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11-23-2006, 08:09 PM
Well, I'm back from the dunes and I must say that my new crf450 hybrid did very well. Getting to know the kickstart sequence was a learning experience....even more fun when it gets hot. Anyway, I did have a tiny bit of seepage from the front of the motor where the cylinder meets the head...the head gasket. I noticed after a few hours riding that I had maybe 6-8 drips down the front, maybe 1 inch long. It was purple and I determined it was my coolant...Engine Ice.

Are these known for doing that? It seems like all motors seep a tiny bit from here and there so I'm just curious if I should put a new haed gasket on? I'm told this 02 motor has never been apart.



11-23-2006, 09:13 PM
Yeah thats a bad thing that leak is man, real bad. Ill tell you how to fix it, step one, remove the CRF, step two, install Yamaha engine...

:devil: :eek2: :devil: :eek2: :devil: :D

J/K man. Sorry i had too:devil:

In all serious though, Welcome to the world of hybrids:D All of the bike engines all seem to have their own trick to starting, but dont take too long to get them down. Make sure you use your hot start when hot and it shouldnt be a problem. As for the leakage issue, i would def. take the time to replace the head gasket, even though it still *might* be rideable, you dont want to have it go, and cause more problems or leave you somewheres(esp in the dunes, that would Suck!!!!). Its not a bad job to do at all either. It will also give you the chance to inspect the rest of the engine to see if anything else needs replacing.


11-25-2006, 11:56 AM
you definately want to fix that head gasket leak before you ride the quad anymore. also, if that engine has never been apart, I would highly recommend putting a piston in. Honda recommends every 20 hours for a piston, which may be a little much, but with the rpms the CRFs are capable of, and since you are going to have it mostly apart anyways, it would be fooliish to not go the extra step and put a piston in.

another thing on the CRFs is to change to oil very frequently. You are dealing with an engine that will run at 12,000rpms all day long, on only 3/4 of a quart of oil. Engine oil is cheap, even if you only dump the oil, and change the fillter every other, or every second change, cheap insurance

11-25-2006, 12:02 PM
by the way, glamis 400ex, is that Kris Kaspers old crf hybrid? I actually saw you riding that quad at Glamis, I was with a bunch of my buddies ruding at Glamis

11-25-2006, 12:28 PM
Thanks for the replys guys.

Yes, this was Chris Kaspers "old" quad. Where did you see me? I was pretty much between Test and Patton Valley the whole trip.

What hi of comp piston should I put in and still run pump 91?

The quad runs awesome by the way.:D


11-26-2006, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by jrspawn
Yeah thats a bad thing that leak is man, real bad. Ill tell you how to fix it, step one, remove the CRF, step two, install Yamaha engine...


This is what I want to do. I just don't know how hard/expensive it will be.

11-28-2006, 04:28 PM
Glamis 400ex, yeah I think it was one valley to the south of patton, I was with about 5-6 quads, and a rail, and I think there was even a cr500 out with us on that run