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View Full Version : bad weekend

mike c s
11-06-2006, 04:09 PM
alright i was riding with a few buddies this weekend and well not everything went right. sunday there were a few problems, we made some new hills to climb and we decided they needed to have all the leaves off of them, so i went down a few times to get them off, but the last time i was going around one of the curves on the hill and it started biclycling and i bailed but the quad kept going, it wasnt any more than 5mph and it hit a tree that was not 6 feet away, the ac bumper i had just pretty much folded in and cracked!!??! is that normal for those?? also my buddys rm85 that he just got back locked up ?? any one know what could be the problem there?, also i am looking for a bumper, i dont want to spend a whole lot one one and i dont think i really want another ac.

mike c s
11-06-2006, 04:10 PM

11-06-2006, 04:24 PM
It's not a problem with the AC bumper, they'll all fold in if you hit a tree with them:p That's what they're for, to break and absorb the impact so your frame doesn't get messed up. Oh well though, it happens.

As for the dirtbike; it could be a multitude of things. Not enough pre-mix, tranny oil problem, bad crank bearings, midgets in the crankcase, not put together correctly, cylinder not checked well enough,etc, etc...

mike c s
11-06-2006, 04:31 PM
well yea i know that but it just suprised me on how easily it bent and cracked, also the dirtbike was recently blown and just got rebuilt and he just got it back last friday, he had some gas in it then added a turbo blue mixture, could have that done it??

11-06-2006, 05:31 PM
he probly rode it to hard instead of being smart and breaking in the new top end correctly.

mike c s
11-06-2006, 06:58 PM
well how long is good to break it in?? we putted on saterday just for him, when it locked up he was in fith putting down the road

11-08-2006, 04:05 PM
Well fellers i have the problem solved. The 85 was really a pice of **** and he rode it to hard. NOT to name over 400 breeds but hit cylandar walls were burnt out. I got me here a stock bumper for sale 15 dollars and shes yours PAL!!!!!!

mike c s
11-08-2006, 04:11 PM
haha baumer , pshhh u just named over 400 breeds!!lol well i already have a stock bumper for it, hows the old 400 running??