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View Full Version : HMF with Quiet Core

10-15-2006, 12:26 PM
sorry fellas, I know this topic has had the dog **** beat out of it, but I'm a bit concerned with my pipe of choice. I purchased the HMF full a while back and now I'm a bit concerned with the db level of the pipe. (LOOUUDDD). A quiet core is on the way and I was just wondering, has anybody rode on public land passing the db test with this pipe and core?? I don't want to make a two hour trip to ride and fail the db test. Thanks

10-15-2006, 12:29 PM
I've never taken a Db test with mine so i woulnd't know, i'd assume the full is too loud.

10-15-2006, 12:46 PM
i was in ur boat the core helps out atone!

10-15-2006, 01:26 PM
The HMF slip on is loud, with the QC its not as loud..
BUT you got the full system... QC will quiet it down but probally not that much... Its still gonna be crazy louder than stock.

10-15-2006, 01:46 PM
im looking for a new pipe and cant decide which to get.i want a full system anyone have any suggestion on which to get. i have tryed to look up other treads but most prople want the loudest pipe they can get.i had a white bros on my 300 and after a long ride it drove me nuts.i ride woods no tracks i want some preformance without ears plitting db's any help would be appriciated.i ride a 05 400ex

10-15-2006, 02:32 PM
Although its off topic I will give my two cents. I had a Powercore 4 and the sound was great but the performance was minimal. I went with the HMF full because it is highly recommended by the riders on here, and a high comp piston and cam are on the list this winter. I ride trails and a scramble every now and then. You will (9 times out of 10) will have to sacrifice db's for performance, but a long story short. HMF!!!!

I'm on pins and needles because of the noise and I haven't even had this pipe in the dirt yet, just in the garage. Anybody been in a park with this setup. And thanks for the responses.

10-18-2006, 12:23 PM
I have the HMF Balance pro slip on, and my friends and I always ride state land. The Michigan DNR has never stopped any of us for a Db test. I've only been stopped one time ever, and that was just to make sure I had a spark arrestor and an ORV sticker.

10-18-2006, 12:31 PM
i have a HMF full system w/ the quiet cor and it makes is ALOT quieter. i think its like 96db

10-18-2006, 01:52 PM
I just got the core installed, and I am actually surprised by the amount that it lowered the volume. Although it sorta sounds crappy now, it may be close on the db test, IF, I am ever on the spot. Thanks