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10-15-2006, 06:38 PM
any one lift wights how old are you and how much can you binch no lies

18 years old
binch 200lbs

10-15-2006, 06:41 PM
Bench is a worthless lift, but I can get 175 one time, and i'm 16 years old.

10-15-2006, 06:46 PM
14 years old
140 lbs.

bench is useless...my workout is racing!:blah:

10-15-2006, 06:48 PM
just because you can bench alot of weight doesnt mean you are strong. there are alot of other aspects to lifting and many more muscles that come into play.

that besides the point,
17 years old
185lbs max (im a smaller guy at 132lbs)

10-15-2006, 06:51 PM
i havnt maxed out in a while but i do 10 reps at 205 then 10 at 215 and another 10 at 225 but i usually come up a couple reps short on the last set then when i get all 10 i move up another 10 pounds.

Ruby Soho
10-15-2006, 06:53 PM
i honestly have no idea haha.

my friend can get 200 though. hes 14.

hes a giant though haha

10-15-2006, 07:04 PM
I just started basically..Im really a fan of Cleans..195 is my current max..:D

10-15-2006, 07:06 PM
what about curling and benching how much can you do

18 years old
bench 200lbs
curl 60lbs

10-15-2006, 08:33 PM
i can curl 150lbs. i hate bench pressing.

10-15-2006, 09:21 PM
havent a clue.

How about hauling concrete forms out of the hole all day.\

Imo, indurance is more important than strength. so if you cant beat the kid up at least you can run away faster.:cool:

10-15-2006, 11:29 PM
Last time I worked out I benched 230lbs twice squated 375 once and deadlifted 515lbs.

10-16-2006, 10:23 AM
working out= too much work:o

10-16-2006, 10:58 AM
I remember the last post about this. People love making stuff up.

10-16-2006, 11:29 AM
bench = 315
squat = 375
dl = 405

you dont have to believe me though

10-16-2006, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by kmkm
any one lift wights how old are you and how much can you binch no lies

18 years old
binch 200lbs

what are "wights" and what is "binch"

10-16-2006, 04:43 PM
theres aways a ***** in the crowd arnt thay

10-16-2006, 04:55 PM
i havnt lifted in a long time...ot dont reallly hatter how strong you are, i learned the hard way, but my peak was about 265 when i was 17 and i weighed about 155

10-16-2006, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by Honda#4
i can curl 150lbs. i hate bench pressing.

dude.. make some kinda video of u curlin 150.. until then ur totally fool of it.. I've been liftin for bout 4 years now.. and I take 3 supplements from GNC.. Pump Fuel, Cellular Mass, and Aresenal-x.. and I am 6'1 205.. and i can only curl about 115 on a good day.. most days i struggle doin 100.. anyways...

17 years old..
bench- 290
curl- around 105
deadlift- rougly 390 give or take a few..

and by the way.. for everyone who says they can max out... maxing out is 3 times.. not once, technically if you can bench something 1 time its not even considered a bench.... I was being looked at by some colleges for football... small colleges.. (Pitt State, Central Missouri, and Lindenwood University) and i said my max was 350 and they brought me in the weight room and I could only do it once and they had me do the most weight I could do 3 times..

10-16-2006, 05:27 PM
im more into the endurance part of working out...i hardly ever get arm pump or tired

16 years old
i weigh 125
bench- 140
never max curled but prolly like 55 or 60 cuz i can curl 45 10 times easy
1 mile run- 6min15sec

10-16-2006, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by Honda86
i havnt lifted in a long time...ot dont reallly hatter how strong you are, i learned the hard way, but my peak was about 265 when i was 17 and i weighed about 155

You can bench 110lbs more than you weigh. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-16-2006, 06:11 PM
during my peak yes i could....i know alot of guys that ca bench twice their weight...

and i alwasy thought max was 1 rep...thats how it was at my high school powerlifting events

10-16-2006, 06:40 PM
curls do nothing but shorten your arms. No no problem with having big bicepts, but you need to work your entire upper body to get results.
My numbers using the BFS program
16 years old 170lbs
Bench: 235
Clean: 205
Squat: 275 (hamstring injury)

10-16-2006, 06:55 PM
15 yearls old and weigh 175

bench: 200 lbs
squat: 250lbs

everything else i suck at other than curls

10-16-2006, 06:59 PM
i just turned 16, im 5'4 1/2" and i weight approx 124-127 pounds

max bench (2 reps): 160
box squat (5 boxes, which is parrell to the ground, but its there so i know when to stop): 257 1/2
clean (3 reps): 175

i love working out, it makes me huge :D

10-16-2006, 07:01 PM
Ah I love coming here and reading all the misconceptions of weight lifting. Lets break a few down shall we:

you need to work your entire upper body to get results

Sure....to look the like guy on the red stripe commercial! Actually, by doing a lower body workout and excersising the biggest muscles in your body, it will allow your entire body to adapt more to lifting weights.

