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11-21-2006, 08:11 AM
What's everyones take on this story now? I feel angered about the situation...that's about all I can say.:ermm:

11-21-2006, 08:28 AM
The way i look at is they were being rude and he acted out. He may shouldnt of said the things he did but did anybody ever think maybe they were bothering him the whole night? I think wat he did was wrong but everybody is over-reacting. So wat he said the n-word, it gets said all the time by every race.. he apologized, now let it go.

11-21-2006, 08:42 AM
big deal. they had freedom of speech to say he wasnt funny, he has free speech to call them what ever he wants. freedom of speech is a give and take relationship and more responsibility on both sides would have gone a long way

11-21-2006, 09:07 AM
Who cares something else that will be made a big deal out of. That will teach them to mess with kramer!

11-21-2006, 09:16 AM
whats funny is no one is saying poor kramer. he got heckeld on stage. its the worst thing you can say to a comedian. he said the worst thing you can say to a black guy for it, and HE's the bad guy? please

11-21-2006, 09:25 AM
That's why I feel mad about the situation.

He was being harassed first, he did go overboard, but that doesn't give others in the audience the right to call him a cracker. Two wrongs does not make a right!

I can see where he would become so enraged, I am getting sick and tired of "one-way racism" that occurs all the time.

Tom TRX250R
11-21-2006, 10:19 AM
Exactly sly400ex, it is a one way street for racism, it doesn't matter that the blacks were being rude POS and called him a cracker.

11-21-2006, 10:22 AM
they can call us whatever they want but oh no we cant say a word to them or its racist.

11-21-2006, 10:33 AM
He made a mistake. As a comedian and a celebrity he should have known better. The worst part of the whole deal will be in three months when the book comes out "the night kramer called me a n^&*&^" and the 'poor, traumatized black guy' suddenly becomes rich over the ordeal....give me a break.

11-21-2006, 11:45 AM
It will never stop they have a we owe them mentality and when a white persone stands up for themself its always there a racist. Watch in the next few days jackson and sharpton will want to boycott all of seinfields shows on tv. I personally am sick and tired of this and i applaud kramer for standing up for himself

11-21-2006, 11:51 AM
One of my best friends is black and he said this: "I don't see the big deal. They called him a Cracker, and he said an equivelant name back." I don't agree nor disagree. People say things when they get mad they don't mean. I think that "Kramers" little fit is going to be made into a much bigger deal than it really should be. It definately sucks to be "Kramer" right now.

On a second note I'm guessing this thread will be closed by the end of the night.(Eastern time here):chinese:

11-21-2006, 12:01 PM
Has anyone seen the apology video he should of stood up for himself he owed no one a apology

11-21-2006, 12:06 PM

11-21-2006, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by tat900
Has anyone seen the apology video he should of stood up for himself he owed no one a apology

i'm not sure if you remember the poll in this forum about political parties, but a very large majority of the members on this site are republican and i think that plays a role in our opinions. of course he should have stood up for himself and im not trying to start a political debate, but it seems like the liberals are attacking this issue- naturally. i'm just trying to point out that most of this site, including me, sees this from a very conservative point of view and we basically all agree on what should happen. its too bad that half of the nation doesnt see it this way and they still think we owe for what happened a century ago. I'm sorry that your father's father's father's father might have been treated poorly and forced to work for very little or no pay, but its time to stop walking with a chip on your shoulder. :rolleyes: well then, now that that's over with..

11-21-2006, 12:38 PM
oops.. that last reply was by me but my brother's username was still logged on.. not sure if he shares the same views or not.

11-21-2006, 01:31 PM
Meh. Kramers still the man!!!

11-21-2006, 02:27 PM
thats awesome. im not racist, but i love to see this kinda stuff. It took someone like him to stand up there and take all that, and throw it right back at him. The ppl in the crowd didnt know what to do when they found out kramer had a backbone and wasnt gonna take their racist bull****.

11-21-2006, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by sakirocket28
thats awesome. im not racist, but i love to see this kinda stuff. It took someone like him to stand up there and take all that, and throw it right back at him. The ppl in the crowd didnt know what to do when they found out kramer had a backbone and wasnt gonna take their racist bull****.

This will convince more people what I have known for years...Kramer is a B-A-D-A-S-S. My view on this is an eye for an eye. Two wrongs don't make a right, but calling a white guy a cracker is like us calling them the n-word. I say we all start over with a clean slate. Then we'll see who deserves respect and who doesn't.

11-21-2006, 03:31 PM
I am sick of this one way racism too. I'm sick of differant people getting treated differant all together!! There is black history month, but no white? They can call us honky, cracker, white boy, but we can't call them anything? If a white guy would hit a black guy he would be called racists, and no one would even pay attention to the story or what really happened. I don't think people should get special treatment for any reason realated to the color of their skin. That's just my opinion, and I know to a few of you its worth about a penny cut in half.

