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11-15-2006, 11:39 PM
It was 2001 and I was racing at Glen Helen in CA. I was in second (which is like last). I was trying to run differant lines and noticed that the guy ahead of me rolled a set of doubles on occasion, so I pinned it and launched......I really launched. Some would say completely over shot my landing. I was a good 30 feet in the air and landed in the flat. My ankle snapped, I hit the wall and my bars broke two ribs. When I impacted the wall at what seemed like Mach 2 I was knocked unconcious (later it was a concusion) I hit the ground, quad on top of my. My quad was pissed off at me, so it jumped on top of me seeking revenge and burned my arm and took a chunk of flesh from my knee. When I woke up the medic was already there. They called for the ambulance, but someone decided to crash earlier in the race, so it was occupied. I was loaded in to the back of my motorhome while everything was loaded. I arrived at the ER 45 minutes later and rushed inside. Of course the staff is trained to treat what they iommediately see and that was the puddle of blood my knee was leaving on the floor (the most minor of my problems), but not a good sight for everyone else awaiting a medical professional. Now, I have a permanent limp, better suspension and ride harder than ever. My ego always out does my skill. Second sucks, but a DNF blows...:eek:

11-16-2006, 02:58 AM
It was the last race of the season I belive. Late October of 2003. I was running a D15 race at Culver INdiana. We all took off the line heading for the woods. 4 turns later I am mid pack see 2 guys get tangled up. I decided to go wide and pass. (4rth gear on my banshee) I hit a bump sent my quad not side ways but onto its side while going strait. Don't remember what happend until..........I was rolling I herd quads buzzing by me. I stook up and ripped my visor off cuz it was dangiling in my face. My arm hurt but I could still move it. I went to my quad which was sitting in a big bush. I grabbed th grab bar and my left arm popped and was longer then my right. Hmmm "no pain" i said. My parents come running over "are you ok?" "Yes I am fine" My dad says. "your shoulder is dislocated." I attempt to pop it back in. "holy S*** Mother F****** S***!!! that hurts. I fell to the ground in pain. Got rushed to the hospital. I have snapped my bone that hold the ball on my shoulder. After hours with a INTERN doctor they put a cast on my arm:confused: . Go home and the next day I go to a specialist. "WTF" the specialist says. "That is the stupidist way to fix a shattered shoulder". He takes it off and wants to do surgery. My insurance will not pay for it:grr: . I then have to wait 1 week to get surgery by another doctor. 1 day after the surgery I have a allergic reaction to the medicine. I freaked out do not know why. Had to go to the hospital again for that........ 3 months of physical therapy I have 90% movement and a life time of aching pain and a popping shoulder every morning.

Well that was my story

11-16-2006, 08:10 AM
i think everyone on here knows my accident by now.....

11-16-2006, 11:35 AM
Worst I ever out of a crash was nocked out and painful nuts.

11-16-2006, 12:01 PM
I flipped my Rhino 660 back on Sept. 24th in a rock quarry. I broke my tibula and fractured my fibula. A week in the hospital, 2 surgeries on my leg. 1st surgery) Doc put a titanium rod in my left leg w/ 4 screws. 2nd sugery) Plastic surgeon did a muscle flap and a skin graph. Apparently, the windshield bracket went into the backside of my leg and ripped the muscle off the bone. My mom said u could stick your finger in one side of my leg and touch the other side. Well, its been about 8 weeks now and i'm up walkin w/ a nice limp. This pic was a couple of weeks ago.

What u are lookin at is my shin not my knee. It's the muscle flap they had to do. It was a great sunday evening until all this happened.

11-16-2006, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by 450Rchaser
I flipped my Rhino 660 back on Sept. 24th in a rock quarry. I broke my tibula and fractured my fibula. A week in the hospital, 2 surgeries on my leg. 1st surgery) Doc put a titanium rod in my left leg w/ 4 screws. 2nd sugery) Plastic surgeon did a muscle flap and a skin graph. Apparently, the windshield bracket went into the backside of my leg and ripped the muscle off the bone. My mom said u could stick your finger in one side of my leg and touch the other side. Well, its been about 8 weeks now and i'm up walkin w/ a nice limp. This pic was a couple of weeks ago.

