View Full Version : how loud is hmf compared to stock???

11-07-2006, 07:00 PM
ok since noone knows how loud in db's the stock exhaust is for the 300ex then can someone tell me how loud the hmf sport series pipe(with quiet core) is compaired to my stock pipe??????\

is it alot louder, a little louder, or the same???

plz some one respond soon!

Thanks, derick

11-07-2006, 07:29 PM
Loud. Really loud.

11-07-2006, 07:38 PM
if you had any clue of how many db's the stock exhaust would be wut would u guess?

11-07-2006, 07:51 PM
think of the loudest harley or street cruiser you can think of and then its louder than that. even with a quiet core its still going to be loud. the trade off with pipes is noise for performance.

11-08-2006, 12:16 AM
Stock Exhaust is around 80dB's. HMF w/ Quiet core is 96 dB's.

That's 3x louder than the stock exhaust. Remove the quiet core.. and you're hitting 4x louder.

11-08-2006, 08:50 AM
i no on a 250ex it sounds ok BUT its NOT! louder then a harly!! my bros friends honda foreman450s with thee white bros S serise is louder cause its got the disks, but with q/c id say 96 with out it im guess 106maby cause yours is the 300ex

11-10-2006, 08:43 PM
to tell ya the truth it really dont matter, check your state's law on dbs most states range from 93dbs-100dbs theres not much they can do so do whatcha like :) something you may want to consider though if your worried about sound is white e-series pipes they arent TOO loud and provide pretty good low end power

11-11-2006, 05:55 PM
HMF's rumble and purr. they sound great. If your thinking of getting a slip on then HMF is the way to go. My son has FMF slip on and its loud but toleralble. My brother N law has HMF slip on sport seris and its freaking sweet.. both of the before metioned bikes are 300ex's. I have pro circuit T-4 on a 400ex and its a rude dog. soooooooooo freeeeeaaaakkinnnggg loud . I cant stand it. hind sight is 20/20 get HMF