You can bench 110lbs more than you weigh.

Lots of guys can. With hard work and dedication anything is possible.

for everyone who says they can max out... maxing out is 3 times.. not once

You can max out however many times you want. A 1 RM for a max is exactly that, one rep max. You can have a 3 RM, 5 RM, **** go crazy do a 10 RM.

10-16-2006, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by xtremefullbore

and by the way.. for everyone who says they can max out... maxing out is 3 times.. not once, technically if you can bench something 1 time its not even considered a bench.... I was being looked at by some colleges for football... small colleges.. (Pitt State, Central Missouri, and Lindenwood University) and i said my max was 350 and they brought me in the weight room and I could only do it once and they had me do the most weight I could do 3 times..

im glad that you and the small school you went to are the worldwide technical and official standard...

10-16-2006, 11:27 PM
when i was in highschool, and in football, i was 165 and benched 290. never maxed at curls, but did 80lbs three sets of ten.

10-16-2006, 11:31 PM
Last time I tested my max was 12 years ago, and I put up 225lbs. Now, at 30 years old I'm playing around in the weight room again, and I don't even think I can push up 185.

I was the squat master. At a measly 152lbs, I was able to squat 450lbs.

10-16-2006, 11:40 PM
last time i checked i was curling two 18 packs of bud light "bottles" and benchin a pony keg.......

ok seriously

im 26 work out 3 times a week with free weights
6'1 210

i work out with 190lbs 3 sets of 10 flat/decline/incline on bench pressing

i curl 45lb barbells that i absolutely hate...(they kill me)

the most ive ever attempted on benching was like 295 and i did it once and couldnt see for like an hour lol

ill stick to the small stuff

yall be careful though dont strain a nut :D

10-17-2006, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Last time I tested my max was 12 years ago, and I put up 225lbs. Now, at 30 years old I'm playing around in the weight room again, and I don't even think I can push up 185.

I was the squat master. At a measly 152lbs, I was able to squat 450lbs.

im with ya wilkin... my bench was not bad at all, but i once was the squat king, and now im the squat jester... i still hold squat records in 3 different weight classes at my school, but now i wouldnt venture to get underneath a bar with half the weight i used to put up, in fear of blowing out a knee...

now just an old has been... i need shoulder surgery but the doc wants to wait a few years, so cant bench, and if i do squats with just 45s on my knees just ache... its just cardio, auxilary lifts, and i play basketball twice a week for 3 hours... that and city league softball and football teams... just enough to keep trim and keep my weight down for racing the hill

thats one thing for these younger guys to keep in mind... yah its all good and well when youre young to beat on your body, but it is likely you will pay for it later on in life... if i was to do it over again, i dont think i would work out with more than 225 on squat... i would do a lot of repetition, but not a lot of weight...

10-17-2006, 12:11 AM
I am only 21 and already am acheing. :(

I have a steel plate in my arm. Alwasy hurts.
My thumb has been dislocated and it is bothering me.
Both knees have ben twited and now they pop in and out sometimes.

I wake up evermorning and it feels like I can not move, My back feels like its gonna blow to pieces.

Grrr I am gonna hate it when I get older

10-17-2006, 08:20 AM
Im 18, 210lbs, 5'11'. I really only maxed once and it was at 290 but I'm sure I can get more. I usually rep 225 a consistant 8-10 times. My squats are not so good due to my lower back problems but I can still get 350 twice. My curls are up to 145 on a preacher curl.

10-17-2006, 08:52 AM
bench press 325
curls with straight bar 145
5'10" 195lbs!

10-17-2006, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by kmkm
theres aways a ***** in the crowd arnt thay

When you spell words incorrectly it makes you look like a little kid. Thats what that guy was trying to point out.

10-17-2006, 09:17 AM
19, i weigh 126 pounds and i havent benched in a while but i can probaly do 100 :macho :ermm:

10-17-2006, 09:42 AM
heres the numbers boys,,,read em and weap.........lots of hard work to get these babies......



deadlift................. 625




my last deadlift resulted in the crushing of my bottom 3 disks.....and for the person who said be careful, you can blow a nut.........you can lol, its happened to me........and theres nothing scarier that maxing out your deadlift, and your eyes blur out, and your nose starts bleeding......be careful you can only make yourself so strong, before it weakens your body....

10-17-2006, 03:01 PM
Last time i benched was about a month ago in school and was doing 245Lbs. I am 17 right now, last year in gym class i was hack squating 500Lbs, another friend of mine was doing it as well. We were seeing how high we can go with doing a minimum of 5.

10-17-2006, 03:06 PM
16 years old
190 pounds
135 benched last nite.

10-17-2006, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by derekhonda
Ah I love coming here and reading all the misconceptions of weight lifting. Lets break a few down shall we:

Sure....to look the like guy on the red stripe commercial! Actually, by doing a lower body workout and excersising the biggest muscles in your body, it will allow your entire body to adapt more to lifting weights.

i agree completely. I do lower body work outs 5 days a week consisting of lifting, stretching, speed training; the BFS program. What i was saying is people expect to get results by doing curls and benching. You do have to work your entire body to be like mr. bowflex. Thank you for clearing things up.

10-17-2006, 08:47 PM
16 years old 145 pounds

bench 245
squat 335

10-17-2006, 09:54 PM
well i guess just about everybody is stronger than me. im 16, 180lbs and last time i benched i did 135 and curled 60lbs. i havent been in the gym in about 3 months because i have been playing waterpolo which has really helped condition my body.

10-17-2006, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by Hondadudeehhhh
i agree completely. I do lower body work outs 5 days a week consisting of lifting, stretching, speed training; the BFS program. What i was saying is people expect to get results by doing curls and benching. You do have to work your entire body to be like mr. bowflex. Thank you for clearing things up.

Ah I see what you are saying. Yeah, I hit the gym up just about everyday of the week, and I see the same guys doing two things...bench and curls. Makes me laugh....

10-18-2006, 12:38 PM
Back when I was a senior 17 years old.

Bench 205
D. Lift 405
Squat 445

I got 4th in Oklahoma in the squat in my weight class. 156 lbs

10-18-2006, 01:16 PM
There is so much bullcrap in this thread it isnt even funny. You youngin's think you can bench over 200, when you weigh 130-150 pounds. I call BS on that, ive been working out since i was 14 and im just starting to bench in the 200's and I weigh 175pds, so just man up and tell the truth, cause half of you are exagerating just abit. Lets see pics if you want to prove it.

10-18-2006, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by shano
There is so much bullcrap in this thread it isnt even funny. You youngin's think you can bench over 200, when you weigh 130-150 pounds. I call BS on that, ive been working out since i was 14 and im just starting to bench in the 200's and I weigh 175pds, so just man up and tell the truth, cause half of you are exagerating just abit. Lets see pics if you want to prove it.

same thing I thougt. I will need to see proof of a kid that weighs 145 benching 235.

10-18-2006, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by shano
There is so much bullcrap in this thread it isnt even funny. You youngin's think you can bench over 200, when you weigh 130-150 pounds. I call BS on that, ive been working out since i was 14 and im just starting to bench in the 200's and I weigh 175pds, so just man up and tell the truth, cause half of you are exagerating just abit. Lets see pics if you want to prove it.

I think its possible
I know its not in your weight category but I'm around 155-160 pounds and i can bench over 200. How many times are you talking about?

10-18-2006, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Nick110
same thing I thougt. I will need to see proof of a kid that weighs 145 benching 235.

I don't know why you guys are so caught up in all of this, if they lie...thats pathetic, just let them be that way.

I've witnesses a kid who was about 135 put up over twice his weight...and I've seen a 40 year old 200 pounder put up 450, stranger things have happened.

10-18-2006, 07:25 PM
i'm 18

havent lifted regularly for over a year

current bench max about 220

what i did on box squat before 515

dead lift 425

and on the topic of the kids "lying" about what they can lift, i know a kid whos 17 weighs about 165 and can bench around the 300 mark, he was benching 250 when he was sixteen (lots and lots of supplements... no steroids... and lots of hard work)

on that note Mad Mike and me were talking about lifting when i was at guetters and he said he was benching 250 in tenth grade.

10-18-2006, 07:45 PM
tons of people can bench 100 pounds or more then what they weigh....i used ot bench over 100 pounds more then i weigh, i havnt lifted regularly in over a year and i could still put up 220+ and i weigh 155 my highest peak ever was 265....it isnt nothing crazy....a friend of mine weighs 160 and was putting up 320...yes i saw it with my own eyes, hes an amature body builder and hes 17....it just takes hard work and commitment....and i lost both :p

tons of people bench 500+ it isnt nothing abnormal about it....just takes hard work....

just like some people that dont know much about ATVs couldnt beelvie that we all can ride on our side 2 tires for as long as we want...

10-18-2006, 08:22 PM
I know a guy at my gym back in my hometown, he's been liftin for something like 8 years. He said he started at around 165, and has put on 100 lbs since then. I've seen him bench 405 7x. Takes a lot of hard work and a ton of food.

I've been lifting off and on for a while, just have to keep at it.

10-18-2006, 08:51 PM
About the benching.. it is very possible to put up 250 when you only weigh 160, everyone is different, I cant bench for anything, my max was 3 years ago in HS and i hit 205, and i weigh 185 then and now, and now i prob couldnt even do 190 but im getting back into the gym... But when my dad was 18 at 185lbs he was puttin up over 325 on the bench, no hes not lying because he still can today and he is in worse shape than then... all in all it comes down to how you are "made", ive seen people skinnier than me put up way more on bench than i can, but take me to tricep presses i have yet to see anyone who can outdue me that isnt gigantic, i do reps over my body weight no problem on those, but yet i cant bench, like ive said twice already its how your built, each person is different(did i get that point accross yet? lol)

10-18-2006, 09:02 PM
I used to work out a little bit last year, I am about 140 lbs and i could bench about 200 for 3 reps and i was decent will all of the other exercises. but i was talking to a bunch of guys that race ALL of the time and they told me that for racing you want to lift lower weights and higher reps to create lean muscle instead of being all bulky and stuff. they said that when your real big you just get tired faster. any of this make sense? maybe they were just blowin smoke up my a** but it seems to make sense to me.

10-18-2006, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by RacinMason_690
I used to work out a little bit last year, I am about 140 lbs and i could bench about 200 for 3 reps and i was decent will all of the other exercises. but i was talking to a bunch of guys that race ALL of the time and they told me that for racing you want to lift lower weights and higher reps to create lean muscle instead of being all bulky and stuff. they said that when your real big you just get tired faster. any of this make sense? maybe they were just blowin smoke up my a** but it seems to make sense to me.

i beleive that...i weigh 120 and can max bench about 140 but on my every day workout i bench 100lbs 15reps straight then do the rest of my work out then i do everything all over again 4 times...and im not big at all but i hardly ever get arm pump or tired while riding...and i ride 2 30 min motos everyday too along with a 45min-1hr long workout

10-19-2006, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by shano
There is so much bullcrap in this thread it isnt even funny. You youngin's think you can bench over 200, when you weigh 130-150 pounds. I call BS on that, ive been working out since i was 14 and im just starting to bench in the 200's and I weigh 175pds, so just man up and tell the truth, cause half of you are exagerating just abit. Lets see pics if you want to prove it.

although i agree with you that there is a large amount of BS in this thread, your basis isnt exactly sound... i am not one of the younger guys and its been years since ive lifted weights or been a teenage... however, in 9th grade i wrestled 135s, and we had a 200 lb club at my jr high, and i hit 200lbs in may of my freshman year... i couldnt tell ya exactly what i weighed, but i usually had to cut a couple pounds to make weight, and wasnt in wrestling shape in may, so i would venture to say i was in the 145-150 range... i wasnt much more than that at the end of my sophmore year when i was benching 240... actually i know for sure i was under 160, as i broke the school record for the 160 lb weight class for squats in may of my sophmore year...

so yah, i completely agree with you that there is a large amount of BS in these threads... although these numbers are feasible, they are for the very top percentile, ands its "interesting" how the top percentile of the nation just happens to all be on this web site...

10-19-2006, 08:25 AM
What you weight has nothing to do with how much you bench. I weighed 170 or so my senior year of high school and benched 300lbs. I bench over 400 now but weigh around 200lbs. I curl 100 lbs with a straight bar 3 sets of 10 and have no idea what I squat as I do that on a leg press machine.

