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11-16-2006, 08:36 PM
At the moment I have a monday thru friday 7am-6pm fulltime job but I've considered getting a 7pm-10pm job everyday after work so I can make even more money...

But then I also considered having the fulltime, the night shift and detail cars on the weekends.. so that would be 3..

Would that be too much or should I go ahead and try it? :confused:

11-16-2006, 08:40 PM
I'll tell you what, you work too much and it burns you out. You think 2 checks=big money but then you don't have time for a life anymore. I'd say try it for awhile but don't be surprised if you can't take it for very long and end up quitting. It's hard working all the time, my family has a farm, I know what it's like to work from sunup to sundown and it ain't pretty.:o

11-16-2006, 08:44 PM
I dont mind the 7-6 gig at all I can do it without a problem if it wasnt for the fact that its dark when I get home I'd ride for 2-3 hours everyday afer work :p

I'm trying to get as much money as I can in my bank account to have kinda like a quick jump start on life I guess you could say, I pissed all the money I tryed do to this with the first time on my banshee :o

11-16-2006, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I dont mind the 7-6 gig at all I can do it without a problem if it wasnt for the fact that its dark when I get home I'd ride for 2-3 hours everyday afer work :p

I'm trying to get as much money as I can in my bank account to have kinda like a quick jump start on life I guess you could say :p

your not gonna have a life if you keep working 24/7

11-16-2006, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Aceman
I'll tell you what, you work too much and it burns you out. You think 2 checks=big money but then you don't have time for a life anymore. I'd say try it for awhile but don't be surprised if you can't take it for very long and end up quitting. It's hard working all the time, my family has a farm, I know what it's like to work from sunup to sundown and it ain't pretty.:o
Very true;)

I worked 6+ days a week for many years and was no problem until I started working 7 day a week at three different places. Only one was full time the others were part time. That lasted about three months.

The money was nice to have and there wasn't much time to spend it so added up quickly, enough to but a house when I 21:D

If you can do it go for it but don't let it burn you out to the point your quality of work suffers ;)

11-16-2006, 08:50 PM
Originally posted by JOEX
Very true;)

I worked 6+ days a week for many years and was no problem until I started working 7 day a week at three different places. Only one was full time the others were part time. That lasted about three months.

The money was nice to have and there wasn't much time to spend it so added up quickly, enough to but a house when I 21:D

If you can do it go for it but don't let it burn you out to the point your quality of work suffers ;)

That's the one thing I have to becareful of because my fulltime job is doing autobody and a lot of the time's I'm the guy doing the painting and such and you have to be very aware of what's going on etc.. So I dont know if say I was tired from working at the other place the night before and went to work if my work would suffer alot or not..

11-16-2006, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
That's the one thing I have to becareful of because my fulltime job is doing autobody and a lot of the time's I'm the guy doing the painting and such and you have to be very aware of what's going on etc.. So I dont know if say I was tired from working at the other place the night before and went to work if my work would suffer alot or not..
Alot of it depends on the person too, some can handle working many hours while others struggle.

I know I can't work as much as I could without getting some decent rest and sleep inbetween. Remembered that just last week:p after three nights in a row of minimal sleep I started to open a pressurized steamer at work before turning it off. A minor mistake but has the potential of serious consequences:ermm:

11-16-2006, 10:59 PM
I was working two jobs. It lasted 3 months for me. I worked 40 during the week. Then 36 on the weekends. Thats right 7 days straight. I could have actually worked both much longer. I started getting aggrivated with the first job and realizing there was no moving up. I performed maintenance on printing presses, (very messy job). I thoroughly hate ink! Loved the money. Had to open another account just so I could keep my checks straight. You sure can pay some debt off (credit cards)

Grandpa always says..... " Do it while your young "


11-17-2006, 07:20 AM
i dont know how much you make but if you find a job that pays more then you wont have to work so much...for example i know a guy that gets about 1200 for a basement poured wall, he puts in about 30-35 hours in it...you do the math and see what he would be making hourly

11-17-2006, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Lowcountrydave
I performed maintenance on printing presses, (very messy job). I thoroughly hate ink!


a clean press is a happy press...i work in a print shop...we often assist our maintenance personel in repairs...ink isn't really a problem( heidleberg speedmasters presses). it is the grease and oil used on them

i am kind of thinking about a second job also...i work 3 days a week...just to get soem extra cash, eliminate what little debt i have and get a down payment for a new house, but my schedule rotates and not many are willing to work around it.

to be honest though- ONE job is too many


11-17-2006, 01:30 PM
arent you in high school?

but i say stick with the one job dude you gotta have a life not work all the time lol.

11-17-2006, 01:40 PM
I work 2 jobs.
8-9hrs on main one. 2.5 hrs in the evening for the other. Weekends 100% free.

5:30am - 2:00pm 2:30pm - 5:00pm.

2nd job 2.5hrs each evening is cake. It's something different.. so it really doesn't even feel like a job. That and I'm single, lol.

My goal is to pay cash for a house and a couple acres in 2 years. I'm on budget. ;) Jeep is paid off in 2 months also, so that will buy me a new 450 this spring. ;) 330ex for the woods. 450 for MX / Dunes.

EX lvr
11-17-2006, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I dont mind the 7-6 gig at all I can do it without a problem if it wasnt for the fact that its dark when I get home I'd ride for 2-3 hours everyday afer work :p

I'm trying to get as much money as I can in my bank account to have kinda like a quick jump start on life I guess you could say, I pissed all the money I tryed do to this with the first time on my banshee :o

welll you could always just give me your banshee so you wouldnt spend so much time riding it:devil:

naw dude if you really need money then do it hard work aint whats tough, its the long hours with no free time thats tough. dont be surprised wen you hate all your jobs cuz you work to much

MX MaNiAc 06
11-17-2006, 02:10 PM
Im thinking of doing the same thing for winter time. I mean wtf else is there to do in the winter time than make money to have a badass quad for summer. :cool:

11-17-2006, 02:29 PM
josh you seem like the kind of kid that could stay up for 5 days in a row with just a quick shot of redbull (or alcohol :chinese: ) so i'd say you would have no problem with it...go for it and if you dont like it you can just quit.

11-17-2006, 03:59 PM
I applied at this cnc shop I use to work at for weekend sat-sun so we'll have to see what goes on there :D

This is what I make a week now.. It's decent

11-17-2006, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by mjpridered10
josh you seem like the kind of kid that could stay up for 5 days in a row with just a quick shot of redbull (or alcohol :chinese: ) so i'd say you would have no problem with it...go for it and if you dont like it you can just quit. How could alcohol make you stay up? Obvious non drinker haha

11-17-2006, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by mx428
How could alcohol make you stay up? Obvious non drinker haha

yea u beat me to it lol, , but yea id work as much as i could if i was you

11-18-2006, 06:04 AM
Boy, this subject I sure know all about:p

Between my real job, my side business and photography, I work more then sleep:scary:

Is it worth it? That really depends. In my situation I am trying to build a business that will allow me to work for myself when the business I have worked for for almost 17 years is sold. This means more work time then free relaxing time and it does impact your life in alot of ways.

The doctors are almost certain that stress and not enough rest was a leading cause in allowing my body to be run down to allow in an infection that almost killed me. Lesson learned, and no I do my best to chill out and not take life or work so serious.

Money? Sure you make some, but if that is your only goal, you will usually do better concentrating on something that you enjoy and are willing to do better or become more so good at that you make the big bucks. Short term, working 2 or 3 jobs to make extra cash is cool, just dont over do it.

Family? Mine is so acustom to me working that they have learned that no plans can be set in stone, late hours are the norm. (Not uncommon for the kids to tell me good night at 11pm while I am in the shop working. No money is worth missing family time, yet we are all guilty of it.

Set out a few goals and reach them. Then set out a few more, the object is to go to bed tired ,not fall into bed exhausted:p

11-18-2006, 12:56 PM
I work at a grocery store now pushing carts(only 16) and I need more money. I gotta pay off my quad, pay for parts, and soon I got gas to worry about for my car. So I was thinking about seeing if I can get a job a Yamaha dealership or something around those lines on the weekends to bring in some extra money.

MX MaNiAc 06
11-18-2006, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Mxjunkie
I applied at this cnc shop I use to work at for weekend sat-sun so we'll have to see what goes on there :D

This is what I make a week now.. It's decent

How much is that?