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11-05-2006, 07:04 PM
I've heard that once you go over like 22" tires you need to change your gearing and stuff like that. I just want to make sure I'm ok. I want to order bigger tires like 20" (right now I have 18) with the stock chain and sprokets size, I will be ok. But can I put a 14 tooth sproket and 20" tires and use the same chain? Will I need to change the gearing? Will I need to order a different chain? Sorry if this is a stupid question but I am kind of a noob:(

11-05-2006, 08:54 PM
basiclly if you go up in tire size its like gearing up, go down like gearing down. u say as it stands now u have 18s on the back with stock gearing so that is equivilant to having 20 inch tires and being geared down 1 tooth from stock on the front sproket. if you want to keep the same gearing with 20 inch tires go down one tooth on the front sproket and you should be good.

you shouldnt have to buy a new chain unless its really worn out. when putting on a new sproket loosen up the back end like your going to tighten the chain but make it as loose as you can. you should be able to slip on the new sproket no problem then just tighten the chain back up. on my 400 i used to switch back and fourth between a 13 and a 14 tooth all the time with no issues.