10-19-2006, 10:39 AM
to all the people that are calling bs, how do you know everything, i was 185 benching over 300 my freshman year of highschool. i maxed out at just shy of 400 by junior year and haven't done it much since then. i leg pressed 1100lbs my junior year. if you want to call bs on me i don't have picture proof cause that was 6 years ago. but if you want to go to my highschool my name is still up on the wall.

to the kid that said a max is 3 reps. get your info straight or keep your mouth shut!!! just cause colleges need you to do 3 doesn't mean that is the standard. in organized lifting a sucessful lift is ONE full rep. they prolly had you do 3 just so they could see your stamina not your peak.

this is a worthless thread. people are going to lie, get over it. people lie all the time. i would guess about 50% of these numbers are true. 25% of them are a lil exaggerated and the rest are just total bs. so if you cant handel that just leave. pretty freaking simple. haha. :confused:

10-19-2006, 02:50 PM
I would like to see pictures of people claiming 400 lbs bench though. Not necessarily a picture of you benching it, just a riding picture or an everyday picture, that would probably be enough to tell.

10-19-2006, 02:53 PM
400lbs thats quite a bit. i used to lift weights some but i havent in awhile. i never tried to max out though, i just power lifted to increase size. this one time i was in there lifting this korean guy came in and cruled 80lbs with one hand. on a normal day in the gym, that is a site to see.

and you guys want to talk about lifting, did you know that brock lesnar can bench press 600lbs...wewww..

i need to start lifting again though, damn potato chips, and soda ..lol .

10-19-2006, 03:05 PM
I am 29 and I have been lifting straight for 8yrs. My max bench over the summer when I was on creatine was 325. I max benched the other day and right now I am at 315. I weigh 195lbs! My friend who is 175lbs can bench 385. It takes a long time and lots of training to see guys benching over 400lbs. unless they are juicing!

10-20-2006, 07:56 AM
never juiced. cause that is just stupid.

i am 6-4 320...when i did almost 400..i think it was like 385-390 i was 285. i have packed on a few pounds. haha. there is no way i could do that right now. i put up 275 last nigt at the gym. but that is what happens when you take 5 years off of serious lifting to just lifting 20 days a year. haha.

10-20-2006, 10:22 AM
i dont lift any weights all i do is constrcution and basements and im 6'1''

..187 not fat not skinny but not really muscular all i have now is like a 4 pack :( i guess all my strength is all im my back bending to pick up things left and right

10-20-2006, 10:46 AM
i just started weight lifting and i can bench 135. im 14 yrs. old 5'7 and 150 lbs

10-20-2006, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by shano
There is so much bullcrap in this thread it isnt even funny. You youngin's think you can bench over 200, when you weigh 130-150 pounds. I call BS on that, ive been working out since i was 14 and im just starting to bench in the 200's and I weigh 175pds, so just man up and tell the truth, cause half of you are exagerating just abit. Lets see pics if you want to prove it.

your an idiot

i know a guy that weighs 160 and is benchin 300+

10-21-2006, 11:56 AM
Whoever said your weight has nothing to do with your bench..stop posting.

10-21-2006, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
your an idiot

i know a guy that weighs 160 and is benchin 300+

No your idiot, just because you "know" a guy... I "know" someone that can punch through a steel wall.. His name is superman. Untill I see pictures of there 160 pound people benching 300+, Im not a beleiver... The strongest guy in my school is about 215pounds and powerlifts 3-4 times a week with creatine and is benching 295 MAX... Out of my whole school, only about 10-15 people can bench over 200...

10-21-2006, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by shano
No your idiot, just because you "know" a guy... I "know" someone that can punch through a steel wall.. His name is superman. Untill I see pictures of there 160 pound people benching 300+, Im not a beleiver... The strongest guy in my school is about 215pounds and powerlifts 3-4 times a week with creatine and is benching 295 MAX... Out of my whole school, only about 10-15 people can bench over 200...

The 160lbs American record as of 09/23/2006 is Larry Miller with a bench of 529.00lbs. He actually was at 165.25 lbs body weight, but close enough. I have never seen a baby pigeon, but that does not mean they don't exist....

The strongest RAW bench ever was Scot Mendelson at 715lbs. He also holds the world Record With A Bench Press Shirt at 1008lbs set on 02/18/06

10-21-2006, 05:49 PM
When discussing strength, PATIENCE. Years of hard work will pay off with bigger numbers.
IMO is isn't the weight, it is the percentage.
Age 28
6'1" 180lb
Bench 350 for 3 this week
Behind the head shoulder press - 225 for 7.
Believe it or not.
I've been lifting for 9 years. This is about all my body is capable of w/out illegal drugs.