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10-14-2006, 11:07 AM
Alright guys winter is rolling around and its getting cold outside soo im looking to my schools weightroom(if im able to work out there) or go to my local rec center and get 3 months plan ... but anways i was wondering what kinda of workout should start?? im gettin ready for track.. the running part like sprints and distance... and i was wondering when i lift should i be lifting heavy weights with my legs or light legs with alot of reps? Do i want bulk muscle or lean muscle?? i was planning on running to every other day but i need a schedule.. im planning on like 3 work outs a week or sumthin.. like one upperbody .. lower body.. then run or play basketball at the rec..soo any help woudl be great ..

sorry about the long writing just needed to explain it all! thanks alot

10-14-2006, 12:04 PM
With heavy lifting you will add bulk, and lose flexibility and tighten up your muscles. You want lean strong muscles so lighter rep, more weight is the key. Your local rec center probably has a trainer that gives you a free initial visit when you sign up. I would talk to them and see if they could outline a program for you.

10-14-2006, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Rdhanded2
With heavy lifting you will add bulk, and lose flexibility and tighten up your muscles. You want lean strong muscles so lighter rep, more weight is the key. Your local rec center probably has a trainer that gives you a free initial visit when you sign up. I would talk to them and see if they could outline a program for you.

Im pretty sure Lower rep more weight will bulk u up. I think its Higher rep less weight that gives you lean muscles. Correct me if Im wrong.

Anyways to a lot of cardio and dont work out every muscle each day, rotate it. Like lower monday, upper tuesday, core wedsday, and cardio every day.

10-14-2006, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Nick110
Im pretty sure Lower rep more weight will bulk u up. I think its Higher rep less weight that gives you lean muscles. Correct me if Im wrong.

Anyways to a lot of cardio and dont work out every muscle each day, rotate it. Like lower monday, upper tuesday, core wedsday, and cardio every day.

yup, it counterdicted myself. I meant more reps, lighter weight so that you tone not bulk.

10-14-2006, 02:09 PM
Yea definatly, dont try to max out everytime, just work out with light enough weights, stay flexible and do lots of running. Forearms are key to get rid of arm-pump. Just stay commited, eat healthy and you'll be set for next racing season.:D

10-16-2006, 12:51 AM
I always did this

Mon-upper body reps: 20> 10> 5
Tues-Lower Body reps: 20> 10> 5
Wed-Cardio RUNNNING!
Thur-upper body reps: 10> 5> 3
Fri-Lower Body reps: 10> 5> 3

10-16-2006, 11:34 AM
contrary to popular belief, you wont actually "bulk" with low rep high weight unless you eat a surplus of calories. But it sounds to me you want to do higher reps low weight, perhaps a 10-8-6 routine would work well for you. Hit your core lifts first, then isolate.