11-21-2006, 03:43 PM
Well, usually when you piss someone off , reality and the truth come out. Unfortunatley it involved race. Unfortunatley many folks feel the same way, they just are to scared to speak out. Watch any COPS show and you will see how many times white folks are called out and bashed. Even the nutjob shows like Springer tend to show it as well when the comical hazing ensues the topic of the day. Racism is alive and well.

I'll call a spade a spade no matter what color you are. I am a equal oppertunity racist, I hate everyone the same:D

11-21-2006, 04:08 PM
LMAO go Kramer " Thats what happens when you interrupt the white man" OMG I am still laughing

11-21-2006, 05:22 PM
yup i am sick of this 1 way racism too...I am all for the eye for an eye rule...but i dont get why white people cant call them ******s but yet blacks can call us crackers?:rolleyes:

and i am not a racist but there is a difference between a black man and a ****** , i think most of you guys will agree with me...there is also a difference between a white guy and white trash...i have frineds that are black, mexican, white, arab, etc....but those people that have no respect for anyone or anything gets me going, i dont care if they are black or white

Tommy 17
11-21-2006, 05:51 PM
if ur a white male ur SCREWED in life... honda i def agree with ya!!!

try goin to a big college... u should see the **** the black kids get!!!! they get better grades... discounts... all kinda stuff...

and they say white guys are racist... pfftt... i'd love one time to see a black guy go to jail or get fined for callin a white guy a cracker just like we would if we call him a ******...

11-21-2006, 05:53 PM
yeah its about time we start making things fair

11-21-2006, 06:05 PM
LOL, I reckon he and Mel Gibson can share a room at sensitivity school..lmao

11-21-2006, 06:08 PM
Ok, so a white guy can get fined or go to jail for callin a black guy a n*****? Thats absolute bull

edit: you can tell this forum is full of a bunch of white boys:D

11-21-2006, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Blue250X
Ok, so a white guy can get fined or go to jail for callin a black guy a n*****? Thats absolute bull

edit: you can tell this forum is full of a bunch of white boys:D

My cousin married a black guy and had 2 children that are black. So I guess I'm part black.

I have never used the n-word to anyone or jokingly. I find no need for it, and really wish it'd just be did away with. In my view, there are no types to every race. For example...Non-white trash people and white trash. With black, it's the ones that try to get by in life and if some of my parents tax money goes to them to help them out..So be it. Then there's the other group...the "niggas" as I should say. Some of them I can stand, and then the others I can't. The ones I can't stand are the ones that talk about drugs,ho's, and whatnot.

Ever since my cousin had the 2 babies, I've lost most of the racism I used to have.

Sorry for the long post, felt like typing alot.

11-21-2006, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Blue250X

edit: you can tell this forum is full of a bunch of white boys:D
haha yeaaa:D

11-22-2006, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Tommy 17

try goin to a big college... u should see the **** the black kids get!!!! they get better grades... discounts... all kinda stuff...

thats racist, but they are OK with that! funny how things changed when they are turned the opposite direction

11-22-2006, 06:20 AM
Mr Man dont say you are part black..a member of ure family married a black person therefore you are black? So lets see, when your at parties who runs there mouth 24/7. When your at school , who runs there mouth 24/7 and can fight alone? who's race 52% lives off wellfare and spends that on drug money or stupid cars? Who walks down the hallway and gives everybody the stiff shoulder and if u slighly touch them , they get in ure face. I am not a racist i am viewing things realisticly. So dont act like everything is ok. With that said i have black friends and they know how i feel and some of them agree. I went to a grade school in the projects and its one of the best grade schools in the country. I am around black's day in and day out. It shouldnt matter if your dad suddenly changed color overnight, your thoughts and views are yours. And you wait.. till someday when you pay tax's and then drive through the hood and relize were yours countless dollars are going.. Not into that bumpy road you just drove down, to that black guy sitting on his porch smoking a cig all day with nothing better to do. just think

LTR racer
11-22-2006, 07:16 AM
all im gonna say is there is a difference between blacks and ******s and that video shows it.

Tommy 17
11-22-2006, 07:58 AM
since were on the topic theres one more lil thing that REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY pisses me off...

YOUR NOT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN!!!! YOUR AMERICAN!!!! i hate that so damn bad... 90% weren't born in africa but they still feel the need to seperate themselves:mad:

sorry i had to get it out haha outta every ethnic group that i go to college with i've never once heard any of them refer t thsemselves as russian american... italian american... asian america or even asian... its always american or the country they are from...

11-22-2006, 08:43 AM
i'm with you tommy! why cant they just be proud to be americans? if they are that stuck on afric, go back!