What u are lookin at is my shin not my knee. It's the muscle flap they had to do. It was a great sunday evening until all this happened.

ouch dude

MX MaNiAc 06
11-16-2006, 02:17 PM
Riding a wheelie 4th gear on my 400ex through a stripmine. I was following someone and couldnt really see where we were going but the kid on the back of his quad was watching me so of course i was showing off. He swerved around a dirt mound faster than i could see it. I put the front end down right onto it and thats all i remember. I went flying n my quad rolled at least 5 times. The kid said it rolled so fast it was like a blur.

While it was rolling my battery went flying, my shoe came off n my helmet rolled past them when they stopped. I must of hit my head pretty hard cuz i thought it was a dream when i got up. They said i got up immediately. I felt no pain for about 15-20 minutes then i felt like chit. But i deffinately should of broken bones. I bruised my tailbone, hit my head, ripped my clothes n cut myself all up.

All my tires were off the bead, my battery flew out, bent a rim n bent a hub. I dont think its that easy to bend a hub so it makes me proud.

11-16-2006, 02:42 PM
this happened last year, its really my only crash really since ive been riding so i figure its my worst..

I was riding a crappy 250x that my dad and i cleaned up a bit, it was my first time on the track near my house and one of the first times on the bike, i was overriding it for my inexperiencesness. After a while of riding i jumped off of one of the table tops and in air i lost my footing, my feet came off the pegs and when i landed it threw me off the side, i had no nerf bars on this bike so i easily came off. i landed on my back and rolled down the back of the table, i got a huge bruse on my lower back form where i landed on a rock, and u can still feel a small bump there:(

11-16-2006, 03:09 PM
back in 7th grade( 9th now) i was at my freinds house with my little 250ex and he had this huge table top like drive way... sweetest thing i have ever seen lol....and well i jumped it like 3 or 4 timesa dn wel on the 5th time i hit the drive what a little more to the left then i was spose to ( where the drain pipe is) and got shot up in the air doing a front flip( and i mean a real front flip) about when i was up side down 35 feet in the air i jumped off and landed on my left should er breaking my collar bone. then i see my quad go fliping over top me end over end after 13 flips it stoped with the battery tor out the rear frame betn sideways the back wheel blowen off th erim the handle bars torn off and the frotn left tire and a arms tor completely off..... that day sucked

MX MaNiAc 06
11-16-2006, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by honda4life72
back in 7th grade( 9th now) i was at my freinds house with my little 250ex and he had this huge table top like drive way... sweetest thing i have ever seen lol....and well i jumped it like 3 or 4 timesa dn wel on the 5th time i hit the drive what a little more to the left then i was spose to ( where the drain pipe is) and got shot up in the air doing a front flip( and i mean a real front flip) about when i was up side down 35 feet in the air i jumped off and landed on my left should er breaking my collar bone. then i see my quad go fliping over top me end over end after 13 flips it stoped with the battery tor out the rear frame betn sideways the back wheel blowen off th erim the handle bars torn off and the frotn left tire and a arms tor completely off..... that day sucked

Im sure u were 35' in the air on ur 250ex. :rolleyes:

11-16-2006, 03:34 PM
Mine was 2 years ago on 4th of July when I was riding down Sand Highway with one of my buddies at Pismo cruising 4th gear by mile marker 18 when a huge 4 seater Sand rail pulled up next to me doing about the same speed.

The girl that was driving couldn't have been older than 20 and she had another girl and 2 guys with her. They pulled up on my right, I made eye contact with her and then she tapped the gas a couple times as if she wanted to race but then slowed down, whipped behind me, and pulled up next to me on my left about 10-15ft away. It seemed like they were trying to toy around with me and I strated getting nervous so I shifted into 5th and pinned it to try and put some space between me and the rail. No sooner did I lay on the throttle the stupid chick made a hard right turn as if I wasn't even there and nailed my quad with the rail. I flew a good 25ft and probably rolled another 10 ft. I don't even know what my quad did because I was thrown ahead of it and my buddy was in front of me and didn't see the crash happen.

