View Full Version : Cobra's vs. the competitiors

11-02-2006, 06:08 AM
I'm sure there will be some upset parents,and I hope Cobra owners are not offended, but here goes.Do you think it is fair for the cobra's to remain in the 90cc production class in the GNCC.There are head and shoulders faster in the open fields and it's just unfair to the Honda's and the cvt quads that have to compete against them.I totally understand that the rider is a big reason and not necessarily the quad,but those quads are so much better in every area.What class should they be in, not sure but they are splitting the classes up in the GNC this year.I understand competition is what you want in racing, but I just think there needs to be somemore thought into this.Maybe I am totally wrong on this, anyone care to put there two cents in do so.My son races in the series and frankly just races for the fun of racing,wish he was more competitive but he isn't and that's cool.. This is just my opinion on what I have observed in what I posted.Congrats to all the kids that raced in the GNCC this season it was a wonderful successful season looking forward to the 2007 campaign...............

Arctic Cat Dad
11-02-2006, 08:13 AM
Thunder I speak the 5th on this 1. But you think it's bad now wait till next year, it will be even worse. I know of a few more kids that are going to the Cobra for the same reason. We all know that those with the $$$ are going to have the best mini's. But this is the racing world. I know that Michael has been begging for a Cobra. And I know in my heart if he had 1 he would be right there in the thick of it all. But I don't have the $8,000 to dish out all at once and then keep this high $$$ mini running all season long. And this for the most part are where we all are.

Even if they made just a Cobra class they would still be on the podium all the time,with the top 3 overall. And we all better get use to it because I talked to the Cobra rep at the Ironman. He said they are really looking to get a bunch more Cobra's in the GNCC's.

But what ever happens we'll show up on a built Honda with 1 wicked rider and give them heck.Because Michael loves to race!

11-02-2006, 11:14 AM
Since we do not do the GNCC series, how many cobras do you usually have to show up and race?

Arctic Cat Dad
11-02-2006, 02:19 PM
Last year there was only 1, my friend's with Kyle Riley as the rider. And WalkerFowler got 1 this year making it 2 . At the last 2 Nationals there were 4. There were 2 of them on the podium with top 3 over all's at the Ironman. But next year is a different story. I've been told by 2 other dads their sons will be on them also.

I think the new 07 will have all the bugs worked out of them. There will be alot more then that. I'll say 8 Cobra's will race next year. The Cobra rep was really looking at getting alot of them there next year.

11-02-2006, 03:10 PM
I agree 100% that the bugs will be worked out for 07. we currently own 3 cobras. We had one of the first ones to come out. Yes there were alot of bugs then. This year has been 100% better then the first year. Year after year it will get better. Cobra is a great company. They stand behind their bikes and quads. My boys race the GNC series. We only had 2 in the junior class and 2 in the sr class with exception of ILL. were there were 3 in the sr class.

11-03-2006, 06:46 AM
I thought Charlie was fast at motocross until he faced 4 cobras...He was 5th and rode awesome!! He jumped with them, cornered with them, got the holeshot, did everything compariable except for the straight aways,, they were fast. We have a cranked up 70 Bombardier and a 70 DRR but they couldn't compete with the speed of the 50 cobra.. We will race in the 70 class again next year and will decide on what to buy for the 90 class the following year ?

11-03-2006, 08:13 AM
The cobra was made for the production class rules as they were/are. Nobody saw it comming. It's no different than someone finding a loophole in the tax system.

It's fair to cobra to be there cuz they built to the rule.
It's not fair to CVT racers cuz,,well that's obvious.
The class split like is proposed in the gnc is a good thing.

Now for a lil food for thought:::
I get a call from a racer mom/dad that has his kids race the gnc's. They explain that last year They got on the band wagon and bought cobra's. In the next breath they explain on how they cannot afford to race the cobra's giving their poor reliability issues. They went on and on about their issues and knowing these ppl, I cannot believe that they are the only ones. They have extra money, extra motors, dozens of wore out clutchs and 1 or 2 race finishes.
They are begging to go back to a CVT class.