11-22-2006, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by FHKracingZ
Mr Man dont say you are part black..a member of ure family married a black person therefore you are black? So lets see, when your at parties who runs there mouth 24/7. When your at school , who runs there mouth 24/7 and can fight alone? who's race 52% lives off wellfare and spends that on drug money or stupid cars? Who walks down the hallway and gives everybody the stiff shoulder and if u slighly touch them , they get in ure face. I am not a racist i am viewing things realisticly. So dont act like everything is ok. With that said i have black friends and they know how i feel and some of them agree. I went to a grade school in the projects and its one of the best grade schools in the country. I am around black's day in and day out. It shouldnt matter if your dad suddenly changed color overnight, your thoughts and views are yours. And you wait.. till someday when you pay tax's and then drive through the hood and relize were yours countless dollars are going.. Not into that bumpy road you just drove down, to that black guy sitting on his porch smoking a cig all day with nothing better to do. just think If thats mr.mans opinion...who the hell are you to say its wrong? He cant help how his veiws are on the topic, its just the way he is...if you dont agree with it, tough ****. I would love to see proof on this 52% live off welfare, becuase quite frankly, I dont see it being true.

Originally posted by MrMan
but calling a white guy a cracker is like us calling them the n-word. Stop saying cracker...It offends me...I would like if you said "c-word" just like you say "n-word"

11-22-2006, 10:26 AM
speaking of one way racism, did anybody see the geraldo at large episode with this on it? he completely rips apart "K K Kramer." that makes me so angry! that moron will do anything to make it seem like hes part of the solution. he should be exported using the drop kick method.:mad:

11-22-2006, 10:28 AM
i meant deported haha not exported. nobody would ever buy that piece of garbage.

11-22-2006, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Pipeless416
i meant deported haha not exported. nobody would ever buy that piece of garbage.

11-22-2006, 01:21 PM
I guess il throw my 2cents in on this one..... I dont classify black people as n*****s, i classify ALL people that are a worthless waste of a life as a n****r. People that have no ambition in life, care for no one, show nothing but disrespect, and get off on trying to be a gangbanger or what ever you want to call it. There are just as many white, asian, italian, mexican, polish, english, african, jewish, russian, austalian, or WHATEVER race is out there(you get the idea:cool: ) that i would say fit the way i interpret the word. Singling out a person *Just because the color of their skin* isnt right, its who they are. Man does that sound cheesey. But its true, a human being is a human being, and a n****r is a n****r. Sorry for being so direct on the topic, but its how i feel. Hope no one took it the wrong way


11-22-2006, 02:16 PM
kramer for president, hes my hero :macho

11-22-2006, 03:33 PM
cracker, Cracker, CRACKER!
NacsRacer027, your icon offends me. your intolerence towards my intolerence offends me.

i'm making a simple point here that Nacs is weilding a double edged sword in much the same way as what he is critisizing. i believe that everyone deserves a certain amount of respect until they provide a reason to deserve more or less. i also believe that this country is going to destroy itself by tiptoeing around everyone's feelings in an attempt to make everyone happy. you can not make EVERYONE happy. it just isn't going to happen. it is one thing to have beliefs and another to stand up for them. there is also a definate difference between standing for your beliefs and trying to force them upon others. it's sad to say (but all too true) that the actions of some reflect on others (sterotyping).
with that being said, sterotyping does have some merit. if you meet 100 people from the same general location and 90 of them are in some form or fashion the same, what would your conclusion be? like it or not you have a mindset of who all of the people from that area are like.
transpose that to race. what is the majority race of those imprisioned? what is the majority race of those blaring "MF" "kill a nigga" "got freaky in yo '64" music, skating around on 24's?
does that mean that every black guy kills a rival gang member while riding in his 'pimped out' G ride on his way back home from the WIC center before smoking a bone and smacking his ***** before he screws her sister? of course not.
since i talk slow, does that mean i am a neanderthal white trash pos that wears my velcro suit to the sheep feilds while drinking moonshine listening to hank williams before lynching a black man on my way home to molest my cousin? ok, that only happened once.
my point is that everyone deserves an opportunity to distinguish themselves as a person, which is exactly what those who were heckling kramer had.

Which 450?
11-22-2006, 03:34 PM
Yea he did probably go overboard... But I think we need to make a new word, instead of using racism. Because its not because people don't like blacks, its because 75% of blacks aren't worth a damn ****. Then they go on sayin, "o u racist" uh "no i is be not" THEY JUST DONT HOLD JOBS, MOOCH OFF OF HARD WORKING TAXPAYERS, STATISTICALLY ARE THE SOURCE OF THE MAJORITY OF THE CRIME IN THE WORLD, ETC, ETC, ETC.

11-22-2006, 03:39 PM
good job kramer, the guy probobly deserved it.

why do blacks say the only difference between blacks and whites is the color of their skin? black people wear baggy pants down to their knees. their baseball caps are on sideways. they wear dollar store necklaces. have fat lips, have white cream type substance in the crack of their mouth and fingers. their hair is real fuzzy like velcro. keep saying ignorant things like "word up G" wassup bro. nnoowaat im sayhin?. there is a big difference. im not saying white people act like that, they do. damn wiggers. which is just stupid. my .02:ermm:

Which 450?
11-22-2006, 03:41 PM
ONE MORE THING... How come every time I am deliberately cut off, its a black person? There's something there people!!!

11-22-2006, 04:04 PM