When I got up my buddy was by my quad with the passengers. My quad was upside down with both left side tires off the bead, 2 bent tie rods and stock plastics cracked to all hell. The sand rail was parked right by my quad and the girls friends and my buddy were trying to flip my quad over. I walked over to the girl (who was crying hysterically) and had some choice words with her. Told her friends thanks for the help got on my quad and rode back to my truck in 2nd gear with my riding buddy.

Believe it or not I walked away with no bruises, breaks, or injuries I was just a little sore the next day. I have been in crashes where I have been hurt but that crash was by far the worst/scariest I have ever been in.

11-16-2006, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by MX MaNiAc 06
Im sure u were 35' in the air on ur 250ex. :rolleyes:
haha I was thinking the same thing

My worst crash in my 10 years of riding was the other weekend. I was pinned fourth down a straight and went vertical in the air and landed like that. My back hurt for a while along with my tailbone/right asss cheek. Most of you guys have proboly already seen the picture of the quad.

Not a horrible crash but ..

I went trail riding at Kentucky lake over spring break last year and I blew up my blaster so I was riding my friends Honda recon utility quad. I thought I could keep up with my dads buddies and cousin on a ktm 230, rmz 250, and cr125..I was following them and in the middle of the trails there was pit made and my cousin and them just bounced down into it and up the other side and I knew it wasn't going to go good but I had to do the same thing at that point and I fell in and hit the other side and hit my face on the bars. My nose was broken a month or prior so it went numb and I felt like I had a minor concusion. (didn't black out but was out of it all day)

11-16-2006, 04:20 PM
Not too much of a story behind it, but on a 4th gear holeshot, you have some time to get going real quick. Anyways got bumped by someone behind me, and then got plowed by two oncoming 450's. Bike suffered no damage but me on ther other hand...

11-16-2006, 06:20 PM
yeesh i dont have much room to talk here.:D my second lap of a MX race, i was coming around a long sweeping turn and approached a tripple (my friend there said it was around 50-55ft, but you dont really think about that when you are riding). i dont really know what came over me, but i decided to go for it despite the fact that i had never done a triple in my life. ended up just casing the landing, but smashed a 190. rim, which caused me to buck off the quad and flail to the side (lol, its never good when you are rag dolling it!)

my helmet had a quick release strap, snapped off and the buckle slit my chin open. had 15 stitches for that, and then when my fat head hit the ground i got a few non displaced fractures on both sides of my jaw. aside from some minor road rash and alot of blood i was ok. all i know is im fortunate that i didnt get hurt worse than i did, and i am deffinetly more humble about racing.

ECATV Raptor
11-16-2006, 06:30 PM
Hey PismoLocal I hope you gave that girl hell about wreckin ur quad! I'd be so pissed off!:grr:

EX lvr
11-16-2006, 07:45 PM
my worst wreck was this summer on my banshee.. i was up north (baldwin MI) me and one of my buddies broke off from our group to check out a little sand pit since we were so far ahead. we heard em ride past so we waited a bit so we oculd haul a__ to catch up with them. we took off an pulled up to a stop sign. we waited a few minutes to get sumthin to drink then i took off . there were some S curves right after the stop sign , i took off and went right then as i was goin left (i was in 4th gear pinned )drifting my right rear tire came off the bead and i went stratight into the ditch , my quad flipped me over the front handlebars and bounced over top of me, and rolled a few more times before nailing a stump and landing upside down in a swamp about 300 feet off the trail. i was out for a few seconds just as i looked up my buddy comes around the corner and is like, holy fu'' dude are you okay? i was like yea yea im fine , he said dont look in a mirror . i felt my face and realized my helmet had gotton ripped off and was split across the top. a nice bloody nose, concussion, bad bruses and some serious rash down my leg was all that happend. (luckily my gf said i didnt look any worse, dunno if that was a compliment) the worst part was strappin waht was left of my quad down to the back of my buddies quad and driven like 15 miles back to the campground where we were stayin with my whole body just achin like a b--h, but a few new parts on the shee and a torch and vise and you could never tell i crashed at all:devil:

11-16-2006, 08:08 PM
i'd say this just this past sunday... i was out at my friends track, and i've gotten ALOT faster all of a sudden and he's damn fast. so of course he was behind me and i was gonna see how long i could stay ahead. well to my and his surprise, i was doin a decent job of just that, and we get to the long sweepin berm, thats really, really sandy. i took the very inside so i could slide through and miss all the bike ruts. anyways i really dont know what happened but it jerked completely sideways and the tires caught in a matter of milliseconds and i went rollin. i dont remember what happend, but he said my legs look like they were caught and it held me on for 1 or 2 rolls and then slung me, and then the handlebars caught and it went up a good ways and then landed on me. luckily i didnt have anything broken, but my handlebars and steering stem are shot:ermm:

11-16-2006, 08:54 PM
I have never got hurt bad from my quad... knocking on wood.

But one time riding my bmx bike I dumped it on a landing to a small jump. It sent me over the handle bars and I somehow managed to hook my balls on the left handle bar. OUCH! 9 hous later and 64 stiches up my left nut im home from the emergency room. I dident move for a whole week.

11-16-2006, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by 1fst400
I have never got hurt bad from my quad... knocking on wood.

But one time riding my bmx bike I dumped it on a landing to a small jump. It sent me over the handle bars and I somehow managed to hook my balls on the left handle bar. OUCH! 9 hous later and 64 stiches up my left nut im home from the emergency room. I dident move for a whole week.

:eek: :eek: :ermm:

my crotch hurts just from readin that

Pelon 9-1
11-16-2006, 11:04 PM
dammm, bad stories, im sorry about u guys, i dont like to see when the guys fall off!!:( :ermm:

11-17-2006, 09:09 AM
happened in august riding on a practice track that my buddies had built i was out on my dale rippin on the first lap(they had told me everything about the track) and there is this spot where you could go around and hit a small double or go straight it a 75ft triple. well i went for the triple...what they had forgotten to mention was that the triple didn't actually have a third mound to land on so i had just hit the luanch i fourth pinned and here i'm flying towards a nonexistent landing well i couldn't really do much but hold on at that point landed on the flat snapped my ankle bent a hub and two a-arms , creased all but one rim , blew a shock and when i bottomed out and the frame hit the ground it cracked the cases

11-17-2006, 10:42 AM
my worst crash was 11 years ago. i was racing and following a guy over a double. he had done it the last 2 laps well on the 3rd lap he hit the brakes at the first jump. i hit him in mid air and it threw me off. when i landed somehow the handlebars went through my thigh. i wasnt running bar ends and handgaurds wasnt big at the time. the whole handlebar was filled with fat. the worst part about it was when i was on my hands and knees the flagman wasn't paying attention and another guy landed straight on my back.

my worst injury was last easter. i was just riding my quad around the yard and turned it over. broke my back! isn't it crazy ive raced for 13 years had crazy wrecks and break my back riding in the yard?

11-17-2006, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by fandl450r
Not too much of a story behind it, but on a 4th gear holeshot, you have some time to get going real quick. Anyways got bumped by someone behind me, and then got plowed by two oncoming 450's. Bike suffered no damage but me on ther other hand...

I'd score that a 9.5 on size, and a 9.0 on color.

(out of a perfect 10)

11-17-2006, 11:06 AM
My worst crash was at a GNCC national.

I had just finished the first lap, and was coming back thru the MX section.

Well, one jump was a step up / dragons back and I cleared the first hump, but my rear tires hit suqare on the second.

Classic endo, over the bars, face plant, quad chased after me, landed on me and then jumped off and stood over me looking down, asking "Want some more of me, punk?"

"No thanx" I said, as a small crowd looked on.

Rolled the quad to the truck, and went over to the finish line to wait for the finish.

No broken anything, just a bruised pride.

