View Full Version : Bringing the draft back?

11-20-2006, 04:04 AM
Well when I went into my email this morning I saw something that caught my eye. A banner that said "US to bring draft back?". What do you guys think? Do you think that it could happen? I mean we already have plenty of troops in the reserves, but i dont know.

11-20-2006, 04:44 AM
Well, here is my opinion for what it is worth. I am Active Duty military and I think that we should NEVER use the draft to build up our forces. There is a retention problem in the military because of our deployments. In my career field you deploy for 1 year and are back for 6-12 months then gone again. That is if you stay on a specific rotation, but we all know that things happen. I have literaly seen people back from a deployment and gone again in less than 30 days. NOBODY wants a life like this and will get out when possible for a more stable lifestyle. We are tired and our families have suffered, but we will continue to be the best military in the word because we are all volunteers. Nobody is here because they were forced. I don't want to be in battle with someone who is unmotivated and not willing to give it all. This is not the place for a draftee!!!

11-20-2006, 05:57 AM
Originally posted by wicked13
I don't want to be in battle with someone who is unmotivated and not willing to give it all. This is not the place for a draftee!!!

my reason exactly. the only reason we should initiate a draft again is if we get into a war much bigger then we could handle. but i don't forsee that happening with the 'smart' technology that we have now. we can do things that it took 100 men in WWII to do with one person sitting behind a computer now.

if they are "forced" into service they aren't going to fight like we want them too. plan and simple. if they don't want to fight for our country then f-em and let society shun them themselves.

11-20-2006, 06:10 AM
I just want to see how many of these "immigrants" want to come to our country if there's a draft? Or will they be somehow "excempt from the draft" for whatever reasons? they're quick to come here for work and money,but lets see if they'e willing to "die for our country"?!!!!

11-20-2006, 06:25 AM
this is why i hate democrats, why any one would elect them is beyond me.

there's no way in hell im going to fight a war that i dont beleive in!!

now send me to afghanistan yes, irag no.

11-20-2006, 06:59 AM
I sure hope not!! :mad:

11-20-2006, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by wicked13
Well, here is my opinion for what it is worth. I am Active Duty military and I think that we should NEVER use the draft to build up our forces. There is a retention problem in the military because of our deployments. In my career field you deploy for 1 year and are back for 6-12 months then gone again. That is if you stay on a specific rotation, but we all know that things happen. I have literaly seen people back from a deployment and gone again in less than 30 days. NOBODY wants a life like this and will get out when possible for a more stable lifestyle. We are tired and our families have suffered, but we will continue to be the best military in the word because we are all volunteers. Nobody is here because they were forced. I don't want to be in battle with someone who is unmotivated and not willing to give it all. This is not the place for a draftee!!!

Couldn't have said it better myself.

11-20-2006, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by mole97
I just want to see how many of these "immigrants" want to come to our country if there's a draft? Or will they be somehow "excempt from the draft" for whatever reasons? they're quick to come here for work and money,but lets see if they'e willing to "die for our country"?!!!!

The military is full of "immigrant"s. Some of our highest decorated soldiers were not of American heritage, but they are now;)

The draft will not be used, it doesnt work. The only way I could ever see it being used was in an all out full scale WW2 type war which I doubt we will ever see.

11-20-2006, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by 450r51
this is why i hate democrats, why any one would elect them is beyond me.

there's no way in hell im going to fight a war that i dont beleive in!!

now send me to afghanistan yes, irag no.

Interesting....why would you go to afghanistan and not iraq? How about North Korea?

Pappy...I agree with you 100%. I was in the infantry during the first gulf war and I was suprised to so how well they stood up for our country. Many of them are more deserving than the spoiled Americans that wouldn't fight if the war came to them.

11-20-2006, 09:18 AM
WOW, I can see that this has become a hot topic, so let me continue with "my opinion". We need to focus on our soldiers. I came to this region (im deployed right now) during Desert Storm and I thought that we wouldn't be here more than a year. Well, I am back again (and again, and again, etc..) It has been 16 years and there is no sign of us EVER leaving. We have major "interests" in this part of the world like it or not. Here is the problem, our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines are exhausted. We have chewed the same dirt for so long and on our level we only see our friends die and our families suffer while we are away. It's hard to stay motivated, but what keeps us going is the support from people back home. Most military members want out and don't plan on a career in the military and that causes a major issue. Our experienced warriors are getting out leaving the young men and woman holding the line with no experience or understanding. This causes them to want out which will eventually (probably already happening) become a mass exodus of people getting out as soon as thier enlistment is up. We need retainability! We NEED to treat our nations war fighters better and once again have an experienced able bodied combat ready military, not a bunch of worn out over deployed homesick veterans who have chewed the same dirt over and over again. There won't be a draft, but there is a problem that needs to be fixed!

11-20-2006, 09:51 AM
Bring back the draft, This is the only way we can relieve the over tied over worked service people. With fresh bodys going in the turn around time won't be as short as it is now. As far as the experiened people go we always had that problem, even in Nam. You say the draftes won't fight belive me when I say if some one is shooting at you- you will shoot back. After all you what to come home in one piece just like when you left. I just hope the goverment has changed the way they treat the new vets from the old ways.

11-20-2006, 10:03 AM
Hornbreaker...How old are you? are you eligble for a draft if there was one? Are you currently active duty? Reason I ask is because you are quick to say the draft will help. I think it would cause more problems then good...How does the draft help those that are there? Would you want to be someone who joined then 6 months later have a guy who absolutely does not want to be there watching your back? I don't believe the draft will be or should be reinstated. I think that the military needs to figure out how to retain soldiers and get more people to sign up. How they could do this I don't know as I am not in the military.
(EDIT) I do know how we can help as civilians maybe we should support our troops I know many people who are against this war and say that they can't support our troops cuz they don't support the war that is BS whether you support the war or not you can support these men who signed up to defend our country whether they believe in the war or not...They did it for our freedom

11-20-2006, 10:35 AM
I'm 57. Retired. I'm a vet from Veit Nam. Spent 21 months on brown water boats. I'm sure some of the service man and women that are there now don't really want to be there. When your in the service your in a tight group and your back is covered just like you have the guy in front of you covered.

11-20-2006, 01:14 PM
I recently saw this on the AIM today screen and I was going to make a topic also.

I do not agree with the draft, aren't we supposed to have freedom here in America? Forcing people into a draft is taking away freedom if you ask me. I believe we have the technology to fight a war without forcing young men into war that did not sign up. What are we at war for really? Has Bush ever really stated a true reason for declaring war?

11-20-2006, 01:26 PM
orca0294 makes a good point so I will answer the question and I hope that it doesn't shock anyone to death.

We are at war over Oil......if we wasn't protecting the American interest in oil then our economy would colapse. Just think about it for one minute....If we had to produce our own oil then gas would be $10.00 a gallon and nobody could aford anything.

I do support Mister Busch and the only thing I think he did wrong is not just coming out and saying why we are there.

Robin Hood
11-20-2006, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by smr
orca0294 makes a good point so I will answer the question and I hope that it doesn't shock anyone to death.

We are at war over Oil......if we wasn't protecting the American interest in oil then our economy would colapse. Just think about it for one minute....If we had to produce our own oil then gas would be $10.00 a gallon and nobody could aford anything.

I do support Mister Busch and the only thing I think he did wrong is not just coming out and saying why we are there.

Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

11-20-2006, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
The military is full of "immigrant"s. Some of our highest decorated soldiers were not of American heritage, but they are now;)

The draft will not be used, it doesnt work. The only way I could ever see it being used was in an all out full scale WW2 type war which I doubt we will ever see.

to be honest when the war is being fought on home soil i will gladly join up im not going over seas, sorry but if i wanan help out ill join

11-20-2006, 03:06 PM
I wouldn't be surprised to see the draft come back.

The ebrollment and reenlisment is way down from years ago, and it's not looking good.

lot of people i know are getting called back.

My dad got a call a coule months ago to see if he could still fit into his uniform (been out for 7 years)

11-20-2006, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by SRH
to be honest when the war is being fought on home soil i will gladly join up im not going over seas, sorry but if i wanan help out ill join

Here's your chance big guy.......they fired on us on Sept 11th 2001...now lets see if your a man of your word.

11-20-2006, 04:14 PM
to add to what I said before..wasn't Vietnam a good enough example for Congress to understand that a draft most likely will take out a generation of men? Are they bringing the topic of the draft up to scare people and try to get people to join instead?

by the way what is all this fighting going to bring to us for long term? It just seems to me were going to blow the world up because technology is only getting better throughout time.

haha I love how they teach us in school that fighting isn't an answer to any of our problems and will only bring short term resolutions if any

11-20-2006, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by orca0294

by the way what is all this fighting going to bring to us for long term? It just seems to me were going to blow the world up because technology is only getting better throughout time.

thats why i say that the Mayans were right about the end of the world in 2012. I think it's possible only because of another full scale war.

11-20-2006, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by smr
Here's your chance big guy.......they fired on us on Sept 11th 2001...now lets see if your a man of your word.

Who is they? Iraq was not responsible for 9/11.

If a draft were implemented, I would serve of course. I would not agree with fighting in Iraq, but still would. Alluding to the one post concerning infringement of our freedoms, there are some things that supersede freedom. I think we can find consensus on that.

Mr. Bush did not provide proof that this was a justifiable engagement. I would agree that Hussein needed to be removed(even though it would make things unstable for a bit), but since then the US has proceeded to completely bungle the operation.

Why? In defense, foreign occupations are never successful. Was the President then justified in declaring "Mission Accomplished"? Perhaps, if the mission was to remove a threat. Check. But our continued presence there has excacerbated the threat of terrorism. The administration never explained that we would need a protracted engagement to accomplish Iraqi stability and eventual independece.

Congressman Rangel (who suggested having a draft) argues that a draft should be implemented because it would reduce the likelihood that the US would engage in large-scale conflict. He believes that since a draft is very unpopular on the national level, politicians would not start a major war since it would eliminate the chance for re-election, which is any politician's first priority. In other words, a draft equals less chance for war.

11-20-2006, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by DeerNuts

Why? In defense, foreign occupations are never successful.

I'd have to say Japan and Germany or quite prosperous these days, thanks to our occupation of them after WW2.. and there is a few others....

Id fight if i was drafted... just because I didnt join up out of highschool doesnt mean I wouldnt fight for the country if I was called on... and I know many people who think this way also...

11-20-2006, 09:01 PM
I think that it would put a damper on the support that we have for the war, I would go fight but I would rather take the time and sign up my self instead of a draft..

11-20-2006, 10:54 PM
If we have gotten that low on soldiers, it is because of the way they treat them. I know I wanted to join, and become a sniper someday...but I refuse to be screwed over again and again, promised this and that, and get absolutely none of it in boot camp. I know a few other people that also feel the same way. The US Military needs to get their **** together in basic training, maybe then, they will get a bigger turnout. All I know is they could not be any more un-organized then they already are.

11-20-2006, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by NacsRacer027
If we have gotten that low on soldiers, it is because of the way they treat them. I know I wanted to join, and become a sniper someday...but I refuse to be screwed over again and again, promised this and that, and get absolutely none of it in boot camp. I know a few other people that also feel the same way. The US Military needs to get their **** together in basic training, maybe then, they will get a bigger turnout. All I know is they could not be any more un-organized then they already are.

My cousin got a sign on bonus of 12k, and personally. Being that 12k is alot of money, I wouldn't sign my will for that.

11-20-2006, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by MrMan
My cousin got a sign on bonus of 12k, and personally. Being that 12k is alot of money, I wouldn't sign my will for that. my girlfriend got 20k sign on bonus and her college paid for. Everytime I talk to her, she lets me know that she made a mistake.

11-21-2006, 03:40 AM
You people are totaly missing the point. How can you man all of the deployments without the proper number of people? The Draft will be the only way to supply people to do what the present admin. wants to do. Ask yourself the question, why is there such a bitter reaction to the draft? This Dem. is trying to get people to take a realistic look at what is going on. the people who want the military to spend years in Iraq obviously do not want to participate.Talk of the Draft is meant to spark debate and thought.The sacrifice that the military is making has become exspected and taken for granted.

11-21-2006, 05:50 AM
Originally posted by DeerNuts
Who is they? Iraq was not responsible for 9/11

We are no longer fighting Irag's in Irag. The insergents are from Iran, Afganastan...and any other terra organization that can make it.

11-21-2006, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by smr
We are no longer fighting Irag's in Irag. The insergents are from Iran, Afganastan...and any other terra organization that can make it.

Exactly! So when I say our mistakes there have exacerbated the threat from international terrorists, you can see how I can make such a claim.

11-21-2006, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by DeerNuts
Exactly! So when I say our mistakes there have exacerbated the threat from international terrorists, you can see how I can make such a claim.

Actually I desagree with you 100%. If we wasn't fighting them in Irag then we would be fighting them here.

11-21-2006, 09:22 AM
drafting people who dont want to fight is useless

remember upham from saving private ryan?

11-21-2006, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by smr
We are no longer fighting Irag's in Irag. The insergents are from Iran, Afganastan...and any other terra organization that can make it. There's no G in Iraq, not to mention your butchering of Afghanistan.

11-21-2006, 02:59 PM
Originally posted by mx428
There's no G in Iraq, not to mention your butchering of Afghanistan.

I should give him a cow, he's pretty good at butchering.

11-21-2006, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by smr
Actually I desagree with you 100%. If we wasn't fighting them in Irag then we would be fighting them here.

So you're arguing that it is better to cluster terrorists elsewhere instead of the US?

Do the other people matter, namely the 660,000 (according to Johns Hopkins University), that have been killed since we have been there? Is it ok because they weren't mostly Americans?

And what basis do you have for saying that they will stay there; that by keeping the threat in Iraq they will not be more likely to attack the US? Is this a zero-sum game or what?

11-21-2006, 03:28 PM
As my main homie Will Smith so eloquently stated....

"Dont start nuttin wont be nuttin"

11-21-2006, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by ilpadrino113
I wouldn't be surprised to see the draft come back.

The enrollment and reenlisment is way down from years ago, and it's not looking good.

lot of people i know are getting called back.

My dad got a call a couple months ago to see if he could still fit into his uniform (been out for 7 years)

Yeah, ive seen that on the news lately. They are sending units back sooner than they want because of lack of troops. They said units here in Georgia will be leaving between january and march 2007 for thier THIRD tour in iraq and that the time between combat duty will be shortened for all troops.

Im sure its the same for other states too.:(

11-21-2006, 03:52 PM
Here it is, I found it.

3rd ID units going to Iraq early in '07
1A | Local News
Sean Harder | Saturday, November 18, 2006 at 12:30 am

The headquarters of the 3rd Infantry Division, including division commander Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch and a combat brigade based at Fort Benning, have been ordered to deploy to Iraq early next year, Department of Defense officials announced Friday.

The order will send a combat force of 20,000 soldiers into Iraq in early 2007 as part of the next major rotation of troops. The 3rd Brigade Combat Team at Fort Benning is among the five brigades being ordered to go. Other brigades involved in the rotation are located at Fort Lewis, Wash.; Fort Riley, Kan.; Fort Bragg, N.C., and a brigade stationed in Vicenza, Italy.

The 3rd Infantry at Fort Stewart and the other units identified by the Pentagon on Friday for deployment comprise a total of 57,000 troops who will be involved in the fresh rotation of forces starting in January.

Friday's announcement did not set a specific timetable for the deployments, but Lynch told reporters last month that he expected that the 3rd ID's headquarters would deploy by spring.

An estimated 4,500 Fort Stewart soldiers assigned to the 1st Brigade already have begun preparing to deploy in mid-January. Four other brigades at Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield also are expected to deploy to Iraq later next year, marking the third combat tour for the 3rd ID since the division led the invasion into Iraq in March of 2003.

