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10-16-2006, 03:34 PM
Ok I understand that sandbagging is when say an A class racer drops down to C Class just so he can dominate and win but why do they call that sandbagging i don't get it.

10-16-2006, 03:42 PM
Lol, Hmmmm good question..
Because the person is more talented then that. And, they can do it easy where as for example in a C class norm riders actually are working towards it. And, they just win easy...Kinda hard to explain..I guess it would be like if you had a very very nice sound competition truck and you were just entering little local sound offs and wining everything. When really you should be up in a high class truly "competing". :ermm:

10-16-2006, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by FEAR528
Lol, Hmmmm good question..
Because the person is more talented then that. And, they can do it easy where as for example in a C class norm riders actually are working towards it. And, they just win easy...Kinda hard to explain..I guess it would be like if you had a very very nice sound competition truck and you were just entering little local sound offs and wining everything. When really you should be up in a high class truly "competing". :ermm:

Silly n00b, he asked what the term "sandbagging" came from. Like why did they use sandbagging instead of fishpickle......

10-16-2006, 03:44 PM
I understand what it means but why do they call it "sandbagging"?

10-16-2006, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Shift_450R
Silly n00b, he asked what the term "sandbagging" came from. Like why did they use sandbagging instead of fishpickle......
Lmao ya thats what I want to know. "Fishpickler" would have been a better term for it imo. lol

10-16-2006, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Shift_450R
Silly n00b, he asked what the term "sandbagging" came from. Like why did they use sandbagging instead of fishpickle...... Steve don't make me explain some of your "intrestests" to the wonderful people on ATVriders. :D

10-16-2006, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by FEAR528
Steve don't make me explain some of your "intrestests" to the wonderful people on ATVriders. :D

dude, your in the same boat as me ahahh:)

10-16-2006, 04:17 PM
It could stem from when car racers would put sand in the frames of thier cars. after they went over the scales they would release a trap door and let out the sand onto the track slowly. it would make the car alot lighter and faster.

10-16-2006, 04:24 PM
Thanks I was just curious.

10-16-2006, 04:34 PM
Sand bags are meant to hold things back .... therefore when a racer is sandbagging , it means he or she is holding themselves back .

The term mainly comes from the drag racing scene where a racer will sandbag and put their dial-in time slower than their car can actually go , so basically all they really have to do is keep an eye on the other racer and cross the finish line just before they do ( still having more power if needed) .

10-16-2006, 04:44 PM
Found this on the web and copied and pasted here:

First, the word doesn't derive from the type of sand bags we're all familiar with. It's not the defensive sand bags - those used for flood control, lining foxholes, and so on - but the offensive sand bags that give us the word "sandbagger."

Gangs and street toughs of the 19th century used sand bags as a weapon of choice. Take a sock or small bag, fill it with sand, wrap it tightly, and wail away on someone (well, don't actually wail away on someone, but imagine that you are) and you'll see how effective a weapon a small sand bag can be.

Gang members used such weapons to intimidate their foes or average citizens. To threaten and bully the populace.

This definition of sandbagger - a person who uses a sand bag as a weapon - can still be found in many dictionaries; it's the first definition for the word in most older dictionaries

10-16-2006, 04:56 PM
Found this too:
Those of us who grew up in the mean alleys and smoky dives of the Brooklyn waterfront know that a sock or small bag filled with sand makes a fearsome weapon, all the better because it leaves no marks. Thus the verb "to sandbag," which since around 1887 has meant "to fell with a blow from a sandbag," or just generally "to bully or intimidate."

The specific "hang back" or "slack off" sense of "sandbag" you're wondering about comes from poker, where it originally described a player who held off raising the stakes in order to lull the other players into a false sense of security. The poker sandbagger would pounce late in the game, clobbering the other players with his good hand. More generally, "sandbag" has come to mean "to under perform any task in order to gain some advantage."

10-16-2006, 06:16 PM
Oh shut up Howie ... what do you know ?? :blah: :D

Don't listen to SGA ..... sandbagging comes from sandbags ... you know .... they hold things back . :devil: