View Full Version : pc renaw

09-04-2002, 09:22 PM
is the pc plastic renaw any good? i have a few medium deep cuts but most are just little scratches. i heard it also bubbles if you spill gas on it. is this true? i'm don't usually spill gas but no one is perfect. does the finish look nice? thanks for the help.

09-04-2002, 11:49 PM
It sucks, I tried it and it left the plastic looking worse then when I started. And No I didn't do a half *****ed job at it I worked hard for weeks.

09-05-2002, 02:50 PM
there is a review of it here in the review section. They said it worked great. and other people on here that have tryed it says its great too. this is the first guy Ive seen that said it sucks. It just takes a lot of work and you have to know how to sand real good. I am gonna but some here soon and post my results after I do it. I m pretty sure it cant make mine worst. mine look horrible.

09-05-2002, 03:43 PM
I have used it before and it is a lot of work but the results are great!

09-05-2002, 07:27 PM
the minerals(sp) in mud take off the chemical. This makes it look like crap. Thats what i heard. I have a bottle sitting at home, but I havent heard enough good things about it to try it. Dont get me wrong, i hear that it looks great when you finish it, but the minerals in mud take off the chemical. So If you ride in the dunes, go for it, but if you rip through the trails, i dont recommend it.

09-05-2002, 09:36 PM
oh well i ride at the river so its alot of sand and water and some mud. i heard that pc renaw is pretty good but there is something else that just a clear coat that you like wash your quad then dry it and spray it on and it gives it a new finish. it doesn't take out all the scratches but kinda fills them in so they aren't as noticable. has anyone else heard of this???

09-05-2002, 11:15 PM
I do ride the dunes. The dealers in my area stopped selling it cause they got so many complants. I went beyond what PC required stepping down in grit from 200-800. I also tried useing an electric sander cause I thought I wasn't getting it smouth enough. I still have the PC renew solution, I mix it with water and spray it on after washing my bike, makes it shinny:D