take me forever to get them cleaned up. I can't wait till they are done so I can get riding again!

09-15-2002, 07:30 AM
most logging operations leave a mess like that. the fact is..........the branches aren't worth any money, so they leave them behind. Don't be suprised if they don't leave the place as cleaned up as you imagined.

09-15-2002, 07:51 AM
They did the same thing here a year before I got my Rancher. We are having to clean it up as we go along. I have already poped one tire because of it.

09-15-2002, 08:13 PM
God were i ride its all like that from loggers and we just ride over it till it clears up y bother busten ur ***** tryin to move all that S***.

09-16-2002, 06:05 AM
And they wonder why the tree huggers throw such a fit. Maybe if they left their work area in neater condition, the tree huggers would leave them alone.

09-16-2002, 05:42 PM
They do leave some stuff, so the ground gets some nutrients back, my trails are already pretty clean in some area's, they will clean it up beleive me. I ride on his trails all the time when they are done, and they get it spick and span

09-17-2002, 03:19 PM
yeah they do leave a mess but without them there might not be any trails to ride on

09-17-2002, 03:35 PM
If you do need to rake your trails or any track for that matter. Me adn my friends have found that a pallet or 2 tied togeather with a Cement block on top make the trails nice and smooth again. Most of the time. Situations vary

09-17-2002, 04:44 PM
I have tire chains off a skidder... I put a bar though them and then a hitch to my quad. (like at the bottom) It works well I also had some farm equipment I used to use to make my trails real nice but its gone now, I bent the.... out of it :rolleyes:


09-19-2002, 09:50 AM
i just use my dozer;) :D all you doin all this work if i want to make a new trail i just put it low pu the weights on he bak and knock those trees and all nice and clean i just make sure i pack enuff gas on my trailer yes trailer it carries all my goodies including a 400ex................ i neve get stuck and can go up every hill..........:devil and make a good trak its a 1976 D4H!!! it kiks john deeres *** excpet my buddies john deere track loader we build jumps on the trail with that it kiks ***!