View Full Version : writting a paper about fourwheeling and how it relates to creative process??????

10-24-2006, 11:02 PM
what it says... any bright ideas? i was thinking along the lines of how theres like stlyes and each style is a diffrent way of looking and feeling things, and another thing tying in would be like the way you throw a trick or something or way you hit a jump.

10-25-2006, 07:07 AM
If I were you I would discuss the fact that when riding a quad on a trail, there are so many opportunities for being inventive or spontanious.
For example, what is just a tree root to some can be a little ramp to jump off of to you. Or a little mound can inspire you to transform it into a staging erea for wheelies.
The "creative process" is really just another way to say "decision-making process", all you have to do is focus heavily on the INSPIRATION aspect of your decision....make A and B connect. For example:
A= you come upon a steep hill with ruts on it. It is littered with rocks and has a little bump in the middle of it. Once you see the bump it inspires you to...
B=give it h.ell going up the hill using the bump as a ramp to jump over the worst of the rocks and ruts.

If you go trail riding, you will see literaly thousands of opportunities to be creative. How many times have you seen a steep cliff/hill and you stopped your quad and wondered/thought about how it would be possible to climb that sucker.....and how many times have you actually TRIED it?
THAT is the creative process.
Hope that helps:)

10-25-2006, 07:28 AM
Sup mayne.... you could try explaining how there are infinite possibilities on how to rebuild a quad. PC colors, different parts, and setups, etc. One person may throw a color combination together that looks like crap but another may create the perfect look using the same quad. One's ability to envision their creation before it takes place is part of the creative process.

You could also talk about building jumps or a track and how theres a million different ways you can do it.

Also, you could talk about general riding...how everyone that day is hitting this double but you see a different line. You know you can do it, so you just say F-it and go triple the whole thing. Doubling, tripling whoop sections shaving seconds off your laps that a slower rider couldnt match. Hitting different lines through turns to go faster.

Inventing tricks nobody ever thought possible......the backy, the holy man, no hander landers for style points, trick combos, etc

All takes creativity. Good luck