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View Full Version : 86 R's

Ruby Soho
11-05-2006, 07:21 PM
Im looking at someones all stock 86 250r.

Is there anything wrong with the 86's?

Anything I should look for when I check it out?

11-06-2006, 06:33 AM
All Rs are the same in the aspect of trouble areas for the most part. Your main points of inspection should be the frame area near the foot pegs that is prone to cracking, also check the whole frame over for cracks. Check the subframe for straightness. Next check the cases of the motor out. Alot of these motors had the chain chucked into the case and will either be well repaired or JB welded back together, areas where the case saver bolts to and the potrusion for the shift shaft will be affected. Ask questions, anything you feel is in bad shape use against the seller to lower the price. Do the usual checks like the shocks are they blown out? are the bearings in the axle carrier worn, front wheel bearings, are the a-arms bent, are the bushings worn, Ball joints bad. If the mechanicals are good then I wouldnt worry about cosmetics, Just use common sense. If all else fails take someone along that knows what they are looking for, or even someone thats atv savvy just to give you another set of eyes that could pick up on something you over looked.

Ruby Soho
11-06-2006, 12:07 PM

one more question, how can i check to see if the engine is running fine. so thast i dont buy it, and then 2 weeks later it blows or something?

11-06-2006, 01:32 PM
listen to how it idles and most important, ride it

11-06-2006, 02:05 PM
ya see how easy it is to start, hopefully its cold before you get there. If its a realy pain to start that could indicate its low on compression ( bad rings, bad head gasket) if you can have him pull the plug to see how its burning, if its dripping wet that could mean improper tuning however richness is actually better for a motor then leanness. If its white thats not good. Listen to the motor for loud knocks and rattling. Ticking is usally normal. Look at the exhaust, you dont want too much smoke but some is usual. rev the bike alittle, listen for anything out of place, odd noises, stumbles and such. Ride the bike see if it has good power and such. Just use your best judgement. If something doesnt seem right it probably isnt.

Ruby Soho
11-06-2006, 02:36 PM
thanks a ton creech52. :)