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View Full Version : kfx clutch problems??

11-26-2006, 09:08 AM
have u guys ever had any problems with ur clutch on ur kfx or Z...idk wat happend yesterday but iw as going up a ditch spinin so i poped the clutch and it just like...had no power...like the clutch wasnt disingaging rite...i got out of the ditch... and like i couldnt pop the clutch to do a wheelie or nothin had no power..it still moved but not very good... idk wat it was and then on the way back...it just stoped spinin the tires lol... do u thnk i just need a brand new clutch or ? ... thank you

11-26-2006, 09:11 AM
All i can say is that theres two kids that ride out by us with two kfx400's. Both of em are not even a year old and they needed new clutches. They know how to ride so i dont think it was rider error. They were both brought back to the dealer but i dont know if they were fixed under warranty or not. I guess you would have to call or go to the dealer and find out.