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yfz stealer
10-15-2006, 03:05 AM
well i have a 2003 warrior and i havent rided it for about two mouths and just today i want to go start it
idles just fine but once you give it gas it like pops,pops,pops and if you give it full gas it will just die
now i have a pipe,kn filter,and dyno jets here what i do get it the last time i went riding it was fine and i have had this same setup for more then a year and never had problemes iam guess its too rich ethier the mainjet or needle? OR what do you guys think????

10-15-2006, 05:45 AM
drain the bowl on the carb and check the filter. SOunds like you got water in the system.

10-15-2006, 05:53 AM
sounds like ur choke could be on.

10-15-2006, 05:57 AM
It's rather difficult to diagnose a "it like pops,pops,pops", I don't know if you're describing a rich or a lean condition.

However, I know two things that could cause exactly what you describe.

First, check your main jet. If it came loose and fell out, this could be your cause. Your quad runs fine on the idle circuits and pilot jet, but as soon as you start working on the main circuit and main jet, it doesn't run because your main jet isn't properly installed.

The other cause is similar. Check your needle clip. If your needle clip came loose, you would run fine on the idle circuit just like above, but it dies as soon as it starts working on the main circuit and the needle.

Each of these should be easy to spot and fix if you know how to rebuilt your carburetor.

yfz stealer
10-15-2006, 01:05 PM
i open the carb right away and every thing was fine nothing was lose but didnt think about the needle i'll check right away
as for how it sounds its really hard to tell in words it idles fines but once you get on the gas 1/4 of way i'll say it starts to pop and 3/4 of the way its dies

10-15-2006, 01:50 PM
sounds like the needles stuck open and getting waaay to much fuel for it to burn up

10-15-2006, 02:35 PM
Do you still have the parking brake on it?

The parking brakes are notorious for doing this. I suggest if you do have the PB still buy a block off plate and get rid of it altogether.

10-15-2006, 02:57 PM
take your gas cap off and smell your gas. You said a couple of months. It may have been longer than you think since you put that gas in there. If the gas is bad you will smell it. If it is bad, drain it, replace it, and you may have to clean out the main jet.
Does it run better if you leave the choke on?

yfz stealer
10-17-2006, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by pelphrey
Do you still have the parking brake on it?

The parking brakes are notorious for doing this. I suggest if you do have the PB still buy a block off plate and get rid of it altogether.
HOLY **** this was the last thing in my mind and well it was and man thanks alot guys

10-17-2006, 09:27 PM
How in the world does the parking brake make the engine pop? I am lost. Are you telling me your parking brake was holding and you didn't know it?

10-17-2006, 09:30 PM
Sounds like you got something stuck in a jet.

yfz stealer
10-18-2006, 10:12 PM
I dont know ether but once i bought my bike i took off the parking brake just the wire and the senser because i had this problem before thats why i took it off untill last mouth that i was going to sale my bike i put all my stock stuff back just the senser for some reason and and i guess it trigger something that doesnt let it work right for reason does anyone now why????

BY THE WAY if the plate of the rear brake doing have to drain the brakes or any springs gone shot out or something?????

10-19-2006, 05:42 PM
check to see if theres a mouse nest in your air box because it happens some times then things sit.

10-20-2006, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by melloyello
How in the world does the parking brake make the engine pop? I am lost. Are you telling me your parking brake was holding and you didn't know it?

Because there is a sensor going to the engine from the parking brake. And with the parking brake on the engine will idle fine, however if you begin to rev the engine the engine will start to pop. Because the parking brake is set to allow the bike to idle but this is a wonderful way to make sure you have it off when you start to ride. Bad thing is they are known for going out at one time or another.

You'll want to buy a parking brake block off plate to bolt to the rear of the quad. You can buy these on rockymounatinatv.com. I went with the tusk because it came with the rubber o-ring. It was right at 8 bucks for the block off. I don't know if anything will shoot out. But I think it would be a good idea to go ahead and buy the block off to alteast cover that up from the elements.

Glad your bike is running again. Glad I could help out.