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View Full Version : greasing bearings

09-07-2002, 09:53 PM
on my 250ex when i coast it makes thing horrible rubbing kinda noise. i know that cant help my speed. ive heard people here say that its the bearings. if i greased them would the noise (and my headache :rolleyes: ) go away

09-07-2002, 09:55 PM
Maybe for a while, then it is gonna come back i think. you probably waited too long. the bearings are probably shot:(

09-08-2002, 10:02 AM
Where is the noise coming from? My neighbor has a 250ex and I noticed the same thing. Found out it was only a shock bushing.

09-08-2002, 10:10 AM
the sound is coming from the wheels you can tell. it also only happens when it rolls.
i do have that squeaky shock problem. i think its just time to get new shocks. when i lean forward it creaks. then i kean forward it creaks. owell

09-08-2002, 11:33 PM
Unless you have ridden your 250 ALOT, you dont need new shocks. Its just that Honda is stingy with the grease on their quads. You could take everything in the front and rear end apart & grease it, but If your unsure about doing that, take it to a mechanic you trust

09-09-2002, 07:08 PM
im probly gunna buy new shocks anyway(but i change my mind every hour) but the suspension sucks on the 250. im fat ill give ya that. the shocks bottom when i land jumps.