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View Full Version : Engineers, Carpenters etc...need some help

10-22-2006, 07:32 AM
I have my deer food plots and such all ready to go and I have been wanting a full on shooting house (blind) built. The way I have my area set up I need to be 16 feet off the ground to be able to cover the areas I want to cover.

The "house" needs to be roughly 8 ft wide by 4 ft deep by say 6 ft tall with a slanted roof. I will enclose it fully and have an access door along with windows that can be opened (quietly):D

My question is, how to build the structure to get to the 16 foot target heigth:confused: I planned this out so I can use my equipment to put the posts in concrete etc, but I have been told 6 x 6's 20 foot or so in length (or longer) will cost a bundle.

If anyone is into this kind of stuff and can lend me a hand on the design Id be grateful...might even send ya some deer jerkey:devil:

here is something along the lines of what I want, although this is a steel base which I can also build but figured wood construction may be easier


10-22-2006, 07:52 AM
why dont you just build the supports out of steel and then the blind out of wood?

10-22-2006, 07:54 AM
Originally posted by red
why dont you just build the supports out of steel and then the blind out of wood?

How about I just ordered the one pictured:D

10-22-2006, 07:56 AM
My father has a VERY similar setup that you are talking about - food plots and all... :D

He is currently using some scaffold, then built on top of that. Works pretty good!

BTW, do you have a game camera in your area? If not, I'd suggest one.

10-22-2006, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
How about I just ordered the one pictured:D

Or you could just do that:blah:

10-22-2006, 08:01 AM
I have a few cameras, but havent used them this year. Ive tried to be low impact and infact today will be the first day we actually go in the woods to move a few stands around. Cody and i hunt it, but we do not walk around sight seeing:p I hunt terrain more then I do sign and I have learned just where these deer like to be regardless of a rub line or well used trail etc.

Rifle hunting for me is very simple....cover as much ground as I can from my stand. If I can see it, I can usually get a bullet in it regardless of distance:chinese:

10-22-2006, 08:03 AM
Wouldnt it figure though that the biggest rack buck I ever killed was shot when I was walking to a fancy stand...lmfao

10-22-2006, 08:11 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Pappy
If anyone is into this kind of stuff and can lend me a hand on the design Id be grateful...might even send ya some deer jerkey:devil:

I want some beef jerkey:devil: :scary:

10-22-2006, 08:20 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
I have a few cameras, but havent used them this year. Ive tried to be low impact and infact today will be the first day we actually go in the woods to move a few stands around. Cody and i hunt it, but we do not walk around sight seeing:p I hunt terrain more then I do sign and I have learned just where these deer like to be regardless of a rub line or well used trail etc.

Rifle hunting for me is very simple....cover as much ground as I can from my stand. If I can see it, I can usually get a bullet in it regardless of distance:chinese:

I was talking about an automatic game camera that you setup and only revisit once a week, if that. Its nice to see whats running around without disturbing the area. If your into trophy hunting, it helps you find who's the big guy.

10-22-2006, 10:34 AM
yep those are what I have, 3 of them. I want to upgrade to the newer digital models so there is no film processing:p

We just put up 3 new stands and movbed a few others. This is my time of year:D

10-22-2006, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
Wouldnt it figure though that the biggest rack buck I ever killed was shot when I was walking to a fancy stand...lmfao

Isn't that the way it goes.

The biggest buck I've ever shot walked right up on me. Time was short, so I was chasinga little forky over a ridge, and a HUGE buck came walking over the ridge not 60 yards from me.

My father was with me, at first he thought I shot an elk! Didn't have a huge rack on him. but even field-dressed he was over 200 lbs.

Robin Hood
10-22-2006, 05:11 PM
I managed to get my hands on AutoCAD 2007, I could try to draw up something that I think could work during my spare time. How soon do you need the plans? I could have it done in a day if you needed. Just PM me with some more details and such or if you think there's any other way to get in contact easier. I want to make it as close to your likings as possible. :D


10-22-2006, 05:14 PM
I appreciate the offer Steve! I did order that stand above:D

Hopefully it arrives with in the next week so I can get it erected and the deer used to it before rifle season kicks in

10-23-2006, 07:36 AM
Even though you ordered already.. painters scaffolding works very well. Bonus is you have scaffolding to use in the off season. And, it's very easy to tear down and transport.

When I was younger.. oh 10ish. We got a retired one that had been used for a hunting blind.. that someone put on conservation land. (Not too bright, lol). Rangers used their own game cameras to photograph the hunter climbing into it gun on back.. lol. Guess he would be considered a poacher, since he was in a wild life preserve.. lol.

We knew some of the park rangers, so we got it to use as a Fort behind my parents house in the woods.. lol. ;)

The thing was very sturdy.. and would be very easy to build. Tore it down several times to paint the house.. lol.

10-23-2006, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by Pappy
Wouldnt it figure though that the biggest rack buck I ever killed was shot when I was walking to a fancy stand...lmfao

nice buck pappy i wish i have shot something that big

10-28-2006, 05:50 AM
The stand has arrived, looks like alot to assemble. i doubt I can do it this weekend because they are calling for some serious wind again here today and tonight(i would hate to see it destroyed before i had it anchored)

10-28-2006, 06:27 AM
I just read the post Pappy.

Not that it would be much help now, but I did build a trap throwing blind that was just like what you want. It was 8"x 8' X 20' tall and looked more like a Vietnamese attack hut. It was cool. They relesed clay pigeons out of threee throwers operated by one guy and had them go over the shooters heads.

Anyway, good luck with the assembly.

Does the one you ordered get anchored in concrete?

10-28-2006, 06:56 AM
It doesnt say to anchor it in concrete, but i will be making sure it wont blow over in anything shy of a hurricane:p I may have to use my post hole digger and chain it down.

I was going to build something similiar to what you describe Rich, but I need to adjust it to the deer and the way they run the land so having one some what mobile should help over the years.

10-28-2006, 07:10 AM
Maybe make some removable "feet" out of concrete. Pour 4 slabs about 6"x24" x 24" with a receiver pipe for the legs of the hut you bought. Drill holes for bolts to hold the legs to the feet and you can have the stability and weight of concrete and still be mobile.

10-29-2006, 05:50 PM
where did you order yours from? How much?

10-29-2006, 05:51 PM
with freight it was $1700

i got it out of the boxes...if the wind stops i will start erecting it this week

10-29-2006, 05:58 PM

LMAO deer season is so much fun!! i went last year but didnt see a damn thing and then as we drove away from our spot there was a whole heard in the feild across from ours!!!

How tall is that stand? from the pics it look as tall as the trees

10-29-2006, 06:00 PM
It is 15 ' to the platform, and the box is 6'3 stall, so a shade over 20

Ive already put meat in the freezer, but havent seen jack in a week now. the weather has been nasty, so this week should bring the rut in but warm weather may keep them active at night. no worries, i tend to find them no matter where they may get to

10-29-2006, 06:24 PM
would be nice if we were all that lucky