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View Full Version : Who still has their appendix?

10-21-2006, 12:07 PM
I just got mine taken out. I hope for everyone that still has it that it never ruptures on them. I'm in the most pain of my life and I can't do jack squat....not even just put around on my quad. As a result of it, I'm trying to recover from pneumonia which makes breathing a chore. It's weird....now whenever I look at a stranger I wonder if they've still got an appendix or not.:p

As far as I'm concerned right now, there's two groups of people in the world: Those who still got it, and those who dont.

So who all doesn't?

10-21-2006, 01:34 PM
Mine got enflamed 3 years ago and I can still remember it now. It started hurting at 6 A.M. and I didn't get to the doctor until 10 P.M. I didn't eat all day and thank god for that. First question they asked was if I ate anything and I said no. They would have had to tube and clean me. :( The doctor said I was about an hour or two from mine rupturing so I was relieved until my old priest showed up and had a prayer with me and asked the question "What would have had happened if you hadn't had medical help in your area? You probably would have died." I don't think I've ever been that happy in my life since.

10-21-2006, 01:40 PM
Appendix from hell

I woke up one morning and was sick. Threw up blood on the way to work and passed out as i walked through the office door.

I woke up minutes before surgery and they told me it was my appendix.

Woke up again during surgery, strangled the gaspasser, ripped every muscle in my stomach as they had me wide open at that point.

3 days after the surgery they informed me it wasnt my appendix but epstiens bah virus

10-21-2006, 01:48 PM
I was 9 years old. My sister was fighting with me. She kicked me in the nards. I went down at around noon or so. My mom didn't get off work until 7or so. I was laying on the ground moaning and groaning. My mom finally took me to the ER late that night. I still remember Paul Harvey on the radio. I went in and the doctor lubed his finger and did the ol poop chute check. He put me on a gurney and rolled me into surgery right there. My apendix ruptured on the operating table. My mom really layed into my sister after that. My sister never kicked me in the nards again. Of course my apendix was already infected and it wasn't really her fault, and maybe she actually saved my life by doing it. And Now you know......THE REST OF THE STORY.
The younger folks on this forum won't get that last part probably.

10-21-2006, 01:48 PM
Yikes that sounds rough ^. I got mine removed in 3rd grade. I woke up at like 4am and I was in some serious pain. Started throwing up everywhere. Went to the hospital and had it removed later that night.

10-21-2006, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by joker11
And Now you know......THE REST OF THE STORY.

Lol, okay Mr. Harvey. I love that guy.

Mine was strange, I have no idea how long it was ruptured cause I had this horrible stomach ache for a week and I didn't eat anything for a week either. Then it felt a lot better after I saw the doctor and he said it was probably just a stomach flu, and the next morning I woke up, went to the bathroom and hit the floor. I was like a fish out of water....it sucked...went to the e.r. and had a catscan and then they took it out right after. I actually yelled at the e.r. doctor because he fugin around asking some nurse about her weekend or something....I was like...."Shut up and give me some pain pills!":mad: