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11-27-2006, 09:14 AM
Wasn't sure where to put this so I thought I would ask you guys. For those of you who race how do you train for endurance. I know riding is a huge part of it, but do you work out or have a special diet? I know I can ride pretty decent but I get tired after 5 or 6 laps on my friends small track. Any tips will be much appreciated.

11-27-2006, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by rlplive
Wasn't sure where to put this so I thought I would ask you guys. For those of you who race how do you train for endurance. I know riding is a huge part of it, but do you work out or have a special diet? I know I can ride pretty decent but I get tired after 5 or 6 laps on my friends small track. Any tips will be much appreciated.

I eat a salad or sub for lunch everyday. I eat a healthy dinner always including a salad. I only drink water and milk. No soda. I also ride my bicycle 8 to 10 miles 5 nights a week. I can ride a 2 hour race and not be winded.

11-27-2006, 01:37 PM
since I live in the philly suburbs, riding is not an option for me...but I am on my schools varsity swim team. Swimming over 7000 yards aday keeps me in shape. I also dont drink soda. I am soda free for over a year now.

ryann mx68
11-27-2006, 01:46 PM
eat right and exercise.

at your friends track, when you get tired DONT stop riding, just slow down a bit and keep going. gradualy increase the pace until your at race speed again. keep doing this over and over, this will help train your body. it will help.

11-27-2006, 02:58 PM
Thanks guys, I have been tryin to drink plenty of water and tryin to eat right. My main goal was also to keep ridin no matter how tired I get.

11-27-2006, 05:29 PM
As everyone above stated above, eat right, stay away from Soda and energy drinks, Drink lots of water. Ride as much as you can, goto this Link (http://www.********forums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=60) there is a lot of good info on there.
I did this last year and lost 20 lbs and could notice a big differance in my riding style. Also after a 2+hr race I was not tired at all even after running the 6 Hour races by myself not feeling to bad eirther.

11-27-2006, 05:51 PM
As with any endurance sport you get out what you put in. In order to develope higher endurance, as mentioned above, you need to push through when you get tired. Getting out of your "comfort" zone is the only way you will build yourself up. And you need to do this because racing is hard enough without having to worry about fatigue. Its a losing battle when you tire, because you lose your form and arent as smooth making it harder and harder. But the best way to increase racing endurance is to ride more, your body will adapt as you keep going longer and harder.

The best way i have found is to go to a track with an all day sunday practice or something and try to ride until you can't continue. Take breaks from time to time, but depending on the track size try to aim for more laps then you will have to race.

Cross training is also excellent way to help out as far as being winded. Bike, swim, run, work it into your daily routine just make sure your still riding. As far as a diet if you are doing all that stuff you don't need to worry so much about it aside from race day. And for all you soda hater's, i hate to break this but it is not going to make you faster by not drinking it. Unless your talking about drinking it while your riding, which just dont make sense. Sure your gonna cut some calories here and there but not drinking soda will not give you more endurance.

Lifting weights will also help with arm pump and just having more strength to muscel the quad around.

11-27-2006, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by SwainRacing
As everyone above stated above, eat right, stay away from Soda and energy drinks, Drink lots of water. Ride as much as you can, goto this Link (http://www.********forums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=60) there is a lot of good info on there.
I did this last year and lost 20 lbs and could notice a big differance in my riding style. Also after a 2+hr race I was not tired at all even after running the 6 Hour races by myself not feeling to bad eirther.

im not sure about the energy drink part of that.just dont drink them on a regular basis. I only have them on race day, right before the race.I am known for drinking a monster on the start....lol.

11-27-2006, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by Sjorge300EX
since I live in the philly suburbs, riding is not an option for me...but I am on my schools varsity swim team. Swimming over 7000 yards aday keeps me in shape. I also dont drink soda. I am soda free for over a year now.
Swimming is great for endurance. I practice with the swim team everyday before school.

11-27-2006, 07:11 PM
i ride 2 20min motos a day and run 2miles, try to eat healthy and only drink water/milk/juice

11-27-2006, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by watts16
Swimming is great for endurance. I practice with the swim team everyday before school.

tell me about it...it gets old smelling like chlorine tho. Good thing there are some nice looking girls....:D

11-27-2006, 08:16 PM
This is what I did and it works GREAT.

Drive fast in your ford mustang, get speeding tickets. Loose licnece, which forces you to ride you bycicle 20+ miles per day.

I have been riding my bycicle for the past 60 days. I have WAY WAY WAY more indurance than I have ever had.

Only drawback is when you loose your licence you arent legaly alowed to ride your quad.

11-27-2006, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Sjorge300EX
im not sure about the energy drink part of that.just dont drink them on a regular basis. I only have them on race day, right before the race.I am known for drinking a monster on the start....lol.

Thats terrible. Energy drinks give you a boost of energy/ adrenaline for a short period of time, then you crash when the energy boost is over. I bet that you feel great for a lap or 2, then you feel like crap before halfway through the race for about a lap, then you feel better after that. I used to drink energy drinks before races, and once I talked to my aunt who is a dietician/ trainer/ workout instructor, i stopped drinking them and i noticed a big difference.

11-28-2006, 06:52 AM
Energy drinks can also cause heart attacks when used while doing intense excersize such as motocross becuase it is designed to raise you're hear rate and that is what gives you the energy boost. So while you're racing you're heart rate is naturally going to climb becuase of how hard you're working and then if you throw in the energy drink it's going to make it that much worse.

11-28-2006, 11:31 AM
Good stuff guys. Its hard enough to stay in shape when winter comes around here in Iowa or the Midwest in general. I myself would like to try to lose about 50lbs, but it seems to be impossible sometimes. I weigh about 235-240 and would like to get down to about 190-185lbs by mid next season. I drink maybe like 3 sodas a week at work. Should I get rid of those extra calories? I am going to start going to the gym starting this next month. This past Sunday I rode a good pace and hung with a buddy of mine who's a local A rider (I run B class) for about 2 out of the 5 lap practice motos we did. I think if I lose some weight I can run his pace just as long as him.

So do you think running would help the most? I already watch what I eat for the most part. Maybe I should eat more salads?

Any input would be appreciated.

11-28-2006, 12:23 PM
Running will help but it is hard on your ankles/ knees it is better to buy a bicycle or even a stationary bike

11-28-2006, 02:29 PM
i do brazilain jui jitsu

since i started my flexability and stamina have never been better

11-28-2006, 06:37 PM
running is great..
also I do body weight work outs.. push ups pull ups sit-ups ect.. I also run the iron man class in best in the desert and other races.

11-28-2006, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by LTR450_#67
Good stuff guys. Its hard enough to stay in shape when winter comes around here in Iowa or the Midwest in general. I myself would like to try to lose about 50lbs, but it seems to be impossible sometimes. I weigh about 235-240 and would like to get down to about 190-185lbs by mid next season. I drink maybe like 3 sodas a week at work. Should I get rid of those extra calories? I am going to start going to the gym starting this next month. This past Sunday I rode a good pace and hung with a buddy of mine who's a local A rider (I run B class) for about 2 out of the 5 lap practice motos we did. I think if I lose some weight I can run his pace just as long as him.

So do you think running would help the most? I already watch what I eat for the most part. Maybe I should eat more salads?

Any input would be appreciated.

First off three sodas a week will not make a difference with your weight. As long as your not drinking several a day or only drinking soda you will be alright. Going to the gym is definetly a good way to stay in shape espically in winter. Make sure to hit up the ellipticals and stationary bikes to keep up your cardio. But weight training will also help you lose weight. For your diet more salads will help, because its healthy and it will fill you up faster so you dont eat as much. But take it from me you dont want to overdue because they get nasty when you try eating it all the time. Eating more, smaller portion meals everyday is the best way to lose weight, along with an exercize program...

11-28-2006, 08:17 PM
Originally posted by Sjorge300EX
im not sure about the energy drink part of that.just dont drink them on a regular basis. I only have them on race day, right before the race.I am known for drinking a monster on the start....lol.

Whenever I drink a drink on the start, I have to stop on the second lap and take a pee.......

11-29-2006, 03:24 AM
Originally posted by sdxp787
Whenever I drink a drink on the start, I have to stop on the second lap and take a pee.......

i dont stop......ever! I out of like 20 odd some races this year, I stopped once for like 5 sec to get fresh goggles(broke the pull string :()

11-29-2006, 12:34 PM
RIDE!!! juss go and ride full throttle for a long period of time...and run and jogg too

11-29-2006, 05:08 PM
I stop depending on distance between pits but I haven't yet seen a tank of gas go 250 miles
everytime I stop It is automatic new goggles gas and a drink

and Damn sometimes I have to pee