Class names is the problem. The word "production" is what the difference is. It's a word that has changed the race scene forever. For the good is another topic. :)
I propose a rich parent class (for the mods and cobra) and a working mans class (for all us CVT lovers)..LOL j/k

Arctic Cat Dad
11-04-2006, 05:31 AM
Lt80 You hit the nail right on the head. My little Buddy lost a National Championship because of his Cobra. With a Honda he won every race in his class by a long shot, and even podiumed from the second row. He has NEVER finished a National event with the Cobra.

This guy spends 50hrs or more before a race to get it ready. And has more money in it then alot of people have in their cars. These quads may be allright to run for 20 minute moto's and shut them down. Run them for 1 hr solid full bore pinned and there not as awesome as you think.

Were right back with what I said before. There gonna run in the production class and that is it. If you wanna run with them in the GNCC series then you better show up on a wicked 125 Honda with a wicked little guy to keep it pinned. At least when the checker flag drops an hour later the HONDA will still be screaming.

And yes a Honda will be the mini to beat in the GNCC's with the right rider! They are just so dependable and they keep running strong at the end.

11-04-2006, 07:18 PM
Didn't seem like Walker Fowler had much of a problem keeping his running. A 125 honda should be able to hang with an 80cc cobra, just wait till you see the true 90 run.

Arctic Cat Dad
11-05-2006, 04:49 AM
I know Danny Fowler,we talk at every National. Yes it stayed running for the race. But it took alot of work each week to keep it there. Do you know how many frames it took to complete the season. Did you know it was broke in 9 places in 1 race. Not counting that you have COBRA as your sponsor.

Cobra is going to be a good machine,there is no doubt about it.The question here was where should it be running. And the answer is in the production class because that is what the rules will allways say . There will not be a shifter class or cobra class.

We will just have to live with them.They will be up front for the overall if they stay running.When they get the bugs worked out of them.It just takes time. And when they do I'll throw my kid on 1!:devil: But into they do we will show up like all the other folks and have fun and let the little monster tear up the woods and hope for the best.:D

11-05-2006, 09:04 PM
As far as Walkers frame goes, I have it in my garage right now. There has been 4 revisions to the frame since then. when Walker started the GNCC season that was the Cobra test quad that he was riding. It was one of the first quads produced by Cobra. It was hammered very hard by every rider that come thru Cobras doors. Adults as well. Both of my boys tested suspension and engines with this quad while at Cobra. The name of this quad is the Rowdy quad. We had alot of fun with it, but like I said it was one of the first built. The latest generation frame have thicker tubing, stronger gussets, better welds, ect.,ect.. It is getting better as far as relibilty goes.

Brandon Tittle
Tittle Brothers Racing

Arctic Cat Dad
11-06-2006, 04:43 AM
I'm glad to hear there making some changes. I knew that the first quad was old. Walker is a grear kid. My son really likes him alot. Please don't get me wrong. I really like the Cobra if they get all the first problems corrected. I know when you first make something there is going to be some problems.

I really think the Cobra is mini of the future. I just hate seeing a kids face when they are sitting there beside the track in a race, because there mini dnfed. It gives me a bad taste in my mouth.
I know Walker put his to the test. So that means that they can take it if you prepare for it. The quad I was talking about was 1 of the first 20 ever made.

I would love to see my kid on 1 just to see what he could do with it. I would believe he could win a BOUNCH of races in the Nationals. In time we'll see.

Tell Walker th Mussi's said hi.

11-06-2006, 07:19 AM
The 07 cobra quad are going to be awesome. More reliable. Cobra has made changes that will help with reliability. But they also need feedback to make them even better for years to come.

Brandon Tittle
Tittle Brothers Racing

11-12-2006, 09:59 PM
A production cvt class sounds like a good idea for the GNCC.No matter what class you ride in, all that most people want is a chance that their machine can win or be competative.

If the Cobras make it to the end most likely the only thing that will beat them is another Cobra.If RP is considering splitting the class wonder how they would word the rules?

11-21-2006, 05:26 AM
I am glad they are splitting the cvt's in District 6 for 2007 and hope they do the same thing for the GNC but truthfully there is a kid that races a 125cc Honda in our district that beats Cobras all the time?