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11-10-2006, 05:03 AM
I have maier plastic now and i need some lights. I dont want to pay a but load for them, but i need some good lights so where can i get them and how much are they. thanks

11-10-2006, 06:01 PM
trailtechs are a good price.. they have them on every online store.. check out magic racing or maybe moto-man.com

11-10-2006, 06:05 PM
i just ent to wal mart and got $20 fog lights for a car and then made a custom braket.

11-10-2006, 07:41 PM
I put a cars high beam head light on behind my bumper. its 50 watts and it is super bright. It shined all the way down a farm field. It costed $5 from fleat farm. After I put a stator and lighting coil on ill buy a nother one of them.
A cool thing im doing is going to make my quad a cop quad. Im going to buy 2 circle cop car bumper/gril flashing lights and put them in the outter spots on the bumper and have a seprit switch to turn em on. That ell be cool

11-10-2006, 08:20 PM
just make sure you dont go over 75 watts.. cause stocks are 35 watts a piece.. I used foglights and ran both at the same time and killed my battery.. when I ran one at a time it was fine..

11-11-2006, 12:18 AM
I got me some trail techs from rocky mountain I think for like 120. I didnt think that was too bad of a price. I absolutely love em and think that they look great. And their soooo much brighter than stock.

11-11-2006, 09:23 AM
trailtechs are nice.. the looks sweet on the bars.. and I like that they have a spotlight and a floodlight style housing..

11-11-2006, 03:12 PM
You can go over the wattage. If you go over teh stock out put and run it hard like in a higher rpm you shouldnt have much of a problume.

11-11-2006, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by slow
You can go over the wattage. If you go over teh stock out put and run it hard like in a higher rpm you shouldnt have much of a problume.


11-11-2006, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by exrider008

It true. Thats how a yfz450 is. You beat it the battory stays charged. You put around battory go dead.

It could still go dead but running at a higher rpm would lessen the chance. I was going for like a hour or two at a low rpm and my 400ex battory was dead and i was using stock head lights. Ever since if i beat it it stays good. If a 400ex was kick start you chould through out the battory to save weight and still have lights.

11-11-2006, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by slow
It true. Thats how a yfz450 is. You beat it the battory stays charged. You put around battory go dead.

It could still go dead but running at a higher rpm would lessen the chance. I was going for like a hour or two at a low rpm and my 400ex battory was dead and i was using stock head lights. Ever since if i beat it it stays good. If a 400ex was kick start you chould through out the battory to save weight and still have lights.
From what I understand it's the stator that will eventually wear out because more wattage is being used than it is designed to produce.

And I belive he's talking about a 400ex, not a yfz450.

Your quad has had too many issues in the past to use as a reliable comparison:ermm:

11-11-2006, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by JOEX

Your quad has had too many issues in the past to use as a reliable comparison:ermm: i agree with you on that one. im honestly suprised that thing has held together for the most part.

on the subject-i really like the trailtech lights. they are made specifically for quads, look great, and are very useful.

11-11-2006, 10:08 PM
i put those 2 little 50watters what the dude has in the pic above on my 300ex and i had a stock battery and it didn't drain it in low rpm.