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11-11-2006, 09:02 AM
sorry for posting in the open forum guys but i need an answer quick, i have a race in 2 days. I bump started my quad the other day and right after i did that white smoke began comng out of my exhuast, i took a look at my engine and it appears that i blew a head gasket, could this be why the smoke is coming out, compresion check looked fine. Im assuming the blown head gasket is what this is, let me know what you guys think! thanks, Josh

11-11-2006, 01:05 PM
If the compression check was normal then your head gasket should be good.

I'd say valve seals.

11-11-2006, 01:15 PM
If it was white smoke, i would say head gasket-- If it was valve seals it would be blue smoek from oil burning.

11-11-2006, 02:25 PM
well, i found that it was my rings, turns out the compression was not as good as expected. I tore into the topend and i need a new piston. rings and the cylinder bored. so much for racing the last race of the deason on the 19th. what 416 size piston do you guys reccomend, JE 11:1? Also what size over bore is a 416 equal to? thanks guys.