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View Full Version : Air pocket in the brake

09-07-2002, 07:58 PM
I flipped my 89 banshee twice in 1 day. (going under the speed of 70mph, j/k, actually only moving under 5mph, and the second, not moving.)Now my brakes have an air pocket in them, I've been bleeding them for days, and constantly having to put more fluid. But they're still having probs, is there an easier way?

Me being a mechanic, and I still can't find a way.

For anyone that cares...No, I have never flipped the 400, the handling is too good.

09-07-2002, 08:48 PM
grab one of the mityvac kits... work like a charm, makes it a quick / easy / clean job... they usually run about $30, unless you pick it up off the snap-on truck :D


09-07-2002, 09:51 PM
I use a "Vacula" $145 off any tool truck.

09-08-2002, 04:21 PM
last time it took me long to bleed my brakes it ended up being a leek in the master cylinder. i bought a rebuild kit from dennis kirk, but it still took about half an hour of pumping the brakes and bleeding them to get any pressure at all.By the way which brakes the fornt back or both.