View Full Version : is there new model ac nerf bars??????

09-10-2002, 04:04 PM
I thought i heard someone say something about new ac pro peg nerf bars that have a really wide peg. where can i get these and does anyone have pictures?


09-10-2002, 04:18 PM
Yes Ac is making a new peg on the Pro pegs. There are about 3 differences from the old pegs to the new pegs:

1.) The Peg is wider but not by much-Maybe 1/2 inch

2.)The pegs now have a Kick-Up- Just liek the nacs Foot Pegs extenders jsut part of the pegs. Very Nice IMO

3.) The last miner difference is that the design on teh peg is different. On the old pegs if you were to look straight down to the top of teh peg it has many back and forth Peices with Spikes.

On the new pegs if you look down on the top of teh peg all it is a one big "x" That runns the length of the Hole Peg (Ecluding teh Kick Up-(Has a smaller "x")

They look pretty nice. I wanna get some but i wil stick with my old pro pegs for now until i break these ones. (That ain't gonna Happen)

09-10-2002, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by LSR416Ex
Yes Ac is making a new peg on the Pro pegs. There are about 3 differences from the old pegs to the new pegs:

1.) The Peg is wider but not by much-Maybe 1/2 inch

2.)The pegs now have a Kick-Up- Just liek the nacs Foot Pegs extenders jsut part of the pegs. Very Nice IMO

3.) The last miner difference is that the design on teh peg is different. On the old pegs if you were to look straight down to the top of teh peg it has many back and forth Peices with Spikes.

On the new pegs if you look down on the top of teh peg all it is a one big "x" That runns the length of the Hole Peg (Ecluding teh Kick Up-(Has a smaller "x")

They look pretty nice. I wanna get some but i wil stick with my old pro pegs for now until i break these ones. (That ain't gonna

do you know where i can get them?

09-12-2002, 05:15 PM
you can order them from us at www.acracing.com or call us at 714-808-8330

09-12-2002, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by desertratt45
you can order them from us at www.acracing.com or call us at 714-808-8330

I have heard about peope having a lot of trouble installing them. Are the new ones easier and what do you have to do to install them. ANd do you have any pics??


09-12-2002, 06:36 PM
heres a pic of the new foot peg

09-12-2002, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by desertratt45
heres a pic of the new foot peg

are they worth the 220 and are they easier to install. what all do you need to install them

09-12-2002, 06:52 PM
installing them is easy. all you need is a drill and 1/4" bit and a 3/8" bit. 10mm, 12mm,13mm,14mm wrenchs and or rachit and sockets.there is instructions in the box. the pix are a bit hard to see but should give you an good idea.
the propegs in this pic are the old foot peg stile. i dont have a pic yet of the 400ex pro pegs yet. only pix i have with the new propegs are the z400.
we've had a few personal changes lately and its been hard to get every thing up dated but we are working on it.

09-18-2002, 02:36 AM
ahh, someone from AC
id have to say, when i got your nerf bars, the instructions you sent sucked, the paperi had was a black and white copy of color photos, so each photo was entirely useless.

another thing i found wrong in the setup sheet, the part of the nerfs that attach to the engine mount through the 1 inch spacer, it says to use the shorter bolts, the shorter bolts barley go 3 threads into the nut as long as they are, it would be very easy to strip, so i went to the longer bolt instead you included and it worked perfectly.

i like your new design, but i have to say im kind of bummed about the heal guards, the sheet metal plate that gos from the heal guard that bolts to the peg sits to high, on the stock setup that part of the heal guard was about an inch lower, my heal never even touched it, now it sits on there like part of the foot peg, and its hard to hold my footing with my heal sitting as high as the footpeg when im leaning back going over whoops or whatever.
i fell like im gonna be redoing my heal guards,

09-18-2002, 07:13 AM
yeah i know those pix on the old instuctions suck. we have been going through all the instuctions and making new ones that are better to read. now as far as your heel guards. if you like, since you are in oc, give me a call and we could set up a time that is good for both of us for you to bring your 400 by so i can take a look at what your problem is and i'll fix it.

09-18-2002, 03:15 PM
i just wanna thanks the boys from ac for helpin me out when i needed just the nerf from one side. you guys really helped me out a lot and i really appraciate it.

09-18-2002, 08:09 PM
Do you they make those for 300ex's?

09-19-2002, 07:34 PM
no we dont make pro pegs for the 300ex. though it looks like there is getting to be some interest in them. so they might be a possibilaty for next year. i got some new pix of our updated nerfs for the 400ex

09-20-2002, 11:40 AM
They look kinda bulky or heavy...atleast more heavy then the older model...But i think ima get them!! I like how it keeps the protection from you foot fallin into the tire and they look stronger then the stock plastic foot guards