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View Full Version : Veterans day

Honda TRX250ex
11-11-2006, 08:31 AM
I don't know if you guys know it or not but today is Veterans day. Its just not a day where you get off of school, or if you were like me and had school but got out of class for a Veterans day presentations. Its a day to honor all the men and woman who fought to protect this country from the eyes of evil. These young people just comming out of high school, only 18 years old going to another country to fight in the worse of combat. They have made the the greatest sacifice a citizen could make in the US. They risked their lives so that we can get up everyday and eat brakefast or even read this thread. We could never thank them enough or even pay back the thanks what they have done for us. At the end of 1945 about 5 hundrend thousand of our loved soliders gave their lives to protect people they don't even know. In the War in Iraq 2,843 Americans died. I could never say enough thanks or do anything to pay back what these men and woman did over seas. But I can do one thing and that is to say Thank you for giving your lives for us. Thank you for protecting our borders. Thank you for leaving your familes to save others. Thank you for everything.
God Bless you guys and good luck.

11-11-2006, 08:36 AM
Veterns Day is not a day to honor only the Americans that saw combat, but a day to honor all the ex-military personel that served in any branch for any amount of time in any country. Weather they saw action or not all ex-military are Vet's. Thanks to all the veterns!

11-11-2006, 08:59 AM

11-11-2006, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by 700bRad
Veterns Day is not a day to honor only the Americans that saw combat, but a day to honor all the ex-military personel that served in any branch for any amount of time in any country. Weather they saw action or not all ex-military are Vet's. Thanks to all the veterns!

Agreed !!!!