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View Full Version : teacher help

11-18-2006, 09:24 AM
im in my first semester of college and its startin to come to an end and thank god for it i cant wait to go home. i have never given a teacher a reason to hate me or anything so i dont know where this came from. but yesterday i handed in a paper with some grades one it that HE wrote in but after i left his class he said to another student that he didnt write the grades makeing it sound like i forged(sp) everything. i am an honest person and i didnt do that i wouldnt risk my college education on somethin so stupid like this. the penalty on this is either an F in the course or expulsion from the university and if i get expelled no other school will take me. i emailed him explaining that i am not that type of person but he hasnt emailed me back yet. what should i do? also i was told that he could have broken some rules of conduct by tellin the other students this. what should i do about that if he brings this to the dean? thanks guys and gals

11-18-2006, 09:32 AM
Wow, first of all...RELAX. I have two college degrees and they don't come without stress. Teachers/Instructors are people and they have jobs to do. If they suspect you plagiarizing they MUST prove it before taking action, so if you say it's your work and it is, don't worry.

11-18-2006, 09:42 AM
thanks man im just so stressed out right now and this is the last thing that i need. everyone told me that being an engineering major would be tough but i never really took them seriously and now i see what they were talkin about.