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View Full Version : Some time with the 125

10-12-2006, 07:21 PM
So now that some of you have had some time with the 125, how do you like it? I am not looking for race ready, just something that will allow my daughter to follow us around out in the dunes. Her skill is pretty good, but the suzuki lt-50 just doesn't have the power to get it done. She doesn't like to jump very much, she just loves to ride around. We have to stop periodically and give her a push up the hill because of the lack of power. I have seen the suspension set up, and she has sat on one. It seems like it would be a good set up for her size, weight, and riding style. It fits her much better than an e-ton viper or kasea skyhawk. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

predator dad
10-13-2006, 02:39 AM
I've been very pleased with mine. I think for what you want to use it for, it would be great. Just put different rear tires and air filter and you would be set.