The 3rd ID will become the first Army division to serve three tours in Iraq.

More than three and a half years into the war, the Army and the Marine Corps are straining to keep a steady flow of combat and support forces to Iraq while giving the troops sufficient time between deployments for rest and retraining.

Both branches of the U.S. armed forces are far short of their goals of providing two years between deployments. The 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry, for example, will have spent barely more than 12 months at home when it returns to Iraq next year. The same is true for the division's 1st Brigade that is deploying again in January.

Pentagon officials said the announcement does not presume any change in troop levels, nor is any major change expected for at least several months.


11-21-2006, 05:16 PM
Originally posted by mx428
There's no G in Iraq, not to mention your butchering of Afghanistan.

Thanks for the correction. Please remember that I'm from Ky where we speak our own langauge....:D As you can tell from my grammer that I'm not an educated man. I am only speaking my opion like everyone else the best I can. I respect your opion and fill that we desagree on the war. I've been there and did my tour, now I'm at home enjoying what I have fought for. If they needed me I would go back so my fellow Americans can live in peace from the terrors of the world.

Pappy...once again I agree with you and Will Smith. We didn't start this war and I think it will get much worse before it gets better.

11-21-2006, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by smr
I respect your opion and fill that we desagree on the war. I've been there and did my tour, now I'm at home enjoying what I have fought for. If they needed me I would go back so my fellow Americans can live in peace from the terrors of the world.

Pappy...once again I agree with you and Will Smith. We didn't start this war and I think it will get much worse before it gets better.

Thank you for serving. It's nice that we can still have an orderly debate on this. What's needed so badly for people in our country, regardless of education, stances, or status, is open dialogue so varying views are adequately represented. Hey spelling is no problem as long as what you are saying is heartfelt!

You said you would go back, and I respect that, but the problem is that sometimes a policy of "fighting the terrorists" can actually increase the probability of conflict. I think we are seeing this borne out. Since we have engaged, however, no one can honestly say we would have been safer had we not invaded Iraq.
One can believe so, and one can believe the opposite. We need to also be careful, especially me, since I respectfully try to lay out why I think the war was a mistake. I try not to have knee-jerk reactions to situations; but many people have jumped on the bandwagon (primarily Republicans) in voicing opposition to the war, for a purely political advantage.

11-21-2006, 05:55 PM
Whats the solution? All I hear is the same noise.

We as a nation have a sworn enemy that is hell bent to kill us. The war on terror may not be the best answer, yet I have seen NOONE offer any other solution. This "WAR" has been going on long before 9/11. Muslims and Christians have been "at war" since the dawn of the religions. This is a war on fundemental beliefs. And while we sit here in this country that was ONCE protected from this type of "Terror", our enemy is doing everything he can to kill us. If that means we go after them all over the globe then so be it. Ive stated before, that type of war does little if you are unwilling to kill the terrorist, his family including his children and anyone who supports him. That sounds bad, but sadly it is the truth. And, that still wont stop terrorism.

I would like to see stronger border security, more spec op missions and start playing thier game. I agree the troops should come home. Id leave it all up to special force units, aerial assaults, tactical raids and starting right here at home, some Patriotism in the form of telling modern day musllims exactly where they stand in this country. Until thier leadership stands up and SCREAMS that terrorism is wrong, their religous leaders should be jumping up and down denouncing the acts of terrorism and so on and so on. But they wont. Until I see that, and I see full support from every Muslim faction I will consider the Muslim faith my enemy. And I also agree that the radical Christians should step back and regroup, they are not gaining fans trying to jumpstart the crusades.

Rant off.

11-22-2006, 04:03 AM
when our emotions drive us and the muslim emotions drive them is anyone going to think before this situation gets out of hand? Or is that the whole idea? I thought Al-Quada was a very small number of people who terrorised there home countries as much as the west. The number of Muslims they have killed is much greater than Christians.If a Muslim army occupied Mexico what would you do?