11-20-2006, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by MX MaNiAc 06
Im sure u were 35' in the air on ur 250ex. :rolleyes:

well maybe not 35 foot ( i was exyagerating) that was back in tha day......i was maybe 20 at the most.....i was going 4th gear pined i think :(

11-20-2006, 05:23 PM
Originally posted by MX MaNiAc 06
Im sure u were 35' in the air on ur 250ex. :rolleyes:

well maybe not 35 foot ( i was exyagerating) that was back in tha day......i was maybe 20 at the most.....i was going 4th gear pined i think :(

11-20-2006, 06:12 PM
lets see, well...the worst ive had was on my BMX bike....i was jumping on some local trails...my feet were wet and when i landed the pedals slipped from my shoe. When that happened, the left side pedal slammed into my shin and raked the skin, meant tendons. ect. from the bone...i walked home 4 miles and then got my mom to drive me to the ER. After 90 stitches and 36 staples i was ready to go....and my friend vicadin was there with me!:p

BTW, ive never seriously gotten injured on my 440...because i gots skillz!...lol...:blah:

11-20-2006, 06:27 PM
about a year ago i was riding with my couson and a few other people. i was following my couson on his bike. we were going about 40-45 and came to a cornor but i say i wouldnt make it. hit the brakes and slowed down but not enough. hit the tree fliping my quad into a thorn bush. i am of coarse under the quad. the only damage was a bend rim, bend tie rod, and some broken plastic. my damage was a huge scrach from th emiddle of my back to the top of my left shoulder about 1.5-2 inches wide. this happened about an hour into the trip. i continued to ride the rest of th eday but nothing very hard or very fast

11-20-2006, 08:01 PM
My worst crash was at my first race ever, There was two big doubles one after another and you pretty much have to hit the first one to make the second one, about 70foot gap. Well I was in 3rd place and I saw the 2 others roll it so I thought to myself just gotta give'er and try to make the second one so I tapped her in 3rd with a 20foot run and I cased by like 5 feet and got bucked off... then pretty much almost got plowed by like 15 quads in the back... got dragged off the track by my buddies dad and broke 2 veterbres in my back from compression. Didnt feel to go for 2-3 weeks haha

11-20-2006, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by shano
My worst crash was at my first race ever, There was two big doubles one after another and you pretty much have to hit the first one to make the second one, about 70foot gap. Well I was in 3rd place and I saw the 2 others roll it so I thought to myself just gotta give'er and try to make the second one so I tapped her in 3rd with a 20foot run and I cased by like 5 feet and got bucked off... then pretty much almost got plowed by like 15 quads in the back... got dragged off the track by my buddies dad and broke 2 veterbres in my back from compression. Didnt feel to go for 2-3 weeks haha

Ahhh Shane Shane Shane . I remember that . ALl I can remember thinking was " Who's that fool that tried to clear that gap" !!! LOL None of the guys on dirtbikes were trying it that day either .... the downside was too fk'ed up !!!!:p

My worst crash left me in a full leg cast for 8 months , had 5 surgeries ( 6th comming up) , 2+ years off work , and a nice limp . Shattered Tibia , busted up fibula , nearly ripped my right leg off . It was holding on by very little tissue . I thank God that I still have a leg , and that I had a great surgeon that realized a 21 year old ( at the time) can't go without a leg .

mic 902
11-21-2006, 04:30 AM
My worst crash ever was on a dam 2 wheeler. lol
Dont remember what happened and as a result of it i dont remember 3 weeks before the crash or 1 week after. This is what my Dad told me because he watched it all happen

Coming up to a tabletop, basically nose dived in the air for some unknown reason and I landed square on my head,cracked the helmet nicely, then rolled forward and as I was on my butt the bike landed on me.

Doesnt sound to bad but the result was, knocked out for 30 minutes and 2 or 3 day concusion from landing on my head and squashed cartelidge(sp) in my spinal chord from the bike landing on me while i was in a sort of sitting upright position. Couldnt walk for 2 weeks and couldnt stand up straight for almost 5 months. Physio told me that I would never walk normally again but after 6 months of going to him three times a weeks i could walk normally and after another 3 months of going to him twice a week i got back on the bike..... Only to change to quads 3 weeks later. But because of the loss of memory and the time off to recover I fell 6 weeks behind in school, that sucked soooo badly. lol

Heres a pic of the helmet i was wearing... I think ive posted this pic on here before. Notice the crack down the back beside the air vent.


11-21-2006, 01:38 PM
i attempted a 85 foot tabletop stepdown, aboard a bone stock 450r, 3rd gear pinned, she nosedived, really bad, i was looking straight down at the ground, so i bailed and landed on my left collarbone, snapped it good, i learned never to drive a honda again